Absorbing Boundaries
Name ABCapHeight
Section Time-Dependent::Absorbing Boundaries
Type float
Default -0.2 a.u.
When AbsorbingBoundaries = cap, this is the height of the imaginary potential.
Name ABShape
Section Time-Dependent::Absorbing Boundaries
Type block
Set the shape of the absorbing boundaries. Here you can set the inner
and outer bounds by setting the block as follows:
inner | outer | "user-defined"
The optional 3rd column is a user-defined expression for the absorbing
boundaries. For example, $r$ creates a spherical absorbing zone for
coordinates with ${\tt inner} < r < {\tt outer}$, and $z$ creates an
absorbing plane.
Note, values outer larger than the box size may lead in these cases to
unexpected reflection behaviours.
If no expression is given, the absorbing zone follows the edges of the
box (not valid for user-defined box).
Name AbsorbingBoundaries
Section Time-Dependent::Absorbing Boundaries
Type flag
Default not_absorbing
To improve the quality of the spectra by avoiding the formation of
standing density waves, one can make the boundaries of the simulation
box absorbing and use exterior complex scaling.
- not_absorbing:
Reflecting boundaries.
- mask:
Absorbing boundaries with a mask function.
- cap:
Absorbing boundaries with a complex absorbing potential.
- exterior:
Exterior complex scaling (not yet implemented).
Name ABWidth
Section Time-Dependent::Absorbing Boundaries
Type float
Specifies the boundary width. For a finer control over the absorbing boundary
shape use ABShape.
Name MaxwellABPMLPower
Section Time-Dependent::Absorbing Boundaries
Type float
Default 3.5
Exponential of the polynomial profile for the non-physical conductivity of the PML.
Should be between 2 and 4
Name MaxwellABPMLReflectionError
Section Time-Dependent::Absorbing Boundaries
Type float
Default 1.0e-16
Tolerated reflection error for the PML
Name MaxwellABWidth
Section Time-Dependent::Absorbing Boundaries
Type float
Width of the region used to apply the absorbing boundaries. The default value is twice
the derivative order.
Name MediumElectricSigma
Section Time-Dependent::Absorbing Boundaries
Type float
Default 0.
Electric conductivity of the linear medium.
Name MediumEpsilonFactor
Section Time-Dependent::Absorbing Boundaries
Type float
Default 1.0.
Linear medium electric susceptibility.
Name MediumMagneticSigma
Section Time-Dependent::Absorbing Boundaries
Type float
Default 0.
Magnetic conductivity of the linear medium.
Name MediumMuFactor
Section Time-Dependent::Absorbing Boundaries
Type float
Default 1.0
Linear medium magnetic susceptibility.
Name MediumWidth
Section Time-Dependent::Absorbing Boundaries
Type float
Default 0.0 a.u.
Width of the boundary region with medium