Name KdotPCalcSecondOrder
Section Linear Response::KdotP
Type logical
Default false
If true, calculates second-order response of wavefunctions as well as first-order response.
Note that the second derivative of the Hamiltonian is NOT included in this calculation.
This is needed for a subsequent run in CalculationMode = em_resp with EMHyperpol.
Name KdotPCalculateEffectiveMasses
Section Linear Response::KdotP
Type logical
Default true
If true, uses kdotp perturbations of ground-state wavefunctions
to calculate effective masses. It is not correct for degenerate states.
Name KdotPEta
Section Linear Response::KdotP
Type float
Default 0.0
Imaginary frequency added to Sternheimer equation which may improve convergence.
Not recommended.
Name KdotPOccupiedSolutionMethod
Section Linear Response::KdotP
Type integer
Default sternheimer_eqn
Method of calculating the contribution of the projection of the
linear-response wavefunctions in the occupied subspace.
- sternheimer_eqn:
The Sternheimer equation is solved including the occupied subspace,
to get the full linear-response wavefunctions.
- sum_over_states:
The Sternheimer equation is solved only in the unoccupied subspace,
and a sum-over-states perturbation-theory expression is used to
evaluate the contributions in the occupied subspace.
Name KdotPUseNonLocalPseudopotential
Section Linear Response::KdotP
Type logical
Default true
For testing purposes, set to false to ignore the term $-i \left[\vec{r}, V\right]$ in
the $\vec{k} \cdot \vec{p}$ perturbation, which is due to non-local pseudopotentials.
Name KdotPVelMethod
Section Linear Response::KdotP
Type integer
Default grad_vel
Method of velocity calculation.
- grad_vel:
$-i \left(\nabla + \left[r, V_{\rm nl} \right] \right)$
- hcom_vel:
As a commutator of the position operator and Hamiltonian, $-i \left[ r, H \right]$.
Name KLIPhotonCOC
Section Hamiltonian::XC
Type logical
Default .false.
Activate the center of charge translation of the electric dipole operator which should avoid the dependence of the photon KLI on an permanent dipole.
Name KPoints
Section Mesh::KPoints
Type block
This block defines an explicit set of k-points and their weights for
a periodic-system calculation. The first column is the weight
of each k-point and the following are the components of the k-point
vector. You only need to specify the components for the
periodic directions. Note that the k-points should be given in
Cartesian coordinates (not in reduced coordinates), in the units of inverse length.
The weights will be renormalized so they sum to 1 (and must be rational numbers).
For example, if you want to include only the Gamma point, you can use:
1.0 | 0 | 0 | 0
Name KPointsGrid
Section Mesh::KPoints
Type block
Default -point only
When this block is given (and the KPoints block is not present),
k-points are distributed in a uniform grid, according to a modified
version of the Monkhorst-Pack scheme. For the original MP scheme, see
James D. Pack and Hendrik J. Monkhorst,
Phys. Rev. B 13, 5188 (1976) and Phys. Rev. B 16, 1748 (1977).
The number of columns should be equal to Dimensions, but the grid and shift numbers should be 1 and zero in finite directions.
The first row of the block is a set of integers defining the number of k-points to be used along each direction in reciprocal space. The numbers refer to the whole Brillouin zone, and the actual number of k-points is usually reduced exploiting the symmetries of the system. By default the grid will always include the $\Gamma$-point.
Optional rows can be added to specify multiple shifts in the k-points (between 0.0 and 1.0), in units of the Brillouin zone divided by the number in the first row. Please note that without specifying any shift, an implicit shift of -0.5 is added for odd number of k-points, such that the Gamma point is always included.
For example, the following input samples the BZ with 100 points in the xy-plane of reciprocal space:
10 | 10 | 1
is equivalent to
10 | 10 | 1
0 | 0 | -0.5
Name KPointsPath
Section Mesh::KPoints
Type block
When this block is given, k-points are generated along a path
defined by the points of the list.
The points must be given in reduced coordinates.
The first row of the block is a set of integers defining the number of k-points for each segments of the path. The number of columns should be equal to Dimensions, and the k-points coordinate should be zero in finite directions.
For example, the following input samples the BZ with 15 points:
10 | 5
0 | 0 | 0
0.5 | 0 | 0
0.5 | 0.5 | 0.5
Name KPointsReduced
Section Mesh::KPoints
Type block
Same as the block KPoints but this time the input is given in reduced
coordinates, i.e.
what Octopus writes in a line in the ground-state standard output as
#k = 1, k = ( 0.154000, 0.154000, 0.154000).
Name KPointsUseSymmetries
Section Mesh::KPoints
Type logical
Default no
This variable defines whether symmetries are taken into account
or not for the choice of k-points. If it is set to no, the k-point
sampling will range over the full Brillouin zone.
When a perturbation is applied to the system, the full symmetries of the system cannot be used. In this case you must not use symmetries or use the SymmetryBreakDir to tell Octopus the direction of the perturbation (for the moment this has to be done by hand by the user, in the future it will be automatic).
Name KPointsUseTimeReversal
Section Mesh::KPoints
Type logical
If symmetries are used to reduce the number of k-points,
this variable defines whether time-reversal symmetry is taken
into account or not. If it is set to no, the k-point
sampling will not be reduced according to time-reversal
The default is yes, unless symmetries are broken in one direction by the SymmetryBreakDir block.
Warning: For time propagation runs with an external field, time-reversal symmetry should not be used.
Name KSInversionAsymptotics
Section Calculation Modes::Invert KS
Type integer
Default xc_asymptotics_none
Asymptotic correction applied to $v_{xc}$.
- xc_asymptotics_none:
Do not apply any correction in the asymptotic region.
- xc_asymptotics_sc:
Applies the soft-Coulomb decay of $-1/\sqrt{r^2+1}$ to $v_{xc}$ in the asymptotic region.
Name KSInversionLevel
Section Calculation Modes::Invert KS
Type integer
Default ks_inversion_adiabatic
At what level Octopus shall handle the KS inversion.
- ks_inversion_none:
Do not compute KS inversion.
- ks_inversion_adiabatic:
Compute exact adiabatic $v_{xc}$.