Name AnalyticalExternalSource
Section Maxwell
Type logical
Default no
This means the analytical evaluation of formula will be used, Maxwell propagation will not be used.
Name CheckPointsMediumFromFile
Section Maxwell
Type logical
Default no
Whether to re-calculate the points map by artificially shrinking the coordinate system by a factor of
0.99 to check if the points inside the medium surface are properly detected. This works for only one
medium surface which is centered in the origin of the coordinate system.
Name LinearMediumBoxFile
Section Maxwell
Type string
File in OFF format with the shape of the linear medium.
Name LinearMediumBoxShape
Section Maxwell
Type integer
This variable defines the shape of the linear medium box.
The default is medium_parallelepiped.
- medium_parallelepiped:
The medium box will be a parallelepiped whose center and dimensions are taken from
the variable LinearMediumBoxSize.
- medium_box_file:
The simulation box will be read from an external file in OFF format, defined by the variable LinearMediumBoxFile.
Name LinearMediumBoxSize
Section Maxwell
Type block
Defines center and size of a parallelepiped linear medium box.
center_x | center_y | center_z | x_length | y_length | z_length
Name LinearMediumEdgeProfile
Section Maxwell
Type integer
Defines the type of numerical approximation used for the derivatives at the edges of the medium box.
Default is edged. When the box shape is read from file, only the edged profile is supported.
- edged:
Medium box edges are considered steep for derivatives.
- smooth:
Medium box edged and softened for derivatives.
Name LinearMediumProperties
Section Maxwell
Type block
Defines electromagnetic parameters for a linear medium box.
epsilon_factor | mu_factor | sigma_e | sigma_m
Permittivity factor, permeability factor, electric conductivity and magnetic conductivity of the medium box.
Name MediumCurrentCoordinates
Section Maxwell
Type block
This allows to output phasor current vectors at particular points in space.
-1.0 | 2.0 | 4.0
0.0 | 1.0 | -2.0
Name MediumDispersionType
Section Maxwell
Type integer
Default drude_medium
Dispersion model used for the medium (only Drude model available for the moment).
- drude_medium:
Drude type of dispersion.
Name MediumPoleDamping
Section Maxwell
Type float
Default 0
Damping factor (inverse relaxation time) of the medium.
Name MediumPoleEnergy
Section Maxwell
Type float
Default 0
Energy of the pole.
Name MediumPoleStrength
Section Maxwell
Type float
Default 1.0
Strength of the pole (unitless).
Name PlaneWavesOnOneSide
Section Maxwell
Type logical
Default No
If PlaneWaves should be fed to the box only from one side.
Name PlaneWavesSide
Section Maxwell
Type string
Side of the box in which plane waves are evaluated on the boundaries: negative would mean
on boundaries which are towards negative values in the selected directions (e.g. -x).
- negative:
Negative side.
- positive:
Positive side.
Name RegularizationFunction
Section Maxwell
Type integer
Default COS2
The current arising from charged point particles must be mapped onto the Maxwell
propagation grid. This requires a smearing or regularization function $\phi(\mathbf{r})$ attached to
each particle position $\mathbf{r}_i$ with user defined cutoff width, $\sigma$
- COS2:
if $|\mahtbf{r}-\mathbf{r}_i|<\sigma$, and 0 otherwise.
Name RegularizationFunctionWidth
Section Maxwell
Type float
Default 2
The current arising from charged point particles must be mapped onto the Maxwell
propagation grid. This requires a smearing or regularization function $\phi(\mathbf{r})$ attached to
each particle position $\mathbf{r}_i$ with user defined cutoff width, $\sigma$.
Default 2 bohrradii
Name TransverseFieldCalculation
Section Maxwell
Type integer
Default no
This variable selects the method for the calculation of the transverse field.
- helmholtz:
Transverse field calculated from Helmholtz decompisition (unreliable at the moment).
- total_minus_long:
Total field minus longitudinal field.