Navigation : Manual Input Variables - Atomic Orbitals - Calculation Modes - ClassicalParticles - DFTBPlusInterface - Execution - Hamiltonian - Linear Response - Math - Maxwell - Mesh - Output -- BerkeleyGW -- BandStructureComputeProjections -- CurrentThroughPlane -- DOSComputePDOS -- DOSEnergyMax -- DOSEnergyMin -- DOSEnergyPoints -- DOSGamma -- ELFWithCurrentTerm -- LDOSEnergies -- LinearMediumOutput -- LinearMediumOutputDir -- LocalMagneticMomentsSphereRadius -- MaxwellOutput -- MaxwellOutputInterval -- MaxwellOutputIterDir -- MomentumTransfer -- Output -- OutputDuringSCF -- OutputFormat -- OutputInterval -- OutputIterDir -- OutputMatrixElements -- OutputMEEnd -- OutputMEMultipoles -- OutputMEStart -- OutputWfsNumber - SCF - States - System - Time-Dependent - Utilities - Alphabetic Index Tutorials Developers Releases LinearMediumOutputDir A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X LinearMediumOutputDir Section Output Type string Default “output_iter” The name of the directory where Octopus stores the information about the linear medium system, as required by the LinearMediumOutput variable. Source information output/output_linear_medium.F90 : 95 call parse_variable(namespace, 'LinearMediumOutputDir', "static", outp%iter_dir)