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Section Hamiltonian::XC
Type integer
Default interaction_soft_coulomb
When running in 1D, one has to soften the Coulomb interaction. This softening
is not unique, and several possibilities exist in the literature.
- interaction_exp_screened:
Exponentially screened Coulomb interaction.
See, e.g., M Casula, S Sorella, and G Senatore, Phys. Rev. B 74, 245427 (2006).
- interaction_soft_coulomb:
Soft Coulomb interaction of the form $1/\sqrt{x^2 + \alpha^2}$.
Source information
xc/xc_functional.F90 : 273
call parse_variable(namespace, 'Interaction1D', OPTION__INTERACTION1D__INTERACTION_SOFT_COULOMB, interact_1d)