Hello world
As a first example, we will take a sodium atom. With your favourite text editor, create the file inp .
CalculationMode = gs
'Na' | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0
Radius = 10.0
Spacing = 0.5
This input file should be essentially self-explanatory.
Note that when a species is not specified in the Species block, octopus reads the information of pseudopotentials from the defaults file (located under PREFIX/share/octopus/PP/ . The variables Radius and Spacing always have to be specified. There are no default values, in order to make sure that the convergence with respect to these is tested properly (see the tutorial on total energy convergence).
Then run octopus – for example, do
octopus > out
so that the output is stored in out
file. If everything goes OK, out
should look like:
.-' `'.
/ \
| ;
| | ___.--,
_.._ |0) ~ (0) | _.---'`__.-( (_.
__.--'`_.. '.__.\ '--. \_.-' ,.--'` `""`
( ,.--'` ',__ /./; ;, '.__.'` __
_`) ) .---.__.' / | |\ \__..--"" """--.,_
`---' .'.''-._.-'`_./ /\ '. \ _.-~~~````~~~-._`-.__.'
| | .' _.-' | | \ \ '. `~---`
\ \/ .' \ \ '. '-._)
\/ / \ \ `=.__`~-.
jgs / /\ `) ) / / `"".`\
, _.-'.'\ \ / / ( ( / /
`--~` ) ) .-'.' '.'. | (
(/` ( (` ) ) '-;
` '-; (-'
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
Running octopus
Version : 15.1
Commit : c97bf31c7e
Configuration time : 2025-03-27T16:03:06
Configuration options : openmp mpi libxc_fxc libxc_kxc
Optional libraries : cgal metis
Architecture : x86_64
C compiler : /usr/bin/cc
C compiler flags :
C++ compiler : /usr/bin/c++
C++ compiler flags :
Fortran compiler : /usr/bin/gfortran (GCC version 12.2.0)
Fortran compiler flags : -O3 -g -fallow-argument-mismatch -fno-var-tracking-assignments -fbacktrace -ffree-line-length-none -ffree-line-length-none
The octopus is swimming in cfelm-pcx65043 (Linux)
Calculation started on 2025/03/27 at 16:12:59
************************** Calculation Mode **************************
Input: [CalculationMode = gs]
Input: [SpinComponents = unpolarized]
******************************* Space ********************************
Octopus will run in 3 dimension(s).
Octopus will treat the system as periodic in 0 dimension(s).
Input: [AllElectronType = no]
Input: [PseudopotentialSet = standard]
Reading Coordinates from Coordinates block
****************************** Species *******************************
Species 'Na'
type : pseudopotential
file : '/home/luedersm/Octopus2/octopus/installed/share/octopus/pseudopotentials/PSF/Na.psf'
file format : PSF
valence charge : 1.0
atomic number : 11
form on file : semilocal
orbital origin : calculated
lmax : 0
llocal : 0
projectors per l : 1
total projectors : 0
application form : local
orbitals : 16
bound orbitals : 4
***************************** Symmetries *****************************
Symmetry elements : (i) (Cinf) (sigma)
Symmetry group : Kh
Input: [CurvMethod = curv_affine]
Input: [DerivativesStencil = stencil_star]
Input: [SmearingFunction = semiconducting]
Input: [SymmetrizeDensity = no]
******************************* States *******************************
Total electronic charge = 1.000
Number of states = 1
States block-size = 1
************************** Parallelization ***************************
Info: Octopus will run in *serial*
Info: Generating weights for finite-difference discretization of x-gradient
Info: Generating weights for finite-difference discretization of y-gradient
Info: Generating weights for finite-difference discretization of z-gradient
Info: Generating weights for finite-difference discretization of Laplacian
******************************** Grid ********************************
Simulation Box:
Type = minimum
Radius [b] = 10.000
Main mesh:
Spacing [b] = ( 0.500, 0.500, 0.500) volume/point [b^3] = 0.12500
# inner mesh = 33401
# total mesh = 53601
Grid Cutoff [H] = 19.739209 Grid Cutoff [Ry] = 39.478418
Info: states-block size = 0.4 MiB
Input: [StatesPack = yes]
Input: [StatesOrthogonalization = cholesky_serial]
Info: the XCFunctional has been selected to match the pseudopotentials
used in the calculation.
**************************** Theory Level ****************************
Input: [TheoryLevel = kohn_sham]
Slater exchange (LDA)
[1] P. A. M. Dirac., Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 26, 376 (1930)
[2] F. Bloch., Z. Phys. 57, 545 (1929)
Perdew & Zunger (Modified) (LDA)
[1] J. P. Perdew and A. Zunger., Phys. Rev. B 23, 5048 (1981)
****************************** Hartree *******************************
Input: [DressedOrbitals = no]
The chosen Poisson solver is 'interpolating scaling functions'
Input: [FilterPotentials = filter_TS]
Info: Pseudopotential for Na
Radii for localized parts:
local part = 3.8 b
non-local part = 0.0 b
orbitals = 19.9 b
Input: [RelativisticCorrection = non_relativistic]
Input: [DFTULevel = dft_u_none]
Input: [MagneticConstrain = 0]
****************** Approximate memory requirements *******************
global : 0.4 MiB
local : 1.6 MiB
total : 2.0 MiB
real : 0.4 MiB (par_kpoints + par_states + par_domains)
complex : 0.8 MiB (par_kpoints + par_states + par_domains)
Info: Generating external potential
Input: [InteractionTiming = timing_exact]
Info: Octopus initialization completed.
Info: Starting calculation mode.
Info: Allocating ground state wave-functions
Info: Blocks of states
Block 1 contains 1 states: 1 - 1
Info: Ground-state allocation done.
Info: Could not find 'restart/gs' directory for restart.
Info: No restart information will be read.
**************************** Eigensolver *****************************
Input: [Eigensolver = cg]
Input: [Preconditioner = pre_filter]
Info: Generating weights for finite-difference discretization of Preconditioner
Input: [PreconditionerFilterFactor = 0.5000]
Input: [SubspaceDiagonalization = standard]
Input: [MixField = potential] (what to mix during SCF cycles)
Input: [MixingScheme = broyden]
Info: Mixing uses 4 steps and restarts after 20 steps.
Input: [LCAOStart = lcao_states]
Input: [LCAOScaleFactor = 1.000]
Input: [LCAOMaximumOrbitalRadius = 20.00 b]
Info: Double-precision storage for 1 extra orbitals will be allocated.
Info: Unnormalized total charge = 0.994401
Info: Renormalized total charge = 1.000000
Info: Setting up Hamiltonian.
Info: Performing initial LCAO calculation with 2 orbitals.
Info: Getting Hamiltonian matrix elements.
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
Eigenvalues [H]
#st Spin Eigenvalue Occupation
1 -- -0.093893 1.000000
Info: Ground-state restart information will be written to 'restart/gs'.
Info: SCF using real wavefunctions.
Info: Starting SCF iteration.
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 1 ************************
etot = -1.82474874E-01 abs_ev = 6.78E-03 rel_ev = 6.73E-02
ediff = 1.82E-01 abs_dens = 1.22E-02 rel_dens = 1.22E-02
Matrix vector products: 4
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.100669 1.000000 ( 3.2E-02)
Elapsed time for SCF step 1: 0.02
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 2 ************************
etot = -1.84062252E-01 abs_ev = 4.00E-04 rel_ev = 3.96E-03
ediff = 1.59E-03 abs_dens = 2.88E-02 rel_dens = 2.88E-02
Matrix vector products: 9
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.101069 1.000000 ( 5.9E-03)
Elapsed time for SCF step 2: 0.02
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 3 ************************
etot = -1.84705574E-01 abs_ev = 5.98E-05 rel_ev = 5.92E-04
ediff = 6.43E-04 abs_dens = 1.71E-02 rel_dens = 1.71E-02
Matrix vector products: 8
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.101009 1.000000 ( 7.5E-04)
Elapsed time for SCF step 3: 0.02
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 4 ************************
etot = -1.84680503E-01 abs_ev = 1.10E-04 rel_ev = 1.09E-03
ediff = 2.51E-05 abs_dens = 1.97E-03 rel_dens = 1.97E-03
Matrix vector products: 7
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.100899 1.000000 ( 1.7E-04)
Elapsed time for SCF step 4: 0.02
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 5 ************************
etot = -2.12237536E-01 abs_ev = 2.77E-02 rel_ev = 2.15E-01
ediff = 2.76E-02 abs_dens = 1.25E-02 rel_dens = 1.25E-02
Matrix vector products: 3
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.128570 1.000000 ( 4.1E-03)
Elapsed time for SCF step 5: 0.02
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 6 ************************
etot = -1.57719076E-01 abs_ev = 5.47E-02 rel_ev = 7.40E-01
ediff = 5.45E-02 abs_dens = 2.40E-02 rel_dens = 2.40E-02
Matrix vector products: 5
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.073904 1.000000 ( 3.4E-03)
Elapsed time for SCF step 6: 0.02
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 7 ************************
etot = -1.77195191E-01 abs_ev = 1.94E-02 rel_ev = 2.08E-01
ediff = 1.95E-02 abs_dens = 6.96E-03 rel_dens = 6.96E-03
Matrix vector products: 4
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.093322 1.000000 ( 9.7E-04)
Elapsed time for SCF step 7: 0.02
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 8 ************************
etot = -1.83377201E-01 abs_ev = 6.21E-03 rel_ev = 6.24E-02
ediff = 6.18E-03 abs_dens = 3.63E-03 rel_dens = 3.63E-03
Matrix vector products: 6
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.099533 1.000000 ( 6.2E-04)
Elapsed time for SCF step 8: 0.02
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 9 ************************
etot = -1.82554896E-01 abs_ev = 7.71E-04 rel_ev = 7.81E-03
ediff = 8.22E-04 abs_dens = 1.13E-03 rel_dens = 1.13E-03
Matrix vector products: 10
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.098761 1.000000 ( 1.4E-04)
Elapsed time for SCF step 9: 0.03
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 10 ************************
etot = -1.82657020E-01 abs_ev = 1.18E-04 rel_ev = 1.19E-03
ediff = 1.02E-04 abs_dens = 3.94E-04 rel_dens = 3.94E-04
Matrix vector products: 10
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.098879 1.000000 ( 3.4E-05)
Elapsed time for SCF step 10: 0.03
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 11 ************************
etot = -1.82617873E-01 abs_ev = 3.73E-05 rel_ev = 3.78E-04
ediff = 3.91E-05 abs_dens = 5.27E-05 rel_dens = 5.27E-05
Matrix vector products: 8
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.098842 1.000000 ( 1.4E-05)
Elapsed time for SCF step 11: 0.02
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 12 ************************
etot = -1.82375128E-01 abs_ev = 2.44E-04 rel_ev = 2.47E-03
ediff = 2.43E-04 abs_dens = 1.92E-04 rel_dens = 1.92E-04
Matrix vector products: 5
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.098598 1.000000 ( 3.2E-05)
Elapsed time for SCF step 12: 0.02
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 13 ************************
etot = -1.82600464E-01 abs_ev = 2.25E-04 rel_ev = 2.28E-03
ediff = 2.25E-04 abs_dens = 1.13E-04 rel_dens = 1.13E-04
Matrix vector products: 5
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.098823 1.000000 ( 1.8E-05)
Elapsed time for SCF step 13: 0.02
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 14 ************************
etot = -1.82577126E-01 abs_ev = 2.31E-05 rel_ev = 2.34E-04
ediff = 2.33E-05 abs_dens = 1.05E-05 rel_dens = 1.05E-05
Matrix vector products: 6
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.098800 1.000000 ( 7.2E-06)
Elapsed time for SCF step 14: 0.02
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 15 ************************
etot = -1.82577169E-01 abs_ev = 3.77E-07 rel_ev = 3.81E-06
ediff = 4.29E-08 abs_dens = 7.55E-06 rel_dens = 7.55E-06
Matrix vector products: 12
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.098800 1.000000 ( 3.2E-06)
Elapsed time for SCF step 15: 0.03
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 16 ************************
etot = -1.82576499E-01 abs_ev = 6.65E-07 rel_ev = 6.73E-06
ediff = 6.70E-07 abs_dens = 1.83E-06 rel_dens = 1.83E-06
Matrix vector products: 12
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.098800 1.000000 ( 2.5E-07)
Elapsed time for SCF step 16: 0.03
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 17 ************************
etot = -1.82576496E-01 abs_ev = 1.73E-09 rel_ev = 1.75E-08
ediff = 3.05E-09 abs_dens = 2.85E-07 rel_dens = 2.85E-07
Matrix vector products: 7
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.098800 1.000000 ( 1.6E-07)
Elapsed time for SCF step 17: 0.02
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER # 18 ************************
etot = -1.82576542E-01 abs_ev = 4.84E-08 rel_ev = 4.90E-07
ediff = 4.56E-08 abs_dens = 2.26E-07 rel_dens = 2.26E-07
Matrix vector products: 7
Converged eigenvectors: 0
# State Eigenvalue [H] Occupation Error
1 -0.098800 1.000000 ( 1.2E-07)
Elapsed time for SCF step 18: 0.02
Info: Writing states. 2025/03/27 at 16:13:00
Info: Finished writing states. 2025/03/27 at 16:13:00
Info: SCF converged in 18 iterations
Info: Number of matrix-vector products: 128
Info: Finished writing information to 'restart/gs'.
Calculation ended on 2025/03/27 at 16:13:00
Walltime: 00.921s
Octopus emitted 2 warnings.
Take now a look at the working directory. Besides the initial file (inp ) and the out file, three new directories appear. In static/ , you will find the file info , with information about the static calculation (it should be hopefully self-explanatory, otherwise please complain to the authors…). In restart/ , you will find the gs directory that contains restart information about the ground-state, which is used if, for example, you want to start a time-dependent calculation afterwards. Finally, the exec directory has information about the run of octopus; inside the parser.log contains all the input variables parsed by octopus.
- Study how the total energy and eigenvalue of the sodium atom improve with the mesh spacing.
- Calculate the static polarizability of the sodium atom (CalculationMode = em_resp). A em_resp/freq_0.0000/alpha will be created containing the static polarizability tensor.
- Calculate a few unoccupied states (CalculationMode = unocc). The eigenspectrum will be in the file static/eigenvalues . Why don’t we find a Rydberg series in the eigenspectrum?
- Repeat the previous calculation with different exchange and correlation functionals like PBE, LB94, and exact exchange (see XCFunctional).
- Perform a time-dependent evolution (CalculationMode = td), to calculate the optical spectrum of the Na atom. Use a TDDeltaStrength = 0.05, polarised in the ‘‘x’’-direction. The multipole moments of the density are output to the file td.general/multipoles . You can process this file with the utility oct-propagation_spectrum to obtain the optical spectrum. If you have computer time to waste, re-run the time-dependent simulation for some other xc choices.