Name GroundStateAlgorithm
Section SCF
Type integer
A variable to set the algorithm for the ground state.
- static:
Do not change during the SCF iterations. Default for anything apart electrons.
- scf:
Self-consistent field. Default for electrons.
Name SCFCalculateDipole
Section SCF
Type logical
This variable controls whether the dipole is calculated at the
end of a self-consistent iteration. For finite systems the
default is yes. For periodic systems the default is no, unless
an electric field is being applied in a periodic direction.
The single-point Berry`s phase approximation is used for
periodic directions. Ref:
E Yaschenko, L Fu, L Resca, and R Resta, Phys. Rev. B 58, 1222-1229 (1998).
Name SCFCalculateForces
Section SCF
Type logical
This variable controls whether the forces on the ions are
calculated at the end of a self-consistent iteration. The
default is yes, unless the system only has user-defined
Name SCFCalculatePartialCharges
Section SCF
Type logical
Default no
(Experimental) This variable controls whether partial charges
are calculated at the end of a self-consistent iteration.
Name SCFCalculateStress
Section SCF
Type logical
This variable controls whether the stress on the lattice is
calculated at the end of a self-consistent iteration. The
default is no.