interaction_partner_oct_m Module Reference

This module defines classes and functions for interaction partners. More...

Detailed Description

This module defines classes and functions for interaction partners.

Interaction partners are general objects, which define the "source" of an interaction (interaction_oct_m::interaction_t).

Data Types

interface  interaction_partner_copy_quantities_to_interaction
interface  interaction_partner_init_interaction_as_partner
type  interaction_partner_t
 abstract class for general interaction partners More...
type  partner_iterator_t
 iterator for the list of partners More...
type  partner_list_t
 the list of partners More...


recursive subroutine interaction_partner_add_partners_to_list (this, list, interaction_type)
 add interaction partner to a list More...
subroutine interaction_partner_update_quantity (this, label)
 Method to be overriden by interaction partners that have quantities that can be updated on demand. More...
recursive subroutine interaction_partner_update_on_demand_quantity (this, quantity, requested_iteration)
subroutine interaction_partner_update_on_demand_quantities (this, labels, requested_iteration, retardation_allowed)
 Given a list of quantities, update the ones that can be update on demand. More...
integer function interaction_partner_check_couplings_status (this, couplings, requested_iteration)
 Check the status of some couplings. More...
subroutine partner_list_add_node (this, partner)
 add a partner to the list More...
class(interaction_partner_t) function, pointer partner_iterator_get_next (this)
 get next partner from the list More...


integer, parameter, public couplings_undefined = 0
integer, parameter, public couplings_behind_in_time = 1
integer, parameter, public couplings_on_time = 2
integer, parameter, public couplings_ahead_in_time = 3

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ interaction_partner_add_partners_to_list()

recursive subroutine interaction_partner_oct_m::interaction_partner_add_partners_to_list ( class(interaction_partner_t), intent(in)  this,
class(partner_list_t), intent(inout)  list,
integer, intent(in), optional  interaction_type 

add interaction partner to a list

If the interaciton_type is provided, the partner is only added to the list if it supports that interaction.

Definition at line 199 of file interaction_partner.F90.

◆ interaction_partner_update_quantity()

subroutine interaction_partner_oct_m::interaction_partner_update_quantity ( class(interaction_partner_t), intent(inout)  this,
character(len=*), intent(in)  label 

Method to be overriden by interaction partners that have quantities that can be updated on demand.

This routine simply throws an error, as it is not mean to be called. We could have implemented this as a deferred method, but we prefer not to force interaction partners that do not have quantities to be updated on demand to implement it.

Definition at line 222 of file interaction_partner.F90.

◆ interaction_partner_update_on_demand_quantity()

recursive subroutine interaction_partner_oct_m::interaction_partner_update_on_demand_quantity ( class(interaction_partner_t), intent(inout)  this,
type(quantity_t), intent(inout)  quantity,
class(iteration_counter_t), intent(in)  requested_iteration 

Definition at line 239 of file interaction_partner.F90.

◆ interaction_partner_update_on_demand_quantities()

subroutine interaction_partner_oct_m::interaction_partner_update_on_demand_quantities ( class(interaction_partner_t), intent(inout), target  this,
character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in)  labels,
class(iteration_counter_t), intent(in)  requested_iteration,
logical, intent(in)  retardation_allowed 

Given a list of quantities, update the ones that can be update on demand.

For each quantity that is not always available, the update will only take place if the quantity can be evaluated at the requested iteration. Currently we also allow for a special case: some quantities are allowed to get ahead by one iteration if "retardation_allowed" is set to true.

Definition at line 280 of file interaction_partner.F90.

◆ interaction_partner_check_couplings_status()

integer function interaction_partner_oct_m::interaction_partner_check_couplings_status ( class(interaction_partner_t), intent(inout)  this,
character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in)  couplings,
class(iteration_counter_t), intent(in)  requested_iteration 

Check the status of some couplings.

Possible results are:

  • COUPLINGS_UNDEFINED: if there are some couplings ahead in time and some on time
  • COUPLINGS_BEHIND_IN_TIME: if any coupling is behind in time and COUPLINGS_UNDEFINED condition is not met
  • COUPLINGS_ON_TIME: if all couplings are right on time
  • COUPLINGS_AHEAD_IN_TIME: if all couplings are ahead in time

Definition at line 320 of file interaction_partner.F90.

◆ partner_list_add_node()

subroutine interaction_partner_oct_m::partner_list_add_node ( class(partner_list_t this,
class(interaction_partner_t), target  partner 

add a partner to the list

thisthe partner list
partnerthe partner to add

Definition at line 362 of file interaction_partner.F90.

◆ partner_iterator_get_next()

class(interaction_partner_t) function, pointer interaction_partner_oct_m::partner_iterator_get_next ( class(partner_iterator_t), intent(inout)  this)

get next partner from the list

[in,out]thisthe partner list
the next element of the list

Definition at line 376 of file interaction_partner.F90.

Variable Documentation

◆ couplings_undefined

integer, parameter, public interaction_partner_oct_m::couplings_undefined = 0

Definition at line 124 of file interaction_partner.F90.

◆ couplings_behind_in_time

integer, parameter, public interaction_partner_oct_m::couplings_behind_in_time = 1

Definition at line 124 of file interaction_partner.F90.

◆ couplings_on_time

integer, parameter, public interaction_partner_oct_m::couplings_on_time = 2

Definition at line 124 of file interaction_partner.F90.

◆ couplings_ahead_in_time

integer, parameter, public interaction_partner_oct_m::couplings_ahead_in_time = 3

Definition at line 124 of file interaction_partner.F90.