
‘‘‘NOTE’'': This tutorial page is set up for the [ Benasque TDDFT school 2018].

Interacting with Cori

The [[BerkeleyGW]] tutorial is done on the [ Cori supercomputer] (at NERSC in California). There are a few key things you need to know about how to interact with the machine:

 salloc -N 1 -q regular --reservation=benasque2018_2 -t 03:00:00 -C haswell

If you are using the debug queue rather than a reservation, use this:

 salloc -N 1 -q debug -t 00:30:00 -C haswell

* Here is an example script using 32 cores. If you are using an interactive job, don't use this.


 -SBATCH -J test_pulpo
 -SBATCH -C haswell
 -SBATCH -p debug
 -SBATCH -t 00:30:00
 -SBATCH --export=ALL

 module load octopus/8.2
 srun -n 32 octopus &> output

Documentation and resources


The first time you log in, execute these lines which will help you see color-coding for what is a link, executable, or directory:

 echo 'alias ls="ls --color"' >> ~/.bashrc.ext
 . ~/.bashrc

Each time you log in, you should do this:

 - Load modules
 module load berkeleygw/1.2
 - Go to the scratch directory, where all runs should happen.

To begin with the examples,

 - List all examples available
 ls /project/projectdirs/mp149/Benasque2018
 - Copy 1-boron_nitride example to your directory
 cp -R /project/projectdirs/mp149/Benasque2018/1-boron_nitride .
 - Go to your local folder and follow instructions
 cd 1-boron_nitride
 less README



For historical interest

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