36 use,
intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
96 integer,
parameter :: &
109 type(derivatives_t),
public :: der
111 integer,
public :: kernel
112 type(cube_t),
public :: cube
113 type(mesh_cube_parallel_map_t),
public :: mesh_cube_map
114 type(poisson_mg_solver_t) :: mg
115 type(poisson_fft_t),
public :: fft_solver
116 real(real64),
public :: poisson_soft_coulomb_param
117 logical :: all_nodes_default
118 type(poisson_corr_t) :: corrector
119 type(poisson_isf_t) :: isf_solver
120 type(poisson_psolver_t) :: psolver_solver
121 type(poisson_no_t) :: no_solver
123 logical,
public :: is_dressed = .false.
124 type(photon_mode_t),
public :: photons
126 type(MPI_Comm) :: intercomm
127 type(mpi_grp_t) :: local_grp
132 integer,
parameter :: &
139 subroutine poisson_init(this, namespace, space, der, mc, stencil, qtot, label, solver, verbose, force_serial, force_cmplx)
140 type(poisson_t),
intent(inout) :: this
141 class(space_t),
intent(in) :: space
142 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
143 type(derivatives_t),
intent(in) :: der
144 type(multicomm_t),
intent(in) :: mc
145 type(stencil_t),
intent(in) :: stencil
146 real(real64),
intent(in) :: qtot
147 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: label
148 integer,
intent(in) :: solver
149 logical,
intent(in) :: verbose
150 logical,
intent(in) :: force_serial
151 logical,
intent(in) :: force_cmplx
153 logical :: need_cube, isf_data_is_parallel
154 integer :: default_solver, default_kernel, box(space%dim), fft_type, fft_library
155 real(real64) :: fft_alpha
156 character(len=60) :: str
165 if (
present(label)) str = trim(label)
187 call parse_variable(namespace,
'DressedOrbitals', .false., this%is_dressed)
189 if (this%is_dressed)
190 assert(
195 if(.not.
198 if (this%photons%nmodes > 1)
203 this%all_nodes_default = .false.
259 if (space%dim == 3 .and. .not. space%is_periodic()) default_solver =
270 if (space%dim > 3) default_solver =
272 if (der%mesh%use_curvilinear)
273 select case (space%dim)
275 default_solver = poisson_direct_sum
277 default_solver = poisson_direct_sum
283 if (this%is_dressed) default_solver = poisson_direct_sum
285 if (.not.
286 call parse_variable(namespace,
'PoissonSolver', default_solver, this%method)
292 select case (this%method)
293 case (poisson_direct_sum)
296 str =
"fast Fourier transform"
298 str =
"conjugate gradients"
300 str =
"conjugate gradients, corrected"
304 str =
"interpolating scaling functions"
306 str =
"interpolating scaling functions (from BigDFT)"
308 str =
"no Poisson solver - Hartree set to 0"
310 write(
"The chosen Poisson solver is '", trim(str),
314 if (space%dim > 3 .and. this%method /=
315 call messages_input_error(namespace,
'Currently no Poisson solver is available for Dimensions > 3')
352 select case (space%dim)
354 if (.not. space%is_periodic())
360 if (space%periodic_dim == 2)
362 else if (space%is_periodic())
363 default_kernel = space%periodic_dim
368 default_kernel = space%periodic_dim
371 call parse_variable(namespace,
'PoissonFFTKernel', default_kernel, this%kernel)
381 message(1) =
'PoissonFFTKernel=multipole_correction is not supported on GPUs'
382 message(2) =
'Using FFTW to compute the FFTs on the CPU'
389 if (.not.
390 if (space%is_periodic() .and. this%method == poisson_direct_sum)
391 message(1) =
'A periodic system may not use the direct_sum Poisson solver.'
396 message(1) =
'A periodic system may not use the cg_corrected Poisson solver.'
400 if (space%is_periodic() .and. this%method ==
401 message(1) =
'A periodic system may not use the cg Poisson solver.'
406 message(1) =
'A periodic system may not use the multigrid Poisson solver.'
410 select case (space%dim)
413 select case (space%periodic_dim)
415 if ((this%method /=
poisson_fft) .and. (this%method /= poisson_direct_sum))
416 message(1) =
'A finite 1D system may only use fft or direct_sum Poisson solvers.'
421 message(1) =
'A periodic 1D system may only use the fft Poisson solver.'
426 if (der%mesh%use_curvilinear .and. this%method /= poisson_direct_sum)
427 message(1) =
'If curvilinear coordinates are used in 1D, then the only working'
428 message(2) =
'Poisson solver is direct_sum.'
434 if ((this%method /=
poisson_fft) .and. (this%method /= poisson_direct_sum))
435 message(1) =
'A 2D system may only use fft or direct_sum solvers.'
439 if (der%mesh%use_curvilinear .and. (this%method /= poisson_direct_sum))
440 message(1) =
'If curvilinear coordinates are used in 2D, then the only working'
441 message(2) =
'Poisson solver is direct_sum.'
447 if (space%is_periodic() .and. this%method ==
448 call messages_write(
'The ISF solver can only be used for finite systems.')
452 if (space%is_periodic() .and. this%method ==
poisson_fft .and. &
453 this%kernel /= space%periodic_dim .and. this%kernel >= 0 .and. this%kernel <= 3)
454 write(
'The system is periodic in ', space%periodic_dim ,
' dimension(s),'
455 write(
'but Poisson solver is set for ', this%kernel,
' dimensions.'
460 write(
'PoissonFFTKernel = multipole_correction cannot be used for periodic systems.'
465 message(1) =
'If curvilinear coordinates are used, then the only working'
466 message(2) =
'Poisson solver are cg_corrected and multigrid.'
473 select type (box => der%mesh%box)
476 message(1) =
'When using the "minimum" box shape and the "cg_corrected"'
477 message(2) =
'Poisson solver, we have observed "sometimes" some non-'
478 message(3) =
'negligible error. You may want to check that the "fft" or "cg"'
479 message(4) =
'solver are providing, in your case, the same results.'
488#if !(defined HAVE_PSOLVER)
489 message(1) =
"The PSolver Poisson solver cannot be used since the code was not compiled with the PSolver library."
505 box(:) = der%mesh%idx%ll(:)
515 call parse_variable(namespace,
'PoissonSolverPSolverParallelData', .
true., isf_data_is_parallel)
543 write(
"Input: '", fft_alpha, &
544 "' is not a valid DoubleFFTParameter"
545 message(2) =
'1.0 <= DoubleFFTParameter <= 3.0'
549 if (space%dim /= 3 .and. fft_library ==
553 select case (space%dim)
556 select case (this%kernel)
560 box = der%mesh%idx%ll
564 select case (this%kernel)
567 box(1:2) = maxval(box)
571 box(:) = der%mesh%idx%ll(:)
575 select case (this%kernel)
581 box(2) = maxval(box(2:3))
582 box(3) = maxval(box(2:3))
584 box(:) = der%mesh%idx%ll(:)
595 call cube_init(this%cube, box, namespace, space, der%mesh%spacing, &
596 der%mesh%coord_system, fft_type = fft_type, &
597 need_partition=.not.der%mesh%parallel_in_domains)
599 if (this%cube%parallel_in_domains .and. this%method ==
604 if (this%is_dressed .and. .not. this%method == poisson_direct_sum)
605 write(
'Dressed Orbital calculation currently only working with direct sum Poisson solver.'
624 select case (this%method)
652 if (this%cube%parallel_in_domains)
658 if (this%is_dressed)
661 this%is_dressed = .false.
671 complex(real64),
intent(inout) :: pot(:)
672 complex(real64),
intent(in) :: rho(:)
673 logical,
intent(in) :: all_nodes
676 real(real64),
allocatable :: aux1(:), aux2(:)
678 logical :: all_nodes_value
687 if (
688 assert(.not. any(abs(kernel%qq(:))>1e-8_real64))
693 safe_allocate(aux1(1:der%mesh%np))
694 safe_allocate(aux2(1:der%mesh%np))
696 aux1(1:der%mesh%np) = real(rho(1:der%mesh%np), real64)
697 aux2(1:der%mesh%np) = real(pot(1:der%mesh%np), real64)
698 call dpoisson_solve(this, namespace, aux2, aux1, all_nodes=all_nodes_value, kernel=kernel)
699 pot(1:der%mesh%np) = aux2(1:der%mesh%np)
702 aux1(1:der%mesh%np) = aimag(rho(1:der%mesh%np))
703 aux2(1:der%mesh%np) = aimag(pot(1:der%mesh%np))
704 call dpoisson_solve(this, namespace, aux2, aux1, all_nodes=all_nodes_value, kernel=kernel)
705 pot(1:der%mesh%np) = pot(1:der%mesh%np) +
707 safe_deallocate_a(aux1)
708 safe_deallocate_a(aux2)
717 subroutine zpoisson_solve(this, namespace, pot, rho, all_nodes, kernel, reset)
720 complex(real64),
intent(inout) :: pot(:)
721 complex(real64),
intent(in) :: rho(:)
722 logical,
intent(in) :: all_nodes
724 logical,
intent(in) :: reset
726 logical :: all_nodes_value
732 assert(ubound(pot, dim = 1) == this%der%mesh%np_part .or. ubound(pot, dim = 1) == this%der%mesh%np)
733 assert(ubound(rho, dim = 1) == this%der%mesh%np_part .or. ubound(rho, dim = 1) == this%der%mesh%np)
738 pot(1:this%der%mesh%np) =
742 .and. .not. this%is_dressed)
748 call zpoisson_fft_solve(this%fft_solver, this%der%mesh, this%cube, pot, rho, this%mesh_cube_map, kernel=kernel)
766 type(
intent(inout) :: potb
767 type(
intent(inout) :: rhob
768 logical,
intent(in) :: all_nodes
775 assert(potb%nst_linear == rhob%nst_linear)
776 assert(potb%type() == rhob%type())
779 do ii = 1, potb%nst_linear
780 call dpoisson_solve(this, namespace, potb%dff_linear(:, ii), rhob%dff_linear(:, ii), all_nodes, kernel=kernel)
783 do ii = 1, potb%nst_linear
784 call zpoisson_solve(this, namespace, potb%zff_linear(:, ii), rhob%zff_linear(:, ii), all_nodes, kernel=kernel)
798 subroutine dpoisson_solve(this, namespace, pot, rho, all_nodes, kernel, reset)
801 real(real64),
intent(inout) :: pot(:)
802 real(real64),
intent(in) :: rho(:)
806 logical,
intent(in) :: all_nodes
808 logical,
intent(in) :: reset
811 real(real64),
allocatable :: rho_corrected(:), vh_correction(:)
812 logical :: all_nodes_value
819 assert(ubound(pot, dim = 1) == der%mesh%np_part .or. ubound(pot, dim = 1) == der%mesh%np)
820 assert(ubound(rho, dim = 1) == der%mesh%np_part .or. ubound(rho, dim = 1) == der%mesh%np)
826 pot(1:der%mesh%np) =
831 if (
835 select case (this%method)
836 case (poisson_direct_sum)
837 if ((this%is_dressed .and. this%der%dim - 1 > 3) .or. this%der%dim > 3)
838 message(1) =
"Direct sum Poisson solver only available for 1, 2, or 3 dimensions."
844 call poisson_cg1(namespace, der, this%corrector, pot, rho)
847 safe_allocate(rho_corrected(1:der%mesh%np))
848 safe_allocate(vh_correction(1:der%mesh%np_part))
850 call correct_rho(this%corrector, der, rho, rho_corrected, vh_correction)
852 pot(1:der%mesh%np) = pot(1:der%mesh%np) - vh_correction(1:der%mesh%np)
853 call poisson_cg2(namespace, der, pot, rho_corrected)
854 pot(1:der%mesh%np) = pot(1:der%mesh%np) + vh_correction(1:der%mesh%np)
856 safe_deallocate_a(rho_corrected)
857 safe_deallocate_a(vh_correction)
864 call dpoisson_fft_solve(this%fft_solver, der%mesh, this%cube, pot, rho, this%mesh_cube_map, kernel=kernel)
866 safe_allocate(rho_corrected(1:der%mesh%np))
867 safe_allocate(vh_correction(1:der%mesh%np_part))
869 call correct_rho(this%corrector, der, rho, rho_corrected, vh_correction)
870 call dpoisson_fft_solve(this%fft_solver, der%mesh, this%cube, pot, rho_corrected, this%mesh_cube_map, &
871 average_to_zero = .
true., kernel=kernel)
873 pot(1:der%mesh%np) = pot(1:der%mesh%np) + vh_correction(1:der%mesh%np)
874 safe_deallocate_a(rho_corrected)
875 safe_deallocate_a(vh_correction)
879 call poisson_isf_solve(this%isf_solver, der%mesh, this%cube, pot, rho, all_nodes_value)
883 if (this%psolver_solver%datacode ==
896 if (this%is_dressed .and. this%method /=
905 subroutine poisson_init_sm(this, namespace, space, main, der, sm, method, force_cmplx)
908 class(
intent(in) :: space
912 integer,
intent(in) :: method
913 logical,
intent(in) :: force_cmplx
915 integer :: default_solver, idir, iter, maxl
916 integer :: box(space%dim)
923 this%is_dressed = .false.
925 this%all_nodes_default = .false.
931 this%all_nodes_default = main%all_nodes_default
934 default_solver = poisson_direct_sum
935 this%method = default_solver
936 if (
present(method)) this%method = method
938 if (der%mesh%use_curvilinear)
944 select case (this%method)
945 case (poisson_direct_sum)
950 assert(.not. der%mesh%parallel_in_domains)
953 call cube_init(this%cube, box, namespace, space, sm%mesh%spacing, sm%mesh%coord_system, &
954 fft_type =
fft_none, need_partition=.not.der%mesh%parallel_in_domains)
956 call poisson_isf_init(this%isf_solver, namespace, der%mesh, this%cube,
mpi_world%comm, init_world = this%all_nodes_default)
960 assert(.not. der%mesh%parallel_in_domains)
961 if (this%all_nodes_default)
964 this%cube%mpi_grp = this%der%mesh%mpi_grp
968 call cube_init(this%cube, box, namespace, space, sm%mesh%spacing, sm%mesh%coord_system, &
969 fft_type =
fft_none, need_partition=.not.der%mesh%parallel_in_domains)
984 do idir = 1, space%dim
985 box(idir) = (2 * (box(idir) - 1)) + 1
988 call cube_init(this%cube, box, namespace, space, sm%mesh%spacing, sm%mesh%coord_system, &
989 fft_type =
fft_complex, need_partition=.not.der%mesh%parallel_in_domains)
991 call cube_init(this%cube, box, namespace, space, sm%mesh%spacing, sm%mesh%coord_system, &
992 fft_type =
fft_real, need_partition=.not.der%mesh%parallel_in_domains)
994 call poisson_fft_init(this%fft_solver, namespace, space, this%cube, this%kernel)
996 call parse_variable(namespace,
'PoissonSolverMaxMultipole', 4, maxl)
997 write(
'Info: Boundary conditions fixed up to L =', maxl
1033 this%kernel /= poisson_fft_kernel_sph .and. this%kernel /= poisson_fft_kernel_corrected)
1044 solver = this%method
1051 type(multicomm_t),
intent(in) :: mc
1056 if (multicomm_have_slaves(mc))
1058 call mpi_grp_init(this%local_grp, mc%group_comm(p_strategy_states))
1060 this%root = (this%local_grp%rank == 0)
1062 this%intercomm = mc%slave_intercomm
1063 call mpi_comm_remote_size(this%intercomm, this%nslaves, mpi_err)
1076 type(multicomm_t),
intent(in) :: mc
1085 if (multicomm_have_slaves(mc))
1088 do islave = this%local_grp%rank, this%nslaves - 1, this%local_grp%size
1089 call mpi_send(m_one, 1, mpi_double_precision, islave,
cmd_finish, this%intercomm, mpi_err)
1103 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
1106 real(real64),
allocatable :: rho(:), pot(:)
1108 type(mpi_status) :: status
1109 integer :: bcast_root
1112 call profiling_in(
1114 safe_allocate(rho(1:this%der%mesh%np))
1115 safe_allocate(pot(1:this%der%mesh%np))
1118 do while(.not. done)
1120 call profiling_in(
1121 call mpi_recv(rho(1), this%der%mesh%np, mpi_double_precision, mpi_any_source, mpi_any_tag, this%intercomm, status, mpi_err)
1122 call profiling_out(
1125 select case (status%MPI_TAG)
1133 call profiling_in(
1134 bcast_root = mpi_proc_null
1135 if (this%root) bcast_root = mpi_root
1136 call mpi_bcast(pot(1), this%der%mesh%np, mpi_double_precision, bcast_root, this%intercomm, mpi_err)
1137 call profiling_out(
1143 safe_deallocate_a(pot)
1144 safe_deallocate_a(rho)
1146 call profiling_out(
1156 async = (this%nslaves > 0)
1164 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
1165 class(space_t),
intent(in) :: space
1166 type(fourier_space_op_t),
intent(inout) :: coulb
1167 real(real64),
intent(in) :: qq(:)
1168 real(real64),
intent(in) :: alpha, beta, mu
1169 real(real64),
intent(in) :: singul
1171 real(real64),
parameter :: vanishing_q = 1.0e-5_real64
1176 if (space%is_periodic())
1177 assert(ubound(qq, 1) >= space%periodic_dim)
1181 if (mu > m_epsilon)
1183 write(message(1),
"Poisson solver with range separation is only implemented with FFT."
1184 call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
1190 if (
1191 reinit = any(abs(coulb%qq(1:space%periodic_dim) - qq(1:space%periodic_dim)) > m_epsilon)
1193 reinit = reinit .or. (abs(coulb%mu-mu) > m_epsilon .and. mu > m_epsilon)
1194 reinit = reinit .or. (abs(coulb%alpha-alpha) > m_epsilon .and. alpha > m_epsilon)
1195 reinit = reinit .or. (abs(coulb%beta-beta) > m_epsilon .and. beta > m_epsilon)
1201 select case (this%method)
1206 call fourier_space_op_end(coulb)
1208 safe_allocate(coulb%qq(1:space%dim))
1209 coulb%qq(1:space%periodic_dim) = qq(1:space%periodic_dim)
1210 coulb%qq(space%periodic_dim+1:space%dim) = vanishing_q
1212 coulb%singularity = optional_default(singul, m_zero)
1216 call poisson_fft_get_kernel(namespace, space, this%cube, coulb, this%kernel, &
1217 this%poisson_soft_coulomb_param)
1219 call messages_not_implemented(
"poisson_build_kernel with other methods than FFT", namespace=namespace)
1237 real(real64),
intent(in) :: alpha, beta, mu
1239 select case (this%method)
1243 if(mu < m_epsilon)
1245 else if(alpha > m_epsilon .and. beta < m_epsilon)
1247 else if(alpha < m_epsilon .and. beta > m_epsilon)
1255#include "poisson_init_inc.F90"
1256#include "poisson_direct_inc.F90"
1257#include "poisson_direct_sm_inc.F90"
1261#include "poisson_inc.F90"
1263#include "complex.F90"
1264#include "poisson_inc.F90"
Prints out to iunit a message in the form: ["InputVariable" = value] where "InputVariable" is given b...
pure logical function, public accel_is_enabled()
This module implements batches of mesh functions.
This module handles the calculation mode.
integer, parameter, public p_strategy_kpoints
parallelization in k-points
subroutine, public cube_init(cube, nn, namespace, space, spacing, coord_system, fft_type, fft_library, dont_optimize, nn_out, mpi_grp, need_partition, tp_enlarge, blocksize)
subroutine, public cube_end(cube)
subroutine, public cube_init_cube_map(cube, mesh)
This module calculates the derivatives (gradients, Laplacians, etc.) of a function.
Fast Fourier Transform module. This module provides a single interface that works with different FFT ...
integer, parameter, public fft_none
global constants
integer, public fft_default_lib
integer, parameter, public fftlib_accel
integer, parameter, public fft_real
integer, parameter, public fft_complex
integer, parameter, public fftlib_pfft
integer, parameter, public fftlib_fftw
real(real64), parameter, public m_two
real(real64), parameter, public m_zero
complex(real64), parameter, public m_zi
real(real64), parameter, public m_one
real(real64), parameter, public m_three
This module implements the index, used for the mesh points.
This module is intended to contain "only mathematical" functions and procedures.
subroutine, public mesh_cube_parallel_map_end(this)
subroutine, public mesh_cube_parallel_map_init(this, mesh, cube)
This module defines various routines, operating on mesh functions.
This module defines the meshes, which are used in Octopus.
subroutine, public mesh_double_box(space, mesh, alpha, db)
finds the dimension of a box doubled in the non-periodic dimensions
subroutine, public messages_print_with_emphasis(msg, iunit, namespace)
subroutine, public messages_not_implemented(feature, namespace)
character(len=512), private msg
subroutine, public messages_warning(no_lines, all_nodes, namespace)
character(len=256), dimension(max_lines), public message
to be output by fatal, warning
subroutine, public messages_fatal(no_lines, only_root_writes, namespace)
subroutine, public messages_input_error(namespace, var, details, row, column)
subroutine, public messages_experimental(name, namespace)
subroutine, public messages_info(no_lines, iunit, debug_only, stress, all_nodes, namespace)
type(mpi_grp_t), public mpi_world
This module handles the communicators for the various parallelization strategies.
logical pure function, public multicomm_strategy_is_parallel(mc, level)
logical pure function, public multicomm_have_slaves(this)
Some general things and nomenclature:
subroutine, public photon_mode_compute_dipoles(this, mesh)
Computes the polarization dipole.
subroutine, public photon_mode_add_poisson_terms(this, mesh, rho, pot)
subroutine, public photon_mode_end(this)
subroutine, public photon_mode_set_n_electrons(this, qtot)
subroutine, public photon_mode_init(this, namespace, dim, photon_free)
real(real64), public threshold
subroutine, public poisson_cg2(namespace, der, pot, rho)
subroutine, public poisson_cg1(namespace, der, corrector, pot, rho)
subroutine, public poisson_cg_init(thr, itr)
subroutine, public poisson_cg_end
subroutine, public poisson_corrections_end(this)
subroutine, public poisson_corrections_init(this, namespace, space, ml, mesh)
subroutine, public correct_rho(this, der, rho, rho_corrected, vh_correction)
integer, parameter, public poisson_fft_kernel_nocut
integer, parameter, public poisson_fft_kernel_cyl
subroutine, public zpoisson_fft_solve(this, mesh, cube, pot, rho, mesh_cube_map, average_to_zero, kernel, sm)
subroutine, public poisson_fft_end(this)
subroutine, public poisson_fft_init(this, namespace, space, cube, kernel, soft_coulb_param, fullcube)
integer, parameter, public poisson_fft_kernel_pla
integer, parameter, public poisson_fft_kernel_none
integer, parameter, public poisson_fft_kernel_corrected
integer, parameter, public poisson_fft_kernel_sph
subroutine, public dpoisson_fft_solve(this, mesh, cube, pot, rho, mesh_cube_map, average_to_zero, kernel, sm)
subroutine, public poisson_isf_end(this)
subroutine, public poisson_isf_init(this, namespace, mesh, cube, all_nodes_comm, init_world)
subroutine, public poisson_isf_solve(this, mesh, cube, pot, rho, all_nodes, sm)
subroutine, public poisson_multigrid_solver(this, namespace, der, pot, rho)
A multigrid Poisson solver with corrections at the boundaries.
subroutine, public poisson_multigrid_end(this)
subroutine, public poisson_no_solve(this, mesh, pot, rho)
subroutine, public poisson_no_end(this)
subroutine, public zpoisson_solve_sm(this, namespace, sm, pot, rho, all_nodes)
Calculates the Poisson equation. Given the density returns the corresponding potential.
integer, parameter, public poisson_multigrid
subroutine poisson_kernel_init(this, namespace, space, mc, stencil)
integer, parameter, public poisson_psolver
subroutine, public dpoisson_solve_start(this, rho)
integer, parameter cmd_finish
subroutine, public zpoisson_solve_finish(this, pot)
subroutine poisson_solve_direct(this, namespace, pot, rho)
integer, parameter, public poisson_fft
logical pure function, public poisson_is_multigrid(this)
subroutine, public zpoisson_solve(this, namespace, pot, rho, all_nodes, kernel, reset)
subroutine, public poisson_solve_batch(this, namespace, potb, rhob, all_nodes, kernel)
subroutine, public poisson_async_init(this, mc)
subroutine, public dpoisson_solve_sm(this, namespace, sm, pot, rho, all_nodes)
Calculates the Poisson equation. Given the density returns the corresponding potential.
subroutine zpoisson_solve_real_and_imag_separately(this, namespace, pot, rho, all_nodes, kernel)
real(real64) function, public poisson_get_full_range_weight(this, alpha, beta, mu)
Most Poisson solvers do not implement Coulomb attenuated potentials, and can only be used for global ...
subroutine, public poisson_build_kernel(this, namespace, space, coulb, qq, alpha, beta, mu, singul)
subroutine, public poisson_init_sm(this, namespace, space, main, der, sm, method, force_cmplx)
logical pure function poisson_solver_is_iterative(this)
subroutine, public poisson_slave_work(this, namespace)
subroutine, public dpoisson_solve(this, namespace, pot, rho, all_nodes, kernel, reset)
Calculates the Poisson equation. Given the density returns the corresponding potential.
integer, parameter cmd_poisson_solve
integer, parameter, public poisson_cg
logical pure function, public poisson_solver_has_free_bc(this)
subroutine, public dpoisson_solve_finish(this, pot)
subroutine, public poisson_init(this, namespace, space, der, mc, stencil, qtot, label, solver, verbose, force_serial, force_cmplx)
subroutine, public zpoisson_solve_start(this, rho)
subroutine, public poisson_async_end(this, mc)
integer, parameter, public poisson_cg_corrected
integer pure function, public poisson_get_solver(this)
integer, parameter, public poisson_isf
integer, parameter, public poisson_null
integer, parameter, public poisson_no
logical pure function, public poisson_is_async(this)
subroutine, public poisson_end(this)
subroutine, public poisson_psolver_global_solve(this, mesh, cube, pot, rho, sm)
subroutine, public poisson_psolver_parallel_solve(this, mesh, cube, pot, rho, mesh_cube_map)
subroutine, public poisson_psolver_end(this)
subroutine, public poisson_psolver_get_dims(this, cube)
subroutine, public poisson_psolver_init(this, namespace, space, cube, mu, qq, force_isolated)
subroutine, public profiling_out(label)
Increment out counter and sum up difference between entry and exit time.
subroutine, public profiling_in(label, exclude)
Increment in counter and save entry time.
This module defines stencils used in Octopus.
subroutine, public submesh_init_cube_map(sm, space)
subroutine, public submesh_get_cube_dim(sm, space, db)
finds the dimension of a box containing the submesh
type(type_t), public type_float
This module defines the unit system, used for input and output.
Class defining batches of mesh functions.
Class implementing a box that is a union of spheres. We do this in a specific class instead of using ...
class representing derivatives
A submesh is a type of mesh, used for the projectors in the pseudopotentials It contains points on a ...