Describes mesh distribution to nodes.
Some general things: All members of type(mesh_t) are equal on all nodes when running parallel except
- np, np_part
- x, vol_pp These four are defined for all the points the node is responsible for.
Many routines need access to the information about number of points, but not to the derivatives. For these routines, it is sufficient to pass the mesh object.
Definition at line 186 of file mesh.F90.
class(box_t), pointer | box |
| simulation box; polymorphic pointer More...
class(coordinate_system_t), pointer | coord_system |
| the underlying coordinate system (affine, cubic, curvilinear, etc.) More...
type(index_t) | idx |
| the indexing scheme. More...
logical | use_curvilinear |
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | spacing |
| the (constant) spacing between the points More...
integer | np |
| Local number of points in mesh. More...
integer | np_part |
| Local points plus ghost points plus boundary points. More...
integer(int64) | np_global |
| Global number of points in mesh. More...
integer(int64) | np_part_global |
| Global number of inner points and boundary points. More...
logical | parallel_in_domains |
| will I run parallel in domains? More...
type(mpi_grp_t) | mpi_grp |
| the mpi group describing parallelization in domains More...
type(par_vec_t) | pv |
| describes parallel vectors defined on the mesh. More...
type(partition_t) | partition |
| describes how the inner points are assigned to the domains More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | x |
| The (local) points. More...
real(real64) | volume_element |
| The global volume element. More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable | vol_pp |
| Element of volume for curvilinear coordinates. More...
logical | masked_periodic_boundaries |
| flag whether to use the mask defined below More...
character(len=256) | periodic_boundary_mask |
| mask for which the periodic boundary conditions are replaced by zero boundary conditions More...