Hello world
As a first example, we will take a sodium atom. With your favourite text editor, create the file inp .
CalculationMode = gs
'Na' | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0
This input file should be essentially self-explanatory.
Note that when a species is not specified in the Species block, octopus reads the information of pseudopotentials from the defaults file (located under PREFIX/share/octopus/PP/ . This file also contains default values for Radius and Spacing.
Then run octopus – for example, do
octopus > out
so that the output is stored in out file. If everything goes OK, out should look like:
.-' `'.
/ \
| ;
| | ___.--,
_.._ |0) ~ (0) | _.---'`__.-( (_.
__.--'`_.. '.__.\ '--. \_.-' ,.--'` `""`
( ,.--'` ',__ /./; ;, '.__.'` __
_`) ) .---.__.' / | |\ \__..--"" """--.,_
`---' .'.''-._.-'`_./ /\ '. \ _.-~~~````~~~-._`-.__.'
| | .' _.-' | | \ \ '. `~---`
\ \/ .' \ \ '. '-._)
\/ / \ \ `=.__`~-.
jgs / /\ `) ) / / `"".`\
, _.-'.'\ \ / / ( ( / /
`--~` ) ) .-'.' '.'. | (
(/` ( (` ) ) '-;
` '-; (-'
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
Running octopus
Version : 5.0.1
Revision : 15042
Configuration time : Tue Jan 12 11:04:57 EST 2016
Configuration options : max-dim=3 mpi sse2
Optional libraries : arpack berkeleygw etsf_io gdlib metis mpi2 netcdf newuoa parmetis parpack pfft scalapack sparskit
Architecture : x86_64
C compiler : /opt/local/bin/mpicc-mpich-mp (/usr/bin/clang)
C compiler flags : -pipe -O3 -arch x86_64
Fortran compiler : /opt/local/bin/mpif90-mpich-mp (/opt/local/bin/gfortran-mp-5)
Fortran compiler flags : -pipe -O3
The octopus is swimming in dhcp-18-189-27-45.dyn.MIT.EDU (Darwin)
Calculation started on 2016/01/13 at 20:24:58
************************** Calculation Mode **************************
Input: [CalculationMode = gs]
Reading Coordinates from Coordinates block
****************************** Species *******************************
Reading pseudopotential from file:
Calculating atomic pseudo-eigenfunctions for species Na....
Info: l = 0 component used as local potential.
Info: l = 0 is maximum angular momentum considered.
Number of orbitals: total = 16, bound = 4
***************************** Symmetries *****************************
Symmetry elements : (i) (Cinf) (sigma)
Symmetry group : Kh
Input: [SpinComponents = unpolarized]
Input: [SmearingFunction = semiconducting]
Input: [SymmetrizeDensity = no]
******************************* States *******************************
Total electronic charge = 1.000
Number of states = 1
States block-size = 1
Info: Using default spacing(1) [b] = 0.567
Info: Using default spacing(2) [b] = 0.567
Info: Using default spacing(3) [b] = 0.567
Input: [CurvMethod = curv_uniform]
Input: [DerivativesStencil = stencil_star]
************************** Parallelization ***************************
Octopus will run in *serial*
Info: Generating weights for finite-difference discretization of x-gradient
Info: Generating weights for finite-difference discretization of y-gradient
Info: Generating weights for finite-difference discretization of z-gradient
Info: Generating weights for finite-difference discretization of Laplacian
******************************** Grid ********************************
Simulation Box:
Type = minimum
Species = Na Radius = 13.228 b
Octopus will run in 3 dimension(s).
Octopus will treat the system as periodic in 0 dimension(s).
Main mesh:
Spacing [b] = ( 0.567, 0.567, 0.567) volume/point [b^3] = 0.18221
- inner mesh = 52971
- total mesh = 79699
Grid Cutoff [H] = 15.354165 Grid Cutoff [Ry] = 30.708329
Info: states-block size = 0.6 MiB
Input: [StatesOrthogonalization = gram_schmidt]
****************************** Hartree *******************************
The chosen Poisson solver is 'interpolating scaling functions'
**************************** Theory Level ****************************
Input: [TheoryLevel = dft]
Slater exchange (LDA)
[1] PAM Dirac, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 26, 376 (1930)
[2] F Bloch, Zeitschrift fuer Physik 57, 545 (1929)
Perdew & Zunger (Modified) (LDA)
[1] Perdew and Zunger, Phys. Rev. B 23, 5048 (1981)
[2] Modified to improve the matching between the low- and high-rs parts
Input: [SICCorrection = sic_none]
Input: [FilterPotentials = filter_none]
Info: Pseudopotential for Na
Radii for localized parts:
local part = 3.5 b
non-local part = 0.0 b
orbitals = 19.9 b
Input: [RelativisticCorrection = non_relativistic]
Input: [AbsorbingBoundaries = not_absorbing]
****************** Approximate memory requirements *******************
global : 1.5 MiB
local : 1.8 MiB
total : 3.4 MiB
real : 0.6 MiB (par_kpoints + par_states + par_domains)
complex : 1.2 MiB (par_kpoints + par_states + par_domains)
Info: Generating external potential
Info: Octopus initialization completed.
Info: Starting calculation mode.
Info: Allocating ground state wave-functions
Info: Blocks of states
Block 1 contains 1 states: 1 - 1
Info: Ground-state allocation done.
** Warning:
** Could not find 'restart/gs' directory for restart.
** No restart information will be read.
** Warning:
** Unable to read wavefunctions.
** Starting from scratch!
Input: [MixField = density] (what to mix during SCF cycles)
Input: [TypeOfMixing = broyden]
**************************** Eigensolver *****************************
Input: [Eigensolver = cg]
Input: [Preconditioner = pre_filter]
Input: [SubspaceDiagonalization = standard]
Input: [LCAOStart = lcao_full]
Input: [LCAOScaleFactor = 1.000]
Input: [LCAOMaximumOrbitalRadius = 20.00 b]
Info: Single-precision storage for 1 extra orbitals will be allocated.
Info: Unnormalized total charge = 0.999665
Info: Renormalized total charge = 1.000000
Info: Setting up Hamiltonian.
Info: Performing initial LCAO calculation with 2 orbitals.
Info: Getting Hamiltonian matrix elements.
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
Eigenvalues [H]
-st Spin Eigenvalue Occupation
1 -- -0.103066 1.000000
Info: Ground-state restart information will be written to 'restart/gs'.
Info: SCF using real wavefunctions.
Info: Starting SCF iteration.
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER - 1 ************************
etot = -1.84238245E-01 abs_ev = 3.88E-04 rel_ev = 3.75E-03
abs_dens = 6.54E-03 rel_dens = 6.54E-03
Matrix vector products: 27
Converged eigenvectors: 0
Eigenvalues [H]
-st Spin Eigenvalue Occupation Error
1 -- -0.103455 1.000000 (5.5E-05)
Elapsed time for SCF step 1: 0.08
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER - 2 ************************
etot = -1.84238838E-01 abs_ev = 1.02E-04 rel_ev = 9.88E-04
abs_dens = 4.55E-03 rel_dens = 4.55E-03
Matrix vector products: 27
Converged eigenvectors: 0
Eigenvalues [H]
-st Spin Eigenvalue Occupation Error
1 -- -0.103353 1.000000 (1.3E-06)
Elapsed time for SCF step 2: 0.10
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER - 3 ************************
etot = -1.84239600E-01 abs_ev = 2.23E-04 rel_ev = 2.16E-03
abs_dens = 4.35E-04 rel_dens = 4.35E-04
Matrix vector products: 19
Converged eigenvectors: 1
Eigenvalues [H]
-st Spin Eigenvalue Occupation Error
1 -- -0.103130 1.000000 (9.3E-07)
Elapsed time for SCF step 3: 0.09
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER - 4 ************************
etot = -1.84239592E-01 abs_ev = 2.81E-07 rel_ev = 2.73E-06
abs_dens = 6.62E-04 rel_dens = 6.62E-04
Matrix vector products: 12
Converged eigenvectors: 1
Eigenvalues [H]
-st Spin Eigenvalue Occupation Error
1 -- -0.103130 1.000000 (7.2E-07)
Elapsed time for SCF step 4: 0.07
ETA: .......1......2.......3......4......5.......6......7.......8......9......0
*********************** SCF CYCLE ITER - 5 ************************
etot = -1.84239609E-01 abs_ev = 6.42E-06 rel_ev = 6.23E-05
abs_dens = 9.12E-06 rel_dens = 9.12E-06
Matrix vector products: 15
Converged eigenvectors: 1
Eigenvalues [H]
-st Spin Eigenvalue Occupation Error
1 -- -0.103123 1.000000 (8.7E-07)
Elapsed time for SCF step 5: 0.07
Info: Writing states. 2016/01/13 at 20:24:59
Info: Finished writing states. 2016/01/13 at 20:24:59
Info: SCF converged in 5 iterations
Info: Finished writing information to 'restart/gs'.
Calculation ended on 2016/01/13 at 20:24:59
Walltime: 01. 6s
Octopus emitted 2 warnings.
Take now a look at the working directory. Besides the initial file (inp ) and the out file, three new directories appear. In static/ , you will find the file info , with information about the static calculation (it should be hopefully self-explanatory, otherwise please complain to the authors…). In restart/ , you will find the gs directory that contains restart information about the ground-state, which is used if, for example, you want to start a time-dependent calculation afterwards. Finally, the exec directory has information about the run of octopus; inside the parser.log contains all the input variables parsed by octopus.
- Study how the total energy and eigenvalue of the sodium atom improve with the mesh spacing.
- Calculate the static polarizability of the sodium atom (CalculationMode = em_resp). A em_resp/freq_0.0000/alpha will be created containing the static polarizability tensor.
- Calculate a few unoccupied states (CalculationMode = unocc). The eigenspectrum will be in the file static/eigenvalues . Why don’t we find a Rydberg series in the eigenspectrum?
- Repeat the previous calculation with different exchange and correlation functionals like PBE, LB94, and exact exchange (see XCFunctional).
- Perform a time-dependent evolution (CalculationMode = td), to calculate the optical spectrum of the Na atom. Use a TDDeltaStrength = 0.05, polarised in the ‘‘x’'-direction. The multipole moments of the density are output to the file td.general/multipoles . You can process this file with the utility [[Manual:External_utilities:oct-propagation_spectrum | oct-propagation_spectrum ]] to obtain the optical spectrum. If you have computer time to waste, re-run the time-dependent simulation for some other xc choices.