In physics, interactions are in general symmetric. However, the magnitude with which it affects the interaction partners can be very different.
Also, the way the interactions have to be implemented can differ depending on the ‘‘direction’’ of the interaction.
Therefore, in Octopus interactions are broken down into their forward and their backward parts, which are treated seperately.
As we will see, in some approximations, only one of them (usually the forward interaction) are used.
The ‘‘partners’’ are instances of interaction_partner_t derived types. The interactions (from now on uni-directional) are implemented as derived types of the abstract interaction_t class.
An interaction ‘‘belongs’’ to partner A and acts on partner B.
Abstract classes
Definition of interaction_t
type,abstract::interaction_tprivate!> The interaction requires access to some quantities from a system to be evaluated.
logical,public::intra_interaction!< Is this an interaction of a system with itself?
integer,public::n_system_quantities!< Number of quantities needed from the system
integer,allocatable,public::system_quantities(:)!< Identifiers of the quantities needed from the system
type(clock_t),public::clock!< Clock storing the time at which the interaction was last updated.
character(len=:),public,allocatable::labelFLOAT,public::energy!< Energy associated with the interaction.
procedure(interaction_update),deferred::updateprocedure(interaction_calculate),deferred::calculateprocedure(interaction_calculate_energy),deferred::calculate_energyend type interaction_t
This is the minimal data structure for interactions, which only contains information relating to partner A, who owns the interacion.
In particular, the interaction has a list of quantities, which partner A needs to expose, so that the interaction can be calculated.
The IDs for the exposed quantities are defined in the section Exposed Quantities.
Furthermore, this abstract type already contains the clock for the interaction, and defines the interfaces for the deferred update()
and calculate() routines.
Curretly, all interactions are derived from interaction_with_partner_t, which extends interaction_t and adds the information about partner B, from here on only called ‘‘partner’’.
Definition of interaction_with_partner_t
class(interaction_partner_t),public,pointer::partnerinteger,public::n_partner_quantities!< Number of quantities needed from the partner
integer,allocatable,public::partner_quantities(:)!< Identifiers of the quantities needed from the partner
procedure::update=>interaction_with_partner_updateend type interaction_with_partner_t
This type adds a pointer to the interaction partner and a list of IDs of the quantities, the partner exposes to the interaction.
Furthermore, at this level, we can implement the update() procedure.
Abstract children
The next level of specialization of interaction, are all interactions which create a force on the partner. Here we only add the actual force vector, acting on the partner system.
Definition of force_interaction_t
type,extends(interaction_with_partner_t),abstract::force_interaction_tinteger::dim=0!< spatial dimensions
integer::system_np=0!< number of particles in the system that the forces are acting on
FLOAT,allocatable,public::force(:,:)end type force_interaction_t
The next level of specialization of interaction, are all interactions which create a potential for the partner.
Definition of potential_interaction_t
type,extends(interaction_with_partner_t),abstract::potential_interaction_t! Although the potential should be a rank 1 object in the generic case,
! we make it of rank 2 to be able to treat spin and spinor cases for electrons
FLOAT,allocatable,public::potential(:,:)end type potential_interaction_t
The next level of specialization of interaction, are all interactions which create a potential for the partner.
Definition of density_interaction_t
type,extends(interaction_with_partner_t),abstract::density_interaction_tFLOAT,allocatable,public::density(:,:)end type density_interaction_t
Specific classes:
Specific interaction classes extend the abstract ones. The most important element they add to the abstract classes is the information about the quantities, required to calculate the interaction. In case of the system. owning the interaction (system A), it is sufficient to keep pointers to the data, stored in the system itself. Thr reason is that the interaction is always updated by the propagator of the system A. For the partner system (system B), however, the interaction keeps a copy of the exposed quantities. This allows the partner system to continue the propagation beyond the time for which the quantities are requested, which might happen if the two systems are using different time steps.
Ghost interaction
Definition of ghost_interaction_t
procedure::calculate=>ghost_interaction_calculateprocedure::calculate_energy=>ghost_interaction_calculate_energyfinal::ghost_interaction_finalizeend type ghost_interaction_t
Definition of gravity_t
FLOAT,pointer::system_mass(:)!< pointer to array storing the masses of the particles
FLOAT,pointer::system_pos(:,:)!< pointer to array storing the positions of the particles
integer,public::partner_np=0!< number of particles in the partner system
FLOAT,allocatable,public::partner_mass(:)!< array storing a copy of the masses of the partner particles
FLOAT,allocatable,public::partner_pos(:,:)!< array storing a copy of the positions of the partner particles
procedure::init=>gravity_initprocedure::calculate=>gravity_calculateprocedure::calculate_energy=>gravity_calculate_energyfinal::gravity_finalizeend type gravity_t
Coulomb force
Definition of coulomb_force_t
FLOAT,pointer::system_charge(:)!< pointer to array storing the charges of the particles
FLOAT,pointer::system_pos(:,:)!< pointer to array storing the positions of the particles
integer,public::partner_np=0!< number of particles in the partner system
FLOAT,allocatable,public::partner_charge(:)!< array storing a copy of the masses of the partner particles
FLOAT,allocatable,public::partner_pos(:,:)!< array storing a copy of the positions of the partner particles
procedure::init=>coulomb_force_initprocedure::calculate=>coulomb_force_calculateprocedure::calculate_energy=>coulomb_force_calculate_energyfinal::coulomb_force_finalizeend type coulomb_force_t
Lorentz force
Definition of lorentz_force_t
FLOAT,pointer::system_charge(:)!< pointer to array storing the charges of the particles
FLOAT,pointer,public::system_pos(:,:)!< pointer to array storing the positions of the particles
FLOAT,pointer::system_vel(:,:)!< pointer to array storing the velocities of the particles
FLOAT,allocatable,public::partner_E_field(:,:)!< E field generated by partner at the positions of the system particles
FLOAT,allocatable,public::partner_B_field(:,:)!< B field generated by partner at the positions of the system particles
procedure::init=>lorentz_force_initprocedure::calculate=>lorentz_force_calculateprocedure::calculate_energy=>lorentz_force_calculate_energyfinal::lorentz_force_finalizeend type lorentz_force_t
Interaction factory
Instances of interaction_t or derived types are, like systems, generated using a factory.
Currently, the following interaction types are defined: