Name NDimModelmb
Section States::ModelMB
Type integer
Default 1
Number of dimensions for modelmb space.
Full Ndim = NDimModelmb*NParticleModelmb
Name NFFTCutoff
Section Mesh::FFTs
Type integer
Default 6
Cut-off parameter of the window function.
See NFFT manual for details.
Name NFFTGuruInterface
Section Mesh::FFTs
Type logical
Default false
Perform NFFT with guru interface. This permits the fine tuning of several critical parameters.
Name NFFTOversampling
Section Mesh::FFTs
Type float
Default 2
NFFT oversampling factor (sigma). This will rule the size of the FFT under the hood.
Name NFFTPrecompute
Section Mesh::FFTs
Type integer
NFFT precomputation strategy.
This method implements a linear interpolation from a lookup table.
This method uses a medium amount of memory to store d*(2*m+1)*M real numbers and requires at most 2(2m + 1)d extra multiplications for each node. This is the default option.
Is the fastest method but requires a large amount of memory as it requires to store (2*m+1)^d*M real numbers. No extra operations are needed during matrix vector multiplication.
Name NLOperatorCompactBoundaries
Section Execution::Optimization
Type logical
Default no
(Experimental) When set to yes, for finite systems Octopus will
map boundary points for finite-differences operators to a few
memory locations. This increases performance, however it is
experimental and has not been thoroughly tested.
Name NParticleModelmb
Section States::ModelMB
Type integer
Default 0
Number of particles in modelmb space.
Full Ndim = NDimModelmb*NParticleModelmb
Name NTypeParticleModelmb
Section States::ModelMB
Type integer
Default 1
Number of different types of particles in modelmb space.