Mesh Setup
Setting up a grid
In particular, we have:
the “first stage”:
This sets up derivatives, double-grid and calls stages 1 and 2 of mesh_init. At this stage we are still unaware or parallelism and domain decomposition.
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subroutine grid_init_stage_1(gr, namespace, space, symm, latt, n_sites, site_position)
type(grid_t), intent(inout) :: gr
type(namespace_t), intent(in) :: namespace
type(space_t), intent(in) :: space
type(symmetries_t), optional, intent(in) :: symm
type(lattice_vectors_t), optional, intent(in) :: latt
integer, optional, intent(in) :: n_sites
FLOAT, optional, intent(in) :: site_position(:,:)
type(stencil_t) :: cube
integer :: enlarge(1:MAX_DIM)
type(block_t) :: blk
integer :: idir, cv_method
FLOAT :: grid_spacing(1:MAX_DIM)
gr%box => box_factory_create(namespace, space, latt=latt, n_sites=n_sites, site_position=site_position)
if (present(symm)) then
gr%symm = symm
end if
if (.not. parse_is_defined(namespace, 'Spacing')) then
call messages_input_error(namespace, 'Spacing', 'Spacing needs to be set in the input file.')
end if
!%Variable Spacing
!%Type float
!%Section Mesh
!% The spacing between the points in the mesh. This controls the
!% quality of the discretization: smaller spacing gives more
!% precise results but increased computational cost.
!% When using curvilinear coordinates, this is a canonical spacing
!% that will be changed locally by the transformation. In periodic
!% directions, your spacing may be slightly different than what
!% you request here, since the box size must be an integer
!% multiple of the spacing.
!% The default value is defined by the species if only default pseudopotentials are used
!% or by the image resolution if <tt>BoxShape = box_image</tt>. Otherwise, there is
!% no default.
!% It is possible to have a different spacing in each one of the Cartesian directions
!% if we define <tt>Spacing</tt> as block of the form
!% <tt>%Spacing
!% <br> spacing_x | spacing_y | spacing_z
!% <br>%</tt>
grid_spacing(space%dim+1:MAX_DIM) = -M_ONE
if(parse_block(namespace, 'Spacing', blk) == 0) then
if(parse_block_cols(blk,0) < space%dim) call messages_input_error(namespace, 'Spacing')
do idir = 1, space%dim
call parse_block_float(blk, 0, idir - 1, grid_spacing(idir), units_inp%length)
end do
call parse_block_end(blk)
call parse_variable(namespace, 'Spacing', -M_ONE, grid_spacing(1), units_inp%length)
grid_spacing(1:space%dim) = grid_spacing(1)
end if
if (associated(gr%box)) then
select type (box => gr%box)
type is (box_image_t)
do idir = 1, space%dim
! default grid_spacing is determined from the pixel size such that one grid point = one pixel.
if (grid_spacing(idir) < M_ZERO) then
grid_spacing(idir) = box%pixel_size(idir)
end if
end do
end select
end if
if (any(grid_spacing(1:space%dim) < M_EPSILON)) then
message(1) = " Your input for 'Spacing' is negative or zero."
call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
end if
!%Variable PeriodicBoundaryMask
!%Type block
!%Section Mesh
!% (Experimental) Defines a mask for which periodic boundaries are replaced by zero boundary conditions.
if (parse_block(namespace, 'PeriodicBoundaryMask', blk) < 0) then
gr%mesh%masked_periodic_boundaries = .false.
gr%mesh%masked_periodic_boundaries = .true.
call parse_block_string(blk, 0, 0, gr%mesh%periodic_boundary_mask)
call messages_experimental('PeriodicBoundaryMask')
end if
! Initialize coordinate system
!%Variable CurvMethod
!%Type integer
!%Default curv_uniform
!%Section Mesh::Curvilinear
!% The relevant functions in octopus are represented on a mesh in real space.
!% This mesh may be an evenly spaced regular rectangular grid (standard mode),
!% or else an adaptive or curvilinear grid. We have implemented
!% three kinds of adaptive meshes, although only one is currently working,
!% the one invented by F. Gygi (<tt>curv_gygi</tt>). The code will stop if any of
!% the other two is invoked. All are experimental with domain parallelization.
!%Option curv_affine 1
!% Regular, uniform rectangular grid.
!%Option curv_gygi 2
!% The deformation of the grid is done according to the scheme described by
!% F. Gygi [F. Gygi and G. Galli, <i>Phys. Rev. B</i> <b>52</b>, R2229 (1995)].
!%Option curv_briggs 3
!% The deformation of the grid is done according to the scheme described by
!% Briggs [E.L. Briggs, D.J. Sullivan, and J. Bernholc, <i>Phys. Rev. B</i> <b>54</b> 14362 (1996)]
!%Option curv_modine 4
!% The deformation of the grid is done according to the scheme described by
!% Modine [N.A. Modine, G. Zumbach and E. Kaxiras, <i>Phys. Rev. B</i> <b>55</b>, 10289 (1997)]
call parse_variable(namespace, 'CurvMethod', CURV_AFFINE, cv_method)
if (.not. varinfo_valid_option('CurvMethod', cv_method)) call messages_input_error(namespace, 'CurvMethod')
if (present(latt)) then
if (cv_method /= CURV_AFFINE .and. latt%nonorthogonal) then
call messages_input_error(namespace, 'CurvMethod', 'Curvilinear coordinates with non-orthogonal cells are not implemented')
end if
end if
call messages_print_var_option("CurvMethod", cv_method, namespace=namespace)
! FIXME: The other two methods are apparently not working
if (cv_method > CURV_GYGI) then
call messages_experimental('Selected curvilinear coordinates method')
end if
select case (cv_method)
gr%coord_system => curv_briggs_t(namespace, space%dim, &
gr%box%bounding_box_l(1:space%dim), grid_spacing(1:space%dim))
case (CURV_GYGI)
if (present(site_position) .and. present(n_sites)) then
gr%coord_system => curv_gygi_t(namespace, space%dim, n_sites, site_position)
message(1) = "Option CurvMethod = curv_gygi is not currently implemented without ions present."
call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
end if
if (present(site_position) .and. present(n_sites)) then
gr%coord_system => curv_modine_t(namespace, space%dim, n_sites, site_position, &
gr%box%bounding_box_l(1:space%dim), grid_spacing(1:space%dim))
message(1) = "Option CurvMethod = curv_modine is not currently implemented without ions present."
call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
end if
if (present(latt)) then
if (latt%nonorthogonal) then
gr%coord_system => affine_coordinates_t(namespace, space%dim, latt%rlattice_primitive)
gr%coord_system => cartesian_t(namespace, space%dim)
end if
gr%coord_system => cartesian_t(namespace, space%dim)
end if
end select
! initialize derivatives
call derivatives_init(gr%der, namespace, space, gr%coord_system)
! the stencil used to generate the grid is a union of a cube (for
! multigrid) and the Laplacian
call stencil_cube_get_lapl(cube, space%dim, order = 2)
call stencil_union(space%dim, cube, gr%der%lapl%stencil, gr%stencil)
call stencil_end(cube)
enlarge = 0
enlarge(1:space%dim) = 2
enlarge = max(enlarge, gr%der%n_ghost)
call mesh_init_stage_1(gr%mesh, namespace, space, gr%box, gr%coord_system, grid_spacing, enlarge)
call mesh_init_stage_2(gr%mesh, namespace, space, gr%box, gr%stencil)
end subroutine grid_init_stage_1
- the second stage:
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subroutine grid_init_stage_2(gr, namespace, space, mc, qvector)
type(grid_t), target, intent(inout) :: gr
type(namespace_t), intent(in) :: namespace
type(space_t), intent(in) :: space
type(multicomm_t), intent(in) :: mc
FLOAT, optional, intent(in) :: qvector(:)
call mesh_init_stage_3(gr%mesh, namespace, space, gr%stencil, mc)
call nl_operator_global_init(namespace)
call derivatives_build(gr%der, namespace, space, gr%mesh, qvector)
! print info concerning the grid
call grid_write_info(gr, namespace=namespace)
end subroutine grid_init_stage_2
Mesh initialization:
- First stage: set up the mesh_t::idx index structure, defining the lower and upper bounds.
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subroutine mesh_init_stage_1(mesh, namespace, space, box, coord_system, spacing, enlarge)
type(mesh_t), intent(inout) :: mesh
type(namespace_t), intent(in) :: namespace
type(space_t), intent(in) :: space
class(box_t), target, intent(in) :: box
class(coordinate_system_t), target, intent(in) :: coord_system
FLOAT, intent(in) :: spacing(1:MAX_DIM)
integer, intent(in) :: enlarge(MAX_DIM)
integer :: idir, jj, delta
FLOAT :: x(MAX_DIM), chi(MAX_DIM), spacing_new(-1:1), box_bounds(2, space%dim)
logical :: out
call profiling_in(mesh_init_prof, "MESH_INIT")
mesh%box => box
mesh%spacing = spacing ! this number can change in the following
mesh%use_curvilinear = coord_system%local_basis
mesh%coord_system => coord_system
mesh%idx%dim = space%dim
mesh%idx%enlarge = enlarge
! get box bounds along the axes that generate the grid points
select type (coord_system)
class is (affine_coordinates_t)
box_bounds = box%bounds(coord_system%basis)
class default
box_bounds = box%bounds()
end select
! adjust nr
mesh%idx%nr = 0
do idir = 1, space%dim
chi = M_ZERO
! the upper border
jj = 0
out = .false.
do while(.not.out)
jj = jj + 1
chi(idir) = TOFLOAT(jj) * mesh%spacing(idir)
if (mesh%use_curvilinear) then
x(1:space%dim) = coord_system%to_cartesian(chi(1:space%dim))
out = x(idir) > maxval(abs(box_bounds(:, idir))) + BOX_BOUNDARY_DELTA
! do the same comparison here as in simul_box_contains_points
out = chi(idir) > maxval(abs(box_bounds(:, idir))) + BOX_BOUNDARY_DELTA
end if
end do
mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) = jj - 1
end do
! we have a symmetric mesh (for now)
mesh%idx%nr(1,:) = -mesh%idx%nr(2,:)
! we have to adjust a couple of things for the periodic directions
do idir = 1, space%periodic_dim
if (mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) == 0) then
! this happens if Spacing > box size
mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) = 1
mesh%idx%nr(1, idir) = -1
end if
! We have to adjust the spacing to be commensurate with the box,
! for this we scan the possible values of the grid size around the
! one we selected. We choose the size that has the spacing closest
! to the requested one.
do delta = -1, 1
spacing_new(delta) = M_TWO*maxval(abs(box_bounds(:, idir))) / TOFLOAT(2 * mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) + 1 - delta)
spacing_new(delta) = abs(spacing_new(delta) - spacing(idir))
end do
delta = minloc(spacing_new, dim = 1) - 2
ASSERT(delta >= -1)
ASSERT(delta <= 1)
mesh%spacing(idir) = M_TWO*maxval(abs(box_bounds(:, idir))) / TOFLOAT(2 * mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) + 1 - delta)
! we need to adjust the grid by adding or removing one point
if (delta == -1) then
mesh%idx%nr(1, idir) = mesh%idx%nr(1, idir) - 1
else if (delta == 1) then
mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) = mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) - 1
end if
end do
if ( any(abs(mesh%spacing(1:space%periodic_dim) - spacing(1:space%periodic_dim)) > CNST(1e-6)) ) then
call messages_write('The spacing has been modified to make it commensurate with the periodicity of the system.')
call messages_warning()
end if
do idir = space%periodic_dim + 1, space%dim
if (mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) == 0) then
write(message(1),'(a,i2)') 'Spacing > box size in direction ', idir
call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
end if
end do
mesh%idx%ll(1:MAX_DIM) = mesh%idx%nr(2, 1:MAX_DIM) - mesh%idx%nr(1, 1:MAX_DIM) + 1
! compute strides for cubic indices
mesh%idx%stride(:) = 1
do idir = 2, space%dim
mesh%idx%stride(idir) = mesh%idx%stride(idir-1) * &
(mesh%idx%ll(idir-1) + 2*mesh%idx%enlarge(idir-1))
end do
call profiling_out(mesh_init_prof)
end subroutine mesh_init_stage_1
- Second stage:
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subroutine mesh_init_stage_2(mesh, namespace, space, box, stencil)
type(mesh_t), intent(inout) :: mesh
type(namespace_t), intent(in) :: namespace
type(space_t), intent(in) :: space
class(box_t), intent(in) :: box
type(stencil_t), intent(in) :: stencil
integer :: is
FLOAT :: chi(1:space%dim)
FLOAT :: pos(1:space%dim)
integer :: point(1:MAX_DIM), point_stencil(1:MAX_DIM), grid_sizes(1:MAX_DIM)
integer(i8) :: global_size
integer(i4) :: local_size
integer(i8) :: ispatial, ispatialb, istart, iend, spatial_size, ipg
integer :: ip, ib, ib2, np, np_boundary, ii
logical :: found
type(lihash_t) :: spatial_to_boundary
integer(i8), allocatable :: boundary_to_spatial(:), boundary_to_spatial_reordered(:)
integer(i8), allocatable :: grid_to_spatial(:), grid_to_spatial_initial(:), grid_to_spatial_reordered(:)
integer(i8), allocatable :: spatial_to_grid(:)
integer, allocatable :: sizes(:)
integer(i8), allocatable :: offsets(:)
integer :: size_boundary
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
integer(i8), pointer :: ptr(:)
type(mpi_grp_t) :: internode_grp, intranode_grp
call profiling_in(mesh_init_prof, "MESH_INIT")
! enlarge mesh for boundary points
mesh%idx%nr(1, 1:MAX_DIM) = mesh%idx%nr(1, 1:MAX_DIM) - mesh%idx%enlarge(1:MAX_DIM)
mesh%idx%nr(2, 1:MAX_DIM) = mesh%idx%nr(2, 1:MAX_DIM) + mesh%idx%enlarge(1:MAX_DIM)
!%Variable MeshIndexType
!%Type integer
!%Default idx_cubic
!%Section Mesh
!% Determine index type. Must be the same for restarting a calculation.
!%Option idx_cubic 1
!% Cubic indices are used to map the spatial information to the grid points.
!%Option idx_hilbert 2
!% A Hilbert space-filling curve is used to map the spatial information to
!% the grid points.
call parse_variable(namespace, 'MeshIndexType', IDX_CUBIC, mesh%idx%type)
grid_sizes(1:MAX_DIM) = mesh%idx%nr(2, 1:MAX_DIM) - mesh%idx%nr(1, 1:MAX_DIM) + 1
mesh%idx%offset(1:MAX_DIM) = grid_sizes(1:MAX_DIM)/2
if (space%dim > 1 .and. any(grid_sizes > 2**(int(63/space%dim, i8)))) then
write(message(1), '(A, I10, A, I2, A)') "Error: grid too large, more than ", 2**(int(63/space%dim, i8)), &
" points in one direction for ", space%dim, " dimensions. This is not supported."
call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
end if
global_size = product(int(grid_sizes, i8))
! compute the bits per dimension: grid_sizes(i) <= 2**bits
mesh%idx%bits = maxval(ceiling(log(TOFLOAT(grid_sizes))/log(2.)))
if (mesh%idx%type == IDX_CUBIC) then
spatial_size = global_size
else if (mesh%idx%type == IDX_HILBERT) then
spatial_size = 2**(space%dim*mesh%idx%bits)
end if
! use block data decomposition of spatial indices
istart = spatial_size * mpi_world%rank/mpi_world%size
iend = spatial_size * (mpi_world%rank+1)/mpi_world%size - 1
ASSERT(iend - istart + 1 < huge(0_i4))
local_size = int(iend - istart + 1, i4)
! get inner grid indices
ip = 1
do ispatial = istart, iend
call index_spatial_to_point(mesh%idx, space%dim, ispatial, point)
! first check if point is outside bounding box
if (any(point(1:space%dim) < mesh%idx%nr(1, 1:space%dim) + mesh%idx%enlarge(1:space%dim))) cycle
if (any(point(1:space%dim) > mesh%idx%nr(2, 1:space%dim) - mesh%idx%enlarge(1:space%dim))) cycle
! then check if point is inside simulation box
chi(1:space%dim) = TOFLOAT(point(1:space%dim)) * mesh%spacing(1:space%dim)
pos(1:space%dim) = mesh%coord_system%to_cartesian(chi(1:space%dim))
if (.not. box%contains_point(pos)) cycle
grid_to_spatial_initial(ip) = ispatial
ASSERT(ip + 1 < huge(ip))
ip = ip + 1
end do
np = ip - 1
call rebalance_array(grid_to_spatial_initial(1:np), grid_to_spatial, sizes)
np = sizes(mpi_world%rank)
!$omp parallel do
do ispatial = grid_to_spatial(1), grid_to_spatial(np)
spatial_to_grid(ispatial) = -1
end do
!$omp parallel do
do ip = 1, np
spatial_to_grid(grid_to_spatial(ip)) = ip
end do
! get local boundary indices
call lihash_init(spatial_to_boundary)
size_boundary = np
ib = 1
do ip = 1, np
call index_spatial_to_point(mesh%idx, space%dim, grid_to_spatial(ip), point)
do is = 1, stencil%size
if (stencil%center == is) cycle
point_stencil(1:space%dim) = point(1:space%dim) + stencil%points(1:space%dim, is)
! check if point is in inner part
call index_point_to_spatial(mesh%idx, space%dim, ispatialb, point_stencil)
if (ispatialb >= lbound(spatial_to_grid, dim=1, kind=i8) .and. &
ispatialb <= ubound(spatial_to_grid, dim=1, kind=i8)) then
if (spatial_to_grid(ispatialb) > 0) cycle
end if
! then check if point is inside simulation box
chi(1:space%dim) = TOFLOAT(point_stencil(1:space%dim)) * mesh%spacing(1:space%dim)
pos(1:space%dim) = mesh%coord_system%to_cartesian(chi(1:space%dim))
if (box%contains_point(pos)) cycle
! it has to be a boundary point now
! check if already counted
ib2 = lihash_lookup(spatial_to_boundary, ispatialb, found)
if (found) cycle
boundary_to_spatial(ib) = ispatialb
call lihash_insert(spatial_to_boundary, ispatialb, ib)
ib = ib + 1
! enlarge array
if (ib >= size_boundary) then
size_boundary = size_boundary * 2
call make_array_larger(boundary_to_spatial, size_boundary)
end if
end do
end do
np_boundary = ib - 1
call lihash_end(spatial_to_boundary)
! reorder inner points
call reorder_points(namespace, space, mesh%idx, grid_to_spatial, grid_to_spatial_reordered)
call rebalance_array(grid_to_spatial_reordered, grid_to_spatial, sizes)
np = sizes(mpi_world%rank)
mesh%np_global = sizes(0)
do ii = 1, mpi_world%size - 1
mesh%np_global = mesh%np_global + sizes(ii)
end do
! reorder boundary points
call make_array_larger(boundary_to_spatial, np_boundary)
call reorder_points(namespace, space, mesh%idx, boundary_to_spatial, boundary_to_spatial_reordered)
call rebalance_array(boundary_to_spatial_reordered, boundary_to_spatial, sizes)
! global grid size
np_boundary = sizes(mpi_world%rank)
mesh%np_part_global = mesh%np_global + sizes(0)
do ii = 1, mpi_world%size - 1
mesh%np_part_global = mesh%np_part_global + sizes(ii)
end do
! get global indices
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
! create shared memory window and fill it only on root
call create_intranode_communicator(mpi_world, intranode_grp, internode_grp)
call lmpi_create_shared_memory_window(mesh%np_part_global, intranode_grp, &
mesh%idx%window_grid_to_spatial, mesh%idx%grid_to_spatial_global)
! inner grid
call get_sizes_offsets(np, sizes, offsets)
call mpi_world%gatherv(grid_to_spatial, np, MPI_INTEGER8, &
mesh%idx%grid_to_spatial_global, sizes, offsets, MPI_INTEGER8, 0)
! boundary indices
call get_sizes_offsets(np_boundary, sizes, offsets)
call mpi_world%gatherv(boundary_to_spatial, np_boundary, MPI_INTEGER8, &
mesh%idx%grid_to_spatial_global(mesh%np_global+1:), sizes, offsets, MPI_INTEGER8, 0)
! fill global hash map
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
! create shared memory window and fill it only on root
call lmpi_create_shared_memory_window(spatial_size, intranode_grp, &
mesh%idx%window_spatial_to_grid, ptr)
mesh%idx%spatial_to_grid_global(0:spatial_size-1) => ptr(1:spatial_size)
if (mpi_grp_is_root(mpi_world)) then
! fill only on root, then broadcast
!$omp parallel do
do ispatial = 0, spatial_size-1
mesh%idx%spatial_to_grid_global(ispatial) = 0
end do
!$omp parallel do
do ipg = 1, mesh%np_part_global
mesh%idx%spatial_to_grid_global(mesh%idx%grid_to_spatial_global(ipg)) = ipg
end do
end if
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
! now broadcast the global arrays to local rank 0 on each node
if (intranode_grp%rank == 0) then
call internode_grp%bcast(mesh%idx%grid_to_spatial_global(1), mesh%np_part_global, MPI_INTEGER8, 0)
call internode_grp%bcast(mesh%idx%spatial_to_grid_global(0), spatial_size, MPI_INTEGER8, 0)
end if
call lmpi_sync_shared_memory_window(mesh%idx%window_grid_to_spatial, intranode_grp)
call lmpi_sync_shared_memory_window(mesh%idx%window_spatial_to_grid, intranode_grp)
call profiling_out(mesh_init_prof)
end subroutine mesh_init_stage_2
Third stage:
We can finally generate the list of mesh points mesh_t::x. At this stage, domain decomposition will be considered and x(:,:) contains only the domain local points.
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! ---------------------------------------------------------
!> When running parallel in domains, stencil and np_stencil
!! are needed to compute the ghost points.
!! mpi_grp is the communicator group that will be used for
!! this mesh.
! ---------------------------------------------------------
subroutine mesh_init_stage_3(mesh, namespace, space, stencil, mc, parent)
type(mesh_t), intent(inout) :: mesh
type(namespace_t), intent(in) :: namespace
type(space_t), intent(in) :: space
type(stencil_t), intent(in) :: stencil
type(multicomm_t), intent(in) :: mc
type(mesh_t), optional, intent(in) :: parent
integer :: ip
call profiling_in(mesh_init_prof, "MESH_INIT")
call mpi_grp_init(mesh%mpi_grp, mc%group_comm(P_STRATEGY_DOMAINS))
! check if we are running in parallel in domains
mesh%parallel_in_domains = (mesh%mpi_grp%size > 1)
call checksum_calculate(1, mesh%np_part_global, mesh%idx%grid_to_spatial_global(1), &
if (mesh%parallel_in_domains) then
call do_partition()
! When running serially those two are the same.
ASSERT(mesh%np_part_global < huge(mesh%np_part))
mesh%np = i8_to_i4(mesh%np_global)
mesh%np_part = i8_to_i4(mesh%np_part_global)
! These must be initialized for par_vec_gather, par_vec_scatter to work
! as copy operations when running without domain parallelization.
mesh%pv%np_global = mesh%np_global
mesh%pv%np_ghost = 0
mesh%pv%np_bndry = mesh%np_part - mesh%np
mesh%pv%npart = 1
mesh%pv%xlocal = 1
end if
! Compute mesh%x
SAFE_ALLOCATE(mesh%x(1:mesh%np_part, 1:space%dim))
mesh%x(:, :) = M_ZERO
do ip = 1, mesh%np_part
mesh%x(ip, 1:space%dim) = mesh_x_global(mesh, mesh_local2global(mesh, ip))
end do
call mesh_cube_map_init(mesh%cube_map, mesh%idx, mesh%np_global)
call mesh_get_vol_pp()
call profiling_out(mesh_init_prof)
! ---------------------------------------------------------
subroutine do_partition()
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
integer :: jj, ipart, jpart
integer(i8) :: ipg
integer, allocatable :: gindex(:), gedges(:)
logical, allocatable :: nb(:, :)
integer :: idx(1:MAX_DIM), jx(1:MAX_DIM)
integer :: graph_comm, iedge, nnb
logical :: use_topo, reorder, partition_print
integer :: ierr
logical :: has_virtual_partition = .false.
integer :: vsize !< 'virtual' partition size
type(restart_t) :: restart_load, restart_dump
integer, allocatable :: part_vec(:)
!Try to load the partition from the restart files
call restart_init(restart_load, namespace, RESTART_PARTITION, RESTART_TYPE_LOAD, mc, ierr, mesh=mesh, exact=.true.)
if (ierr == 0) call mesh_partition_load(restart_load, mesh, ierr)
call restart_end(restart_load)
if (ierr /= 0) then
!%Variable MeshPartitionVirtualSize
!%Type integer
!%Default mesh mpi_grp size
!%Section Execution::Parallelization
!% Gives the possibility to change the partition nodes.
!% Afterward, it crashes.
call parse_variable(namespace, 'MeshPartitionVirtualSize', mesh%mpi_grp%size, vsize)
if (vsize /= mesh%mpi_grp%size) then
write(message(1),'(a,I7)') "Changing the partition size to", vsize
write(message(2),'(a)') "The execution will crash."
call messages_warning(2, namespace=namespace)
has_virtual_partition = .true.
has_virtual_partition = .false.
end if
if (.not. present(parent)) then
call mesh_partition(mesh, namespace, stencil, vsize)
! if there is a parent grid, use its partition
call mesh_partition_from_parent(mesh, parent)
end if
!Now that we have the partitions, we save them
call restart_init(restart_dump, namespace, RESTART_PARTITION, RESTART_TYPE_DUMP, mc, ierr, mesh=mesh)
call mesh_partition_dump(restart_dump, mesh, vsize, ierr)
call restart_end(restart_dump)
end if
if (has_virtual_partition) then
call profiling_end(namespace)
call print_date("Calculation ended on ")
write(message(1),'(a)') "Execution has ended."
write(message(2),'(a)') "If you want to run your system, do not use MeshPartitionVirtualSize."
call messages_warning(2, namespace=namespace)
call messages_end()
call global_end()
end if
!%Variable MeshUseTopology
!%Type logical
!%Default false
!%Section Execution::Parallelization
!% (experimental) If enabled, <tt>Octopus</tt> will use an MPI virtual
!% topology to map the processors. This can improve performance
!% for certain interconnection systems.
call parse_variable(namespace, 'MeshUseTopology', .false., use_topo)
if (use_topo) then
! At the moment we still need the global partition. This will be removed in near future.
call partition_get_global(mesh%partition, part_vec(1:mesh%np_global))
! generate a table of neighbours
SAFE_ALLOCATE(nb(1:mesh%mpi_grp%size, 1:mesh%mpi_grp%size))
nb = .false.
do ipg = 1, mesh%np_global
ipart = part_vec(ipg)
call mesh_global_index_to_coords(mesh, ipg, idx)
do jj = 1, stencil%size
jx(1:MAX_DIM) = idx(1:MAX_DIM) + stencil%points(1:MAX_DIM, jj)
if (all(jx(1:MAX_DIM) >= mesh%idx%nr(1, 1:MAX_DIM)) .and. all(jx(1:MAX_DIM) <= mesh%idx%nr(2, 1:MAX_DIM))) then
jpart = part_vec(mesh_global_index_from_coords(mesh, jx))
if (ipart /= jpart ) nb(ipart, jpart) = .true.
end if
end do
end do
! now generate the information of the graph
! and now generate it
iedge = 0
do ipart = 1, mesh%mpi_grp%size
do jpart = 1, mesh%mpi_grp%size
if (nb(ipart, jpart)) then
iedge = iedge + 1
gedges(iedge) = jpart - 1
end if
end do
gindex(ipart) = iedge
end do
ASSERT(iedge == count(nb))
reorder = .true.
call MPI_Graph_create(mesh%mpi_grp%comm, mesh%mpi_grp%size, gindex, gedges, reorder, graph_comm, mpi_err)
! we have a new communicator
call mpi_grp_init(mesh%mpi_grp, graph_comm)
end if
call par_vec_init(mesh%mpi_grp, mesh%np_global, mesh%idx, stencil,&
space, mesh%partition, mesh%pv, namespace)
! check the number of ghost neighbours in parallel
nnb = 0
jpart = mesh%pv%partno
do ipart = 1, mesh%pv%npart
if (ipart == jpart) cycle
if (mesh%pv%ghost_scounts(ipart) /= 0) nnb = nnb + 1
end do
ASSERT(nnb >= 0 .and. nnb < mesh%pv%npart)
! Set local point numbers.
mesh%np = mesh%pv%np_local
mesh%np_part = mesh%np + mesh%pv%np_ghost + mesh%pv%np_bndry
!%Variable PartitionPrint
!%Type logical
!%Default true
!%Section Execution::Parallelization
!% (experimental) If disabled, <tt>Octopus</tt> will not compute
!% nor print the partition information, such as local points,
!% no. of neighbours, ghost points and boundary points.
call parse_variable(namespace, 'PartitionPrint', .true., partition_print)
if (partition_print) then
call mesh_partition_write_info(mesh, namespace=namespace)
call mesh_partition_messages_debug(mesh, namespace)
end if
end subroutine do_partition
which ‘serializes’ the mesh by a choice of space-filling curve methods.