49 logical,
public :: info
50 logical,
public :: trace
51 logical,
public :: trace_term
52 logical,
public :: trace_file
53 logical :: extra_checks
54 logical,
public :: interaction_graph
55 logical,
public :: interaction_graph_full
56 logical,
public :: propagation_graph
57 logical,
public :: instrument
59 character(len=MAX_PATH_LEN),
public :: instr_sub_name
60 integer,
public :: instr_tool
63 type(debug_t),
save :: debug
66 integer,
parameter :: unit_offset = 1000
85 type(debug_t),
intent(out) :: this
86 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
88 character(len=256) :: node_hook
89 logical :: file_exists, mpi_debug_hook
129 call parse_variable(namespace,
'Debug', option__debug__no, this%bits)
158 if (
"InstrumentFunctions", blk) == 0)
161 write(stderr,
"Only single function can be instrumented!"
169 select case (this%instr_tool)
170 case (option__instrumentfunctions__verrou)
171 write(stderr,
"Instrumenting " // trim(this%instr_sub_name) //
" for Verrou"
172#if !defined(HAVE_VERROU)
173 write(stderr,
"requires VERROU but that library was not linked."
177 case (option__instrumentfunctions__fenv)
178 write(stderr,
"Instrumenting " // trim(this%instr_sub_name) //
" with floating-point exceptions"
206 if (mpi_debug_hook)
209 write(stdout,
'* I ',sec,
' | MPI debug hook'
211 write(stdout,
' In debug hook'
213 file_exists = .false.
215 do while (.not. file_exists)
216 inquire(file=
'node_hook.'//node_hook, exist=file_exists)
218 write(stdout,
mpi_world%rank, &
219 ' - still sleeping. To release me touch: node_hook.'//trim(node_hook)
222 write(stdout,
' Leaving debug hook'
224 call loct_rm(
228 write(stdout,
'* O ', sec,
'.', usec,
' | MPI debug hook'
237 type(
intent(inout) :: this
241 this%trace_term = .
242 this%trace_file = .
243 this%interaction_graph = .
244 this%interaction_graph_full = .
245 this%propagation_graph = .
252 type(
intent(inout) :: this
263 character(len=6) :: filenum
266 write(filenum,
'(i6.6)') iunit - unit_offset
268 call loct_rm(
275 integer,
intent(out) :: iunit
277 character(len=6) :: filenum
280 write(filenum,
'(i6.6)') iunit - unit_offset
282 open(iunit, file =
'debug/debug_trace.node.'//filenum, &
283 action=
'write', status=
'unknown', position=
290 type(
intent(inout) :: this
292 this%info = (
bitand(this%bits, option__debug__info) /= 0)
293 this%trace_term = (
bitand(this%bits, option__debug__trace_term) /= 0)
294 this%trace_file = (
bitand(this%bits, option__debug__trace_file) /= 0)
295 this%trace = (
bitand(this%bits, option__debug__trace) /= 0) .or. this%trace_term .or. this%trace_file
296 this%extra_checks = (
bitand(this%bits, option__debug__extra_checks) /= 0) .or. this%trace_term .or. this%trace_file
297 this%interaction_graph = (
bitand(this%bits, option__debug__interaction_graph) /= 0)
298 this%interaction_graph_full = (
bitand(this%bits, option__debug__interaction_graph_full) /= 0)
299 this%propagation_graph = (
bitand(this%bits, option__debug__propagation_graph) /= 0)
300 this%instrument = (
bitand(this%bits, option__debug__instrument) /= 0)
307 integer,
intent(inout) :: sec
308 integer,
intent(inout) :: usec
319 subroutine time_diff(sec1, usec1, sec2, usec2)
320 integer,
intent(in) :: sec1
321 integer,
intent(in) :: usec1
322 integer,
intent(inout) :: sec2
323 integer,
intent(inout) :: usec2
328 if (usec2 - usec1 < 0)
329 usec2 = 1000000 + usec2
330 if (sec2 >= sec1)
336 if (sec2 >= sec1)
339 usec2 = usec2 - usec1
348 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: sub_name
350 integer,
parameter :: max_recursion_level = 50
351 integer iunit, sec, usec
353 if (debug%instrument)
355 select case (debug%instr_tool)
356 case (option__instrumentfunctions__verrou)
358 case (option__instrumentfunctions__fenv)
366 if (.not. debug%trace)
373 sub_stack(max_recursion_level) =
374 write(stderr,
'Too many recursion levels in debug trace (max=', max_recursion_level,
382 if (debug%trace_file)
397 integer,
intent(in) :: iunit_out
400 character(len=1000) :: tmpstr
402 write(tmpstr,
"* I ", &
407 write(tmpstr,
'(2a)') trim(tmpstr),
410 write(iunit_out,
'(a)') trim(tmpstr)
419 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: sub_name
421 character(len=80) :: sub_name_short
422 integer iunit, sec, usec
424 if (debug%instrument)
426 select case (debug%instr_tool)
427 case (option__instrumentfunctions__verrou)
429 case (option__instrumentfunctions__fenv)
437 if (.not. debug%trace)
445 write(stderr,
'Too few recursion levels in debug trace'
455 write(stderr,
'Wrong sub name on pop_sub :'
456 write(stderr,
' got : ', sub_name_short
462 if (debug%trace_file)
479 integer,
intent(in) :: iunit_out
482 character(len=1000) :: tmpstr
484 write(tmpstr,
'(a,i6,a,i6.6,f20.6,i8, a)')
"* O ", &
489 write(tmpstr,
'(2a)') trim(tmpstr),
493 write(iunit_out,
'(a)') trim(tmpstr)
502 character(len=MAX_PATH_LEN) function debug_clean_path(filename)
503 character(len=*),
intent(in) :: filename
507 pos = index(filename,
'src/', back = .
510 clean_path = filename
513 clean_path = filename(pos+4:)
subroutine pop_sub_write(iunit_out)
subroutine push_sub_write(iunit_out)
character(len=max_path_len) function, public debug_clean_path(filename)
Prune a filename path to only include subdirectories of the "src" directory.
subroutine, public debug_enable(this)
type(debug_t), save, public debug
subroutine, public debug_pop_sub(sub_name)
Pop a routine from the debug trace.
subroutine, public debug_open_trace(iunit)
subroutine, public epoch_time_diff(sec, usec)
subroutine from_bits(this)
subroutine, public debug_init(this, namespace)
subroutine, public debug_disable(this)
subroutine time_diff(sec1, usec1, sec2, usec2)
Computes t2 <- t2-t1. sec1,2 and usec1,2 are seconds,microseconds of t1,2.
subroutine, public debug_push_sub(sub_name)
Push a routine to the debug trace.
subroutine, public debug_delete_trace()
integer, public s_epoch_sec
global epoch time (time at startup)
integer, public no_sub_stack
real(real64), dimension(50), public time_stack
character(len=80), dimension(50), public sub_stack
The stack.
integer, public s_epoch_usec
subroutine, public mpi_debug_init(rank, info)
logical function mpi_grp_is_root(grp)
Is the current MPI process of grpcomm, root.
type(mpi_grp_t), public mpi_world
type(namespace_t), public global_namespace
integer function, public parse_block(namespace, name, blk, check_varinfo_)