53 type(space_t) :: space
55 integer,
public ::
57 character(len=1024) :: potential_formula
58 character(len=200) :: density_formula
59 character(len=MAX_PATH_LEN) :: filename
62 real(real64),
public :: pot(:)
64 real(real64),
public :: b_field(:)
66 real(real64),
public :: a_static(:,:)
67 real(real64),
public :: e_field(:)
70 real(real64),
public :: v_ext(:)
81 integer,
parameter :: &
82 EXTERNAL_POT_USDEF = 201, & !< user-defined function for local potential
96 class(external_potential_t),
pointer :: this
97 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
103 this%namespace =
"ExternalPotential", parent=namespace)
104 this%space =
108 allocate(this%supported_interactions_as_partner(0))
111 this%quantities(
e_field)%updated_on_demand = .false.
115 this%quantities(
b_field)%updated_on_demand = .false.
123 type(external_potential_t),
intent(inout) :: this
127 call this%deallocate_memory()
134 class(external_potential_t),
intent(inout) :: this
135 class(mesh_t),
intent(in) :: mesh
139 select case (this%type)
141 safe_allocate(this%pot(1:mesh%np))
143 safe_allocate(this%a_static(1:mesh%np, 1:this%space%dim))
145 if (this%space%periodic_dim < this%space%dim)
146 safe_allocate(this%pot(1:mesh%np))
147 safe_allocate(this%v_ext(1:mesh%np_part))
160 safe_deallocate_a(this%pot)
161 safe_deallocate_a(this%b_field)
162 safe_deallocate_a(this%a_static)
163 safe_deallocate_a(this%e_field)
164 safe_deallocate_a(this%v_ext)
176 select type (interaction)
180 message(1) =
"Unsupported interaction."
196 select type (interaction)
199 do ip = 1, interaction%system_np
200 interaction%partner_e_field(:, ip) = partner%e_field
201 interaction%partner_b_field(:, ip) =
204 do ip = 1, interaction%system_np
205 interaction%partner_e_field(:, ip) =
206 interaction%partner_b_field(:, ip) = partner%b_field
213 message(1) =
"Unsupported interaction."
225 class(
intent(in) :: mesh
228 real(real64) :: pot_re, pot_im, r, xx(this%space%dim)
229 real(real64),
allocatable :: den(:), grx(:)
234 select case (this%type)
236 case (external_pot_usdef)
237 assert(
240 call mesh_r(mesh, ip, r, coords = xx)
242 this%pot(ip) = pot_re
246 assert(
250 write(
'Error loading file '//trim(this%filename)//
251 write(
'Error code returned = ', err
256 assert(
258 safe_allocate(den(1:mesh%np))
261 call mesh_r(mesh, ip, r, coords = xx)
269 this%pot(1:mesh%np) =
271 call dpoisson_solve(poisson, namespace, this%pot, den, all_nodes = .false.)
273 safe_deallocate_a(den)
276 assert(
282 safe_allocate(grx(1:this%space%dim))
284 select case (this%space%dim)
286 select case (this%gauge_2d)
288 if (this%space%periodic_dim == 1)
289 message(1) =
"For 2D system, 1D-periodic, StaticMagneticField can only be "
290 message(2) =
"applied for StaticMagneticField2DGauge = linear_y."
295 grx(1:this%space%dim) = mesh%x(ip, 1:this%space%dim)
296 this%a_static(ip, :) = -
p_c * (/grx(2), -grx(1)/) * this%b_field(3)
301 grx(1:this%space%dim) = mesh%x(ip, 1:this%space%dim)
302 this%a_static(ip, :) = -
p_c * (/grx(2),
m_zero/) * this%b_field(3)
308 grx(1:this%space%dim) = mesh%x(ip, 1:this%space%dim)
309 this%a_static(ip, 1) = -
p_c*(grx(2) * this%b_field(3) - grx(3) * this%b_field(2))
310 this%a_static(ip, 2) = -
p_c*(grx(3) * this%b_field(1) - grx(1) * this%b_field(3))
311 this%a_static(ip, 3) = -
p_c*(grx(1) * this%b_field(2) - grx(2) * this%b_field(1))
317 safe_deallocate_a(grx)
320 assert(
322 if (this%space%periodic_dim < this%space%dim)
333 this%pot(ip) = sum(mesh%x(ip, this%space%periodic_dim + 1:this%space%dim) &
334 * this%e_field(this%space%periodic_dim + 1:this%space%dim))
338 this%v_ext(1:mesh%np) = this%pot(1:mesh%np)
339 do ip = mesh%np+1, mesh%np_part
340 this%v_ext(ip) = sum(mesh%x(ip, this%space%periodic_dim + 1:this%space%dim) &
341 * this%e_field(this%space%periodic_dim + 1:this%space%dim))
354 integer :: n_pot_block, row, read_data
358 integer :: dim, periodic_dim, idir
404 if (
'StaticExternalPotentials', blk) == 0)
407 do row = 0, n_pot_block-1
412 assert(read_data > 0)
414 call external_potentials%add(pot)
424 call parse_variable(namespace,
'PeriodicDimensions', 0, periodic_dim)
448 if (
'StaticMagneticField', blk) == 0)
467 call parse_variable(namespace,
'StaticMagneticField2DGauge', 0, pot%gauge_2d)
472 safe_allocate(pot%b_field(1:3))
480 if (periodic_dim == 2)
481 message(1) =
"StaticMagneticField cannot be applied in a 2D, 2D-periodic system."
484 if (pot%b_field(1)**2 + pot%b_field(2)**2 >
491 if (periodic_dim >= 2)
492 message(1) =
"In 3D, StaticMagneticField cannot be applied when the system is 2D- or 3D-periodic."
494 else if (periodic_dim == 1 .and. any(abs(pot%b_field(2:3)) >
495 message(1) =
"In 3D, 1D-periodic, StaticMagneticField must be zero in the y- and z-directions."
504 call external_potentials%add(pot)
522 if (
'StaticElectricField', blk) == 0)
528 safe_allocate(pot%e_field(1:dim))
533 if (idir <= periodic_dim .and. abs(pot%e_field(idir)) >
534 message(1) =
"Applying StaticElectricField in a periodic direction is only accurate for large supercells."
541 call external_potentials%add(pot)
554 type(
intent(in) :: blk
555 integer,
intent(in) :: row
556 integer,
intent(out) :: read_data
558 integer :: ncols, icol, flag
572 if (pot%type >= 0)
573 message(1) =
'Error in reading the ExternalPotentials block'
583 call messages_input_error(namespace,
"Unknown type of external potential")
590 if (icol >= ncols)
596 case (option__staticexternalpotentials__file)
600 case (option__staticexternalpotentials__potential_formula)
605 if (pot%type /= external_pot_usdef)
606 call messages_input_error(namespace,
'potential_formula can only be used with user_defined')
609 case (option__staticexternalpotentials__density_formula)
615 call messages_input_error(namespace,
'density_formula can only be used with charge_density')
628 if (pot%type == external_pot_usdef .and. .not.
629 call messages_input_error(namespace,
"The 'potential_formula' parameter is missing.")
633 call messages_input_error(namespace,
"The 'density_formula' parameter is missing.")
647 integer(int64),
intent(in) :: param
661 integer(int64),
intent(in) :: param
666 call messages_input_error(namespace,
"Duplicated parameter in external potential.")
subroutine check_duplication(param)
logical function parameter_defined(param)
integer, parameter, public external_pot_from_file
potential, defined in a file
subroutine, public load_external_potentials(external_potentials, namespace)
class(external_potential_t) function, pointer external_potential_init(namespace)
subroutine read_from_block(pot, namespace, blk, row, read_data)
integer, parameter, public external_pot_charge_density
user-defined function for charge density
subroutine external_potential_finalize(this)
subroutine external_potential_calculate(this, namespace, mesh, poisson)
subroutine external_potential_init_interaction_as_partner(partner, interaction)
subroutine external_potential_deallocate(this)
subroutine external_potential_copy_quantities_to_interaction(partner, interaction)
integer, parameter, public external_pot_static_efield
Static electric field.
integer, parameter, public external_pot_static_bfield
Static magnetic field.
subroutine external_potential_allocate(this, mesh)
real(real64), parameter, public m_zero
real(real64), parameter, public m_epsilon
real(real64), parameter, public m_half
real(real64), parameter, public p_c
Electron gyromagnetic ratio, see Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 071801 (2023)
real(real64), parameter, public m_one
This module implements a simple hash table for non-negative integer keys and integer values.
subroutine, public iihash_end(h)
Free a hash table.
subroutine, public iihash_insert(h, key, val)
Insert a (key, val) pair into the hash table h.
integer function, public iihash_lookup(h, key, found)
Look up a value in the hash table h. If found is present, it indicates if key could be found in the t...
subroutine, public iihash_init(h)
Initialize a hash table h.
integer, parameter, public lorentz_force
This module defines classes and functions for interaction partners.
subroutine, public dio_function_input(filename, namespace, space, mesh, ff, ierr, map)
Reads a mesh function from file filename, and puts it into ff. If the map argument is passed,...
This module defines the meshes, which are used in Octopus.
pure subroutine, public mesh_r(mesh, ip, rr, origin, coords)
return the distance to the origin for a given grid point
subroutine, public messages_not_implemented(feature, namespace)
subroutine, public messages_warning(no_lines, all_nodes, namespace)
character(len=256), dimension(max_lines), public message
to be output by fatal, warning
subroutine, public messages_fatal(no_lines, only_root_writes, namespace)
subroutine, public messages_input_error(namespace, var, details, row, column)
integer function, public parse_block(namespace, name, blk, check_varinfo_)
logical pure function, public poisson_solver_is_iterative(this)
subroutine, public dpoisson_solve(this, namespace, pot, rho, all_nodes, kernel)
Calculates the Poisson equation. Given the density returns the corresponding potential.
This module defines the quantity_t class and the IDs for quantities, which can be exposed by a system...
integer, parameter, public b_field
integer, parameter, public e_field
subroutine, public conv_to_c_string(str)
converts to c string
brief This module defines the class unit_t which is used by the unit_systems_oct_m module.
This module defines the unit system, used for input and output.
type(unit_system_t), public units_inp
the units systems for reading and writing
abstract class for general interaction partners
surrogate interaction class to avoid circular dependencies between modules.
This class implements the iteration counter used by the multisystem algorithms. As any iteration coun...
Lorenz force between a systems of particles and an electromagnetic field.
Describes mesh distribution to nodes.