Name ACBN0IntersiteCutoff
Section Hamiltonian::DFT+U
Type float
The cutoff radius defining the maximal intersite distance considered.
Only available with ACBN0 functional with intersite interaction.
Name ACBN0IntersiteInteraction
Section Hamiltonian::DFT+U
Type logical
Default no
If set to yes, Octopus will determine the effective intersite interaction V
Only available with ACBN0 functional.
It is strongly recommended to set AOLoewdin=yes when using the option.
Name ACBN0RotationallyInvariant
Section Hamiltonian::DFT+U
Type logical
If set to yes, Octopus will use for U and J a formula which is rotationally invariant.
This is different from the original formula for U and J.
This is activated by default, except in the case of spinors, as this is not yet implemented in this case.
Name ACBN0Screening
Section Hamiltonian::DFT+U
Type float
Default 1.0
If set to 0, no screening will be included in the ACBN0 functional, and the U
will be estimated from bare Hartree-Fock. If set to 1 (default), the full screening
of the U, as defined in the ACBN0 functional, is used.
Name DFTUBasisFromStates
Section Hamiltonian::DFT+U
Type logical
Default no
If set to yes, Octopus will construct the localized basis from
user-defined states. The states are taken at the Gamma point (or the first k-point of the
states in the restart_proj folder.
The states are defined via the block DFTUBasisStates
Name DFTUBasisStates
Section Hamiltonian::DFT+U
Type block
Default none
This block starts by a line containing a single integer describing the number of
orbital sets. One orbital set is a group of orbitals on which one adds a Hubbard U.
Each following line of this block contains the index of a state to be used to construct the
localized basis, followed by the index of the corresponding orbital set.
See DFTUBasisFromStates for details.
Name DFTUDoubleCounting
Section Hamiltonian::DFT+U
Type integer
Default dft_u_fll
This variable selects which DFT+U
double counting term is used.
- dft_u_fll:
(Default) The Fully Localized Limit (FLL)
- dft_u_amf:
(Experimental) Around mean field double counting, as defined in PRB 44, 943 (1991) and PRB 49, 14211 (1994).
- dft_u_mix:
(Experimental) Mixed double countind term as introduced by Petukhov et al., PRB 67, 153106 (2003).
This recovers the FLL and AMF as limiting cases.
Name DFTUPoissonSolver
Section Hamiltonian::DFT+U
Type integer
This variable selects which Poisson solver
is used to compute the Coulomb integrals over a submesh.
These are non-periodic Poisson solvers.
The FFT Poisson solver with spherical cutoff is used by default.
- dft_u_poisson_direct:
Direct Poisson solver. Slow but working in all cases.
- dft_u_poisson_isf:
(Experimental) ISF Poisson solver on a submesh.
This does not work for non-orthogonal cells nor domain parallelization.
- dft_u_poisson_psolver:
(Experimental) PSolver Poisson solver on a submesh.
This does not work for non-orthogonal cells nor domain parallelization.
Requires the PSolver external library.
- dft_u_poisson_fft:
(Default) FFT Poisson solver on a submesh.
This uses the 0D periodic version of the FFT kernels.
Name SkipSOrbitals
Section Hamiltonian::DFT+U
Type logical
Default no
If set to yes, Octopus will determine the effective U for all atomic orbitals
from the peusopotential but s orbitals. Only available with ACBN0 functional.
Name UseAllAtomicOrbitals
Section Hamiltonian::DFT+U
Type logical
Default no
If set to yes, Octopus will determine the effective U for all atomic orbitals
from the peusopotential. Only available with ACBN0 functional.
It is strongly recommended to set AOLoewdin=yes when using the option.