Navigation : Manual - About this manual - About Octopus - Which quantity can Octopus compute - Installation - Basics - Calculations - Examples - Installation (detailed) - Utilities -- oct-analyze projections -- oct-atomic occupations -- oct-casida spectrum -- oct-center-geom -- oct-check deallocs -- oct-conductivity -- oct-convert -- oct-dielectric-function -- oct-display partitions -- oct-floquet -- oct-harmonic-spectrum -- oct-help -- oct-infrared spectrum -- oct-local multipoles -- oct-oscillator-strength -- oct-photoelectron spectrum -- oct-propagation spectrum -- oct-run periodic table -- oct-run regression -- oct-run -- oct-spin_susceptibility -- oct-tdtdm -- oct-unfold -- oct-vdW c6 -- oct-vibrational spectrum -- oct-wannier90 -- oct-xyz-anim - Pseudopotentials - Visualization - Advanced ways of running Octopus - Copying - Updating to a new version Input Variables Tutorials Developers Releases Utilities oct-analyze projections oct-atomic occupations oct-casida spectrum oct-center-geom oct-check deallocs oct-conductivity oct-convert oct-dielectric-function oct-display partitions oct-floquet oct-harmonic-spectrum oct-help oct-infrared spectrum oct-local multipoles oct-oscillator-strength oct-photoelectron spectrum oct-propagation spectrum oct-run periodic table oct-run regression oct-run oct-spin_susceptibility oct-tdtdm oct-unfold oct-vdW c6 oct-vibrational spectrum oct-wannier90 oct-xyz-anim