37 use,
intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
109 real(real64) :: total(3,3) =
110 real(real64) :: kinetic(3,3) =
111 real(real64) :: Hartree(3,3) =
112 real(real64) :: xc(3,3) =
114 real(real64) :: ps_nl(3,3) =
115 real(real64) :: ion_ion(3,3) =
116 real(real64) :: vdw(3,3) =
117 real(real64) :: hubbard(3,3) =
119 real(real64) :: kinetic_sumrule
120 real(real64) :: hartree_sumrule
135 type(states_elec_dim_t) :: d
138 logical :: only_userdef_istates
140 type(states_elec_group_t) :: group
141 integer :: block_size
145 logical :: pack_states
151 character(len=1024),
allocatable :: user_def_states(:,:,:)
157 real(real64),
allocatable :: rho(:,:)
158 real(real64),
allocatable :: rho_core(:)
160 real(real64),
allocatable :: current(:, :, :)
161 real(real64),
allocatable :: current_para(:, :, :)
162 real(real64),
allocatable :: current_dia(:, :, :)
163 real(real64),
allocatable :: current_mag(:, :, :)
164 real(real64),
allocatable :: current_kpt(:,:,:)
169 real(real64),
allocatable :: frozen_rho(:, :)
170 real(real64),
allocatable :: frozen_tau(:, :)
171 real(real64),
allocatable :: frozen_gdens(:,:,:)
172 real(real64),
allocatable :: frozen_ldens(:,:)
174 logical :: uniform_occ
176 real(real64),
allocatable :: eigenval(:,:)
178 logical :: restart_fixed_occ
179 logical :: restart_reorder_occs
180 real(real64),
allocatable :: occ(:,:)
181 real(real64),
allocatable :: kweights(:)
184 logical,
private :: fixed_spins
186 real(real64),
allocatable :: spin(:, :, :)
189 real(real64) :: val_charge
191 type(stress_t) :: stress_tensors
193 logical :: fromScratch
194 type(smear_t) :: smear
197 type(modelmb_particle_t) :: modelmbparticles
198 integer,
allocatable :: mmb_nspindown(:,:)
199 integer,
allocatable :: mmb_iyoung(:,:)
200 real(real64),
allocatable :: mmb_proj(:)
202 logical :: parallel_in_states = .false.
213 logical :: scalapack_compatible
217 integer :: st_start, st_end
218 integer,
allocatable :: node(:)
221 integer,
allocatable :: st_kpt_task(:,:)
224 logical :: symmetrize_density
225 integer :: randomization
226 integer :: orth_method = 0
228 real(real64) :: cl_states_mem
240 integer,
parameter :: &
284 real(real64),
intent(in) :: valence_charge
287 real(real64) :: excess_charge, nempty_percent
288 integer :: nempty, ntot, default
289 integer :: nempty_conv
294 st%fromScratch = .
299 st%d%ispin = space%ispin
304 if (st%d%ispin /=
unpolarized .and. kpoints%use_time_reversal)
305 message(1) =
"Time reversal symmetry is only implemented for unpolarized spins."
306 message(2) =
"Use KPointsUseTimeReversal = no."
338 write(
"Input: '", ntot,
"' is not a valid value for TotalStates."
360 write(
"Input: '", nempty,
"' is not a valid value for ExtraStates."
361 message(2) =
'(0 <= ExtraStates)'
365 if (ntot > 0 .and. nempty > 0)
366 message(1) =
'You cannot set TotalStates and ExtraStates at the same time.'
381 if (nempty_percent < 0)
382 write(
"Input: '", nempty_percent, &
383 "' should be a percentage value x (where x is parts in hundred) larger or equal 0"
387 if (nempty > 0 .and. nempty_percent > 0)
388 message(1) =
'You cannot set ExtraStates and ExtraStatesInPercent at the same time.'
404 call parse_variable(namespace,
'ExtraStatesToConverge', nempty, nempty_conv)
406 write(
"Input: '", nempty_conv,
"' is not a valid value for ExtraStatesToConverge."
407 message(2) =
'(0 <= ExtraStatesToConverge)'
411 if (nempty_conv > nempty)
412 message(1) =
'You cannot set ExtraStatesToConverge to a higher value than ExtraStates.'
419 st%val_charge = valence_charge
421 st%qtot = -(st%val_charge + excess_charge)
424 write(
'Total charge = ', st%qtot,
' < 0'
425 message(2) =
'Check Species and ExcessCharge.'
429 select case (st%d%ispin)
432 st%nst = int(st%qtot/2)
433 if (st%nst*2 < st%qtot) st%nst = st%nst + 1
435 st%d%spin_channels = 1
438 st%nst = int(st%qtot/2)
439 if (st%nst*2 < st%qtot) st%nst = st%nst + 1
441 st%d%spin_channels = 2
444 st%nst = int(st%qtot)
445 if (st%nst < st%qtot) st%nst = st%nst + 1
447 st%d%spin_channels = 2
451 if (ntot < st%nst)
452 message(1) =
'TotalStates is smaller than the number of states required by the system.'
459 if (nempty_percent > 0)
460 nempty = ceiling(nempty_percent * st%nst / 100)
463 st%nst_conv = st%nst + nempty_conv
464 st%nst = st%nst + nempty
465 if (st%nst == 0)
466 message(1) =
"Cannot run with number of states = zero."
486 default = max(
accel%warp_size, 32)
495 call parse_variable(namespace,
'StatesBlockSize', default, st%block_size)
496 if (st%block_size < 1)
497 call messages_write(
"The variable 'StatesBlockSize' must be greater than 0.")
501 st%block_size = min(st%block_size, st%nst)
502 conf%target_states_block_size = st%block_size
504 safe_allocate(st%eigenval(1:st%nst, 1:st%nik))
505 st%eigenval = huge(st%eigenval)
509 if (.not. kpoints%gamma_only())
522 call parse_variable(namespace,
'OnlyUserDefinedInitialStates', .false., st%only_userdef_istates)
525 safe_allocate(st%occ (1:st%nst, 1:st%nik))
530 safe_allocate(st%user_def_states(1:st%d%dim, 1:st%nst, 1:st%nik))
532 st%user_def_states(1:st%d%dim, 1:st%nst, 1:st%nik) =
535 if (st%d%ispin ==
536 safe_allocate(st%spin(1:3, 1:st%nst, 1:st%nik))
563 if (st%smear%photodop)
564 if (nempty == 0)
565 write(
"PhotoDoping requires to specify ExtraStates."
566 message(2) =
'(0 == ExtraStates)'
574 safe_allocate(st%node(1:st%nst))
575 st%node(1:st%nst) = 0
578 st%parallel_in_states = .false.
583 if (st%modelmbparticles%nparticle > 0)
585 safe_allocate(st%mmb_nspindown(1:st%modelmbparticles%ntype_of_particle, 1:st%nst))
586 st%mmb_nspindown(:,:) = -1
587 safe_allocate(st%mmb_iyoung(1:st%modelmbparticles%ntype_of_particle, 1:st%nst))
588 st%mmb_iyoung(:,:) = -1
589 safe_allocate(st%mmb_proj(1:st%nst))
601 call parse_variable(namespace,
'SymmetrizeDensity', kpoints%use_symmetries, st%symmetrize_density)
631 integer,
intent(out) :: nik
632 integer,
intent(out) :: dim
633 integer,
intent(out) :: nst
634 integer,
intent(out) :: ierr
636 character(len=256) :: lines(3)
637 character(len=20) :: char
647 read(lines(1), *) char, nst
648 read(lines(2), *) char, dim
649 read(lines(3), *) char, nik
669 real(real64),
intent(in) :: excess_charge
672 integer :: ik, ist, ispin, nspin, ncols, nrows, el_per_state, icol, start_pos, spin_n
674 real(real64) :: rr, charge
675 logical :: integral_occs, unoccupied_states
676 real(real64),
allocatable :: read_occs(:, :)
677 real(real64) :: charge_in_block
690 call parse_variable(namespace,
'RestartFixedOccupations', .
true., st%restart_fixed_occ)
761 integral_occs = .
763 occ_fix:
if (
'Occupations', blk) == 0)
765 st%fixed_occ = .
768 if (ncols > st%nst)
773 if (nrows /= st%nik)
774 call messages_input_error(namespace,
"Wrong number of rows in block Occupations.")
777 do ik = 1, st%nik - 1
780 "All rows in block Occupations must have the same number of columns.")
791 safe_allocate(read_occs(1:ncols, 1:st%nik))
797 charge_in_block = charge_in_block + read_occs(icol, ik) * st%kweights(ik)
802 select case (st%d%ispin)
811 start_pos = nint((st%qtot - charge_in_block)/spin_n)
813 if (start_pos + ncols > st%nst)
814 message(1) =
"To balance charge, the first column in block Occupations is taken to refer to state"
815 write(
"number ", start_pos,
" but there are too many columns for the number of states."
816 write(
"Solution: set ExtraStates = ", start_pos + ncols - st%nst
821 do ist = 1, start_pos
822 st%occ(ist, ik) = el_per_state
827 do ist = start_pos + 1, start_pos + ncols
828 st%occ(ist, ik) = read_occs(ist - start_pos, ik)
829 integral_occs = integral_occs .and. &
830 abs((st%occ(ist, ik) - el_per_state) * st%occ(ist, ik)) <=
835 do ist = start_pos + ncols + 1, st%nst
842 safe_deallocate_a(read_occs)
845 st%fixed_occ = .false.
846 integral_occs = .false.
853 st%qtot = -(st%val_charge + excess_charge)
856 if (st%d%nspin == 2) nspin = 2
858 do ik = 1, st%nik, nspin
861 do ispin = ik, ik + nspin - 1
862 st%occ(ist, ispin) = min(rr, -(st%val_charge + excess_charge) - charge)
863 charge = charge + st%occ(ist, ispin)
882 if (st%fixed_occ)
883 call parse_variable(namespace,
'RestartReorderOccs', .false., st%restart_reorder_occs)
885 st%restart_reorder_occs = .false.
888 call smear_init(st%smear, namespace, st%d%ispin, st%fixed_occ, integral_occs, kpoints)
890 unoccupied_states = (st%d%ispin /=
spinors .and. st%nst*2 > st%qtot) .or. (st%d%ispin ==
spinors .and. st%nst > st%qtot)
893 if (.not. unoccupied_states)
894 call messages_write(
'Smearing needs unoccupied states (via ExtraStates or TotalStates) to be useful.')
902 charge = charge + sum(st%occ(ist, 1:st%nik) * st%kweights(1:st%nik))
904 if (abs(charge - st%qtot) > 1e-6_real64)
905 message(1) =
"Initial occupations do not integrate to total charge."
906 write(
'(6x,f12.6,a,f12.6)') charge,
' != ', st%qtot
933 st%fixed_spins = .false.
934 if (st%d%ispin /=
973 spin_fix:
if (
'InitialSpins', blk) == 0)
981 st%fixed_spins = .
983 st%spin(:, :, i) = st%spin(:, :, 1)
996 class(
intent(in) :: mesh
997 type(
intent(in) :: wfs_type
998 logical,
intent(in) :: skip(:)
999 logical,
intent(in) :: packed
1003 if (
1005 st%wfs_type = wfs_type
1033 type(
intent(in) :: mesh
1034 logical,
intent(in) :: verbose
1035 logical,
intent(in) :: skip(:)
1036 logical,
intent(in) :: packed
1038 integer :: ib, iqn, ist, istmin, istmax
1039 logical :: same_node, verbose_, packed_
1040 integer,
allocatable :: bstart(:), bend(:)
1044 safe_allocate(bstart(1:st%nst))
1045 safe_allocate(bend(1:st%nst))
1046 safe_allocate(st%group%iblock(1:st%nst))
1055 if (
1057 if (.not. skip(ist))
1065 if (
1066 do ist = st%nst, istmin, -1
1067 if (.not. skip(ist))
1074 if (
present(skip) .and. verbose_)
1084 st%group%nblocks = 0
1086 do ist = istmin, istmax
1089 st%group%iblock(ist) = st%group%nblocks + 1
1092 if (st%parallel_in_states .and. ist /= istmax)
1095 same_node = (st%node(ist + 1) == st%node(ist))
1098 if (ib == st%block_size .or. ist == istmax .or. .not. same_node)
1100 st%group%nblocks = st%group%nblocks + 1
1101 bend(st%group%nblocks) = ist
1102 if (ist /= istmax) bstart(st%group%nblocks + 1) = ist + 1
1106 safe_allocate(st%group%psib(1:st%group%nblocks, st%d%kpt%start:st%d%kpt%end))
1108 safe_allocate(st%group%block_is_local(1:st%group%nblocks, 1:st%nik))
1109 st%group%block_is_local = .false.
1110 st%group%block_start = -1
1111 st%group%block_end = -2
1113 do ib = 1, st%group%nblocks
1114 if (bstart(ib) >= st%st_start .and. bend(ib) <= st%st_end)
1115 if (st%group%block_start == -1) st%group%block_start = ib
1116 st%group%block_end = ib
1117 do iqn = st%d%kpt%start, st%d%kpt%end
1118 st%group%block_is_local(ib, iqn) = .
1121 call dwfs_elec_init(st%group%psib(ib, iqn), st%d%dim, bstart(ib), bend(ib), mesh%np_part, iqn, &
1122 special=.
true., packed=packed_)
1124 call zwfs_elec_init(st%group%psib(ib, iqn), st%d%dim, bstart(ib), bend(ib), mesh%np_part, iqn, &
1125 special=.
true., packed=packed_)
1132 safe_allocate(st%group%block_range(1:st%group%nblocks, 1:2))
1133 safe_allocate(st%group%block_size(1:st%group%nblocks))
1135 st%group%block_range(1:st%group%nblocks, 1) = bstart(1:st%group%nblocks)
1136 st%group%block_range(1:st%group%nblocks, 2) = bend(1:st%group%nblocks)
1137 st%group%block_size(1:st%group%nblocks) = bend(1:st%group%nblocks) - bstart(1:st%group%nblocks) + 1
1139 st%group%block_initialized = .
1141 safe_allocate(st%group%block_node(1:st%group%nblocks))
1143 assert(
1144 assert(all(st%node >= 0) .and. all(st%node < st%mpi_grp%size))
1146 do ib = 1, st%group%nblocks
1147 st%group%block_node(ib) = st%node(st%group%block_range(ib, 1))
1148 assert(st%group%block_node(ib) == st%node(st%group%block_range(ib, 2)))
1154 do ib = 1, st%group%nblocks
1160 if (st%group%block_size(ib) > 0)
1190 safe_deallocate_a(bstart)
1191 safe_deallocate_a(bend)
1212 type(
intent(in) :: gr
1214 real(real64) :: fsize
1218 safe_allocate(st%rho(1:gr%np_part, 1:st%d%nspin))
1221 fsize = gr%np_part*8.0_real64*st%block_size
1233 class(
intent(in) :: space
1234 class(
intent(in) :: mesh
1238 if (.not.
1239 safe_allocate(st%current(1:mesh%np_part, 1:space%dim, 1:st%d%nspin))
1243 if (.not.
1244 safe_allocate(st%current_para(1:mesh%np_part, 1:space%dim, 1:st%d%nspin))
1248 if (.not.
1249 safe_allocate(st%current_dia(1:mesh%np_part, 1:space%dim, 1:st%d%nspin))
1253 if (.not.
1254 safe_allocate(st%current_mag(1:mesh%np_part, 1:space%dim, 1:st%d%nspin))
1258 if (.not.
1259 safe_allocate(st%current_kpt(1:mesh%np,1:space%dim,st%d%kpt%start:st%d%kpt%end))
1337 default = option__statesorthogonalization__cholesky_serial
1340 default = option__statesorthogonalization__cholesky_parallel
1344 call parse_variable(namespace,
'StatesOrthogonalization', default, st%orth_method)
1365 call parse_variable(namespace,
'StatesCLDeviceMemory', -512.0_real64, st%cl_states_mem)
1374 subroutine states_elec_copy(stout, stin, exclude_wfns, exclude_eigenval, special)
1377 logical,
intent(in) :: exclude_wfns
1378 logical,
intent(in) :: exclude_eigenval
1379 logical,
intent(in) :: special
1381 logical :: exclude_wfns_
1390 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%kweights, stin%kweights)
1391 stout%nik = stin%nik
1394 if (stin%modelmbparticles%nparticle > 0)
1395 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%mmb_nspindown, stin%mmb_nspindown)
1396 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%mmb_iyoung, stin%mmb_iyoung)
1397 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%mmb_proj, stin%mmb_proj)
1400 stout%wfs_type = stin%wfs_type
1401 stout%nst = stin%nst
1402 stout%block_size = stin%block_size
1403 stout%orth_method = stin%orth_method
1405 stout%cl_states_mem = stin%cl_states_mem
1406 stout%pack_states = stin%pack_states
1409 stout%only_userdef_istates = stin%only_userdef_istates
1411 if (.not. exclude_wfns_)
1412 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%rho, stin%rho)
1415 stout%uniform_occ = stin%uniform_occ
1418 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%eigenval, stin%eigenval)
1419 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%occ, stin%occ)
1420 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%spin, stin%spin)
1425 stout%group%nblocks = stin%group%nblocks
1427 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%user_def_states, stin%user_def_states)
1429 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%current, stin%current)
1430 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%current_kpt, stin%current_kpt)
1431 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%rho_core, stin%rho_core)
1432 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%frozen_rho, stin%frozen_rho)
1433 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%frozen_tau, stin%frozen_tau)
1434 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%frozen_gdens, stin%frozen_gdens)
1435 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%frozen_ldens, stin%frozen_ldens)
1437 stout%fixed_occ = stin%fixed_occ
1438 stout%restart_fixed_occ = stin%restart_fixed_occ
1440 stout%fixed_spins = stin%fixed_spins
1442 stout%qtot = stin%qtot
1443 stout%val_charge = stin%val_charge
1447 stout%parallel_in_states = stin%parallel_in_states
1449 call mpi_grp_copy(stout%dom_st_kpt_mpi_grp, stin%dom_st_kpt_mpi_grp)
1450 call mpi_grp_copy(stout%st_kpt_mpi_grp, stin%st_kpt_mpi_grp)
1451 call mpi_grp_copy(stout%dom_st_mpi_grp, stin%dom_st_mpi_grp)
1452 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%node, stin%node)
1453 safe_allocate_source_a(stout%st_kpt_task, stin%st_kpt_task)
1461 stout%scalapack_compatible = stin%scalapack_compatible
1463 stout%lnst = stin%lnst
1464 stout%st_start = stin%st_start
1465 stout%st_end = stin%st_end
1469 stout%symmetrize_density = stin%symmetrize_density
1473 stout%packed = stin%packed
1475 stout%randomization = stin%randomization
1491 if (st%modelmbparticles%nparticle > 0)
1492 safe_deallocate_a(st%mmb_nspindown)
1493 safe_deallocate_a(st%mmb_iyoung)
1494 safe_deallocate_a(st%mmb_proj)
1501 safe_deallocate_a(st%user_def_states)
1503 safe_deallocate_a(st%rho)
1504 safe_deallocate_a(st%eigenval)
1506 safe_deallocate_a(st%current)
1507 safe_deallocate_a(st%current_para)
1508 safe_deallocate_a(st%current_dia)
1509 safe_deallocate_a(st%current_mag)
1510 safe_deallocate_a(st%current_kpt)
1511 safe_deallocate_a(st%rho_core)
1512 safe_deallocate_a(st%frozen_rho)
1513 safe_deallocate_a(st%frozen_tau)
1514 safe_deallocate_a(st%frozen_gdens)
1515 safe_deallocate_a(st%frozen_ldens)
1516 safe_deallocate_a(st%occ)
1517 safe_deallocate_a(st%spin)
1518 safe_deallocate_a(st%kweights)
1527 safe_deallocate_a(st%node)
1528 safe_deallocate_a(st%st_kpt_task)
1530 if (st%parallel_in_states)
1531 safe_deallocate_a(st%ap%schedule)
1543 class(
intent(in) :: mesh
1545 integer,
intent(in) :: ist_start_
1546 integer,
intent(in) :: ist_end_
1547 integer,
intent(in) :: ikpt_start_
1548 integer,
intent(in) :: ikpt_end_
1549 logical,
intent(in) :: normalized
1552 integer :: ist, ik, id, ist_start, ist_end, jst, ikpt_start, ikpt_end
1553 complex(real64) :: alpha, beta
1554 real(real64),
allocatable :: dpsi(:, :)
1555 complex(real64),
allocatable :: zpsi(:, :), zpsi2(:)
1556 integer :: ikpoint, ip
1559 logical :: normalized_
1570 safe_allocate(dpsi(1:mesh%np, 1:st%d%dim))
1572 safe_allocate(zpsi(1:mesh%np, 1:st%d%dim))
1575 select case (st%d%ispin)
1578 do ik = ikpt_start, ikpt_end
1579 ikpoint = st%d%get_kpoint_index(ik)
1580 do ist = ist_start, ist_end
1584 pre_shift = mesh%pv%xlocal-1, &
1585 post_shift = mesh%pv%np_global - mesh%pv%xlocal - mesh%np + 1, &
1586 normalized = normalized)
1588 if(mesh%parallel_in_domains)
1594 call dmf_random(mesh, dpsi(:, 1), normalized = normalized)
1599 zpsi(ip,1) = cmplx(dpsi(ip,1),
m_zero, real64)
1608 pre_shift = mesh%pv%xlocal-1, &
1609 post_shift = mesh%pv%np_global - mesh%pv%xlocal - mesh%np + 1, &
1610 normalized = normalized)
1612 if(mesh%parallel_in_domains)
1618 call zmf_random(mesh, zpsi(:, 1), normalized = normalized)
1630 if (st%fixed_spins)
1632 do ik = ikpt_start, ikpt_end
1633 ikpoint = st%d%get_kpoint_index(ik)
1634 do ist = ist_start, ist_end
1638 pre_shift = mesh%pv%xlocal-1, &
1639 post_shift = mesh%pv%np_global - mesh%pv%xlocal - mesh%np + 1, &
1640 normalized = normalized)
1642 if(mesh%parallel_in_domains)
1648 call dmf_random(mesh, dpsi(:, 1), normalized = normalized)
1652 zpsi(ip,1) = cmplx(dpsi(ip,1),
m_zero, real64)
1658 pre_shift = mesh%pv%xlocal-1, &
1659 post_shift = mesh%pv%np_global - mesh%pv%xlocal - mesh%np + 1, &
1660 normalized = normalized)
1662 if(mesh%parallel_in_domains)
1668 call zmf_random(mesh, zpsi(:, 1), normalized = normalized)
1681 safe_allocate(zpsi2(1:mesh%np))
1682 do jst = ist_start, ist - 1
1684 zpsi(1:mesh%np, 1) = zpsi(1:mesh%np, 1) -
zmf_dotp(mesh, zpsi(:, 1), zpsi2)*zpsi2(1:mesh%np)
1686 safe_deallocate_a(zpsi2)
1689 zpsi(1:mesh%np, 2) = zpsi(1:mesh%np, 1)
1693 if (abs(alpha) >
1694 beta = cmplx(st%spin(1, ist, ik) / abs(alpha), st%spin(2, ist, ik) / abs(alpha), real64)
1696 zpsi(1:mesh%np, 1) = alpha*zpsi(1:mesh%np, 1)
1697 zpsi(1:mesh%np, 2) = beta*zpsi(1:mesh%np, 2)
1702 do ik = ikpt_start, ikpt_end
1703 do ist = ist_start, ist_end
1707 pre_shift = mesh%pv%xlocal-1, &
1708 post_shift = mesh%pv%np_global - mesh%pv%xlocal - mesh%np + 1, &
1709 normalized = .false.)
1711 if(mesh%parallel_in_domains)
1717 call zmf_random(mesh, zpsi(:, id), normalized = .false.)
1732 safe_deallocate_a(dpsi)
1733 safe_deallocate_a(zpsi)
1744 class(
intent(in) :: mesh
1745 logical,
intent(in) :: compute_spin
1749 real(real64) :: charge
1750 complex(real64),
allocatable :: zpsi(:, :)
1755 st%nik, st%nst, st%kweights)
1762 charge = charge + sum(st%occ(ist, 1:st%nik) * st%kweights(1:st%nik))
1764 if (abs(charge-st%qtot) > 1e-6_real64)
1765 message(1) =
'Occupations do not integrate to total charge.'
1766 write(
'(6x,f12.8,a,f12.8)') charge,
' != ', st%qtot
1769 message(1) =
"There don't seem to be any electrons at all!"
1779 safe_allocate(zpsi(1:mesh%np, st%d%dim))
1780 do ik = st%d%kpt%start, st%d%kpt%end
1781 do ist = st%st_start, st%st_end
1783 st%spin(1:3, ist, ik) =
state_spin(mesh, zpsi)
1786 safe_deallocate_a(zpsi)
1788 if (st%parallel_in_states .or. st%d%kpt%parallel)
1803 real(real64),
intent(in) :: alt_eig(st%st_start:, st%d%kpt%start:)
1812 do ik = st%d%kpt%start, st%d%kpt%end
1813 if (
1814 tot = tot + st%kweights(ik) * sum(st%occ(st%st_start:st%st_end, ik) * &
1815 alt_eig(st%st_start:st%st_end, ik))
1817 tot = tot + st%kweights(ik) * sum(st%occ(st%st_start:st%st_end, ik) * &
1818 st%eigenval(st%st_start:st%st_end, ik))
1822 if (st%parallel_in_states .or. st%d%kpt%parallel)
call comm_allreduce(st%st_kpt_mpi_grp, tot)
1834 logical :: default_scalapack_compatible
1845 st%parallel_in_states = .false.
1848 call mpi_grp_init(st%dom_st_kpt_mpi_grp, mc%dom_st_kpt_comm)
1852 default_scalapack_compatible =
calc_mode_par%scalapack_compat() .and. .not. st%d%kpt%parallel
1866 call parse_variable(namespace,
'ScaLAPACKCompatible', default_scalapack_compatible, st%scalapack_compatible)
1869 if (default_scalapack_compatible .neqv. st%scalapack_compatible)
1870 call messages_experimental(
'Setting ScaLAPACKCompatible to other than default', namespace=namespace)
1873 if (st%scalapack_compatible)
1880 st%scalapack_compatible = .false.
1889 if (st%nst < st%mpi_grp%size)
1890 message(1) =
"Have more processors than necessary"
1891 write(
'(i4,a,i4,a)') st%mpi_grp%size,
" processors and ", st%nst,
" states."
1895 call distributed_init(st%dist, st%nst, st%mpi_grp%comm,
"states", scalapack_compat = st%scalapack_compatible)
1897 st%parallel_in_states = st%dist%parallel
1900 st%st_start = st%dist%start
1901 st%st_end = st%dist%end
1902 st%lnst = st%dist%nlocal
1903 st%node(1:st%nst) = st%dist%node(1:st%nst)
1920 kinetic_energy_density, paramagnetic_current, density_gradient, density_laplacian, &
1921 gi_kinetic_energy_density, st_end)
1925 logical,
intent(in) :: nlcc
1926 real(real64),
intent(out) :: kinetic_energy_density(:,:)
1927 real(real64),
intent(out) :: paramagnetic_current(:,:,:)
1928 real(real64),
intent(out) :: density_gradient(:,:,:)
1929 real(real64),
intent(out) :: density_laplacian(:,:)
1930 real(real64),
intent(out) :: gi_kinetic_energy_density(:,:)
1931 integer,
intent(in) :: st_end
1933 real(real64),
pointer :: jp(:, :, :)
1934 real(real64),
pointer :: tau(:, :)
1935 complex(real64),
allocatable :: wf_psi(:,:), gwf_psi(:,:,:), wf_psi_conj(:,:), lwf_psi(:,:)
1936 real(real64),
allocatable :: abs_wf_psi(:,:), abs_gwf_psi(:,:)
1937 complex(real64),
allocatable :: psi_gpsi(:,:)
1938 complex(real64) :: c_tmp
1939 integer :: is, ik, ist, i_dim, st_dim, ii, st_end_
1940 real(real64) :: ww, kpoint(gr%der%dim)
1941 logical :: something_to_do
1949 something_to_do =
present(kinetic_energy_density) .or.
present(gi_kinetic_energy_density) .or. &
1950 present(paramagnetic_current) .or.
present(density_gradient) .or.
1951 assert(something_to_do)
1953 safe_allocate( wf_psi(1:gr%np_part, 1:st%d%dim))
1954 safe_allocate( wf_psi_conj(1:gr%np_part, 1:st%d%dim))
1955 safe_allocate(gwf_psi(1:gr%np, 1:gr%der%dim, 1:st%d%dim))
1956 safe_allocate(abs_wf_psi(1:gr%np, 1:st%d%dim))
1957 safe_allocate(abs_gwf_psi(1:gr%np, 1:st%d%dim))
1958 safe_allocate(psi_gpsi(1:gr%np, 1:st%d%dim))
1959 if (
1960 safe_allocate(lwf_psi(1:gr%np, 1:st%d%dim))
1964 if (
present(kinetic_energy_density)) tau => kinetic_energy_density
1967 if (
present(paramagnetic_current)) jp => paramagnetic_current
1971 if (
1973 safe_allocate(jp(1:gr%np, 1:gr%der%dim, 1:st%d%nspin))
1975 if (.not.
1976 safe_allocate(tau(1:gr%np, 1:st%d%nspin))
1980 if (
associated(tau)) tau =
1981 if (
associated(jp)) jp =
1982 if (
present(density_gradient)) density_gradient(:,:,:) =
1983 if (
present(density_laplacian)) density_laplacian(:,:) =
1984 if (
present(gi_kinetic_energy_density)) gi_kinetic_energy_density =
1986 do ik = st%d%kpt%start, st%d%kpt%end
1988 kpoint(1:gr%der%dim) = kpoints%get_point(st%d%get_kpoint_index(ik))
1989 is = st%d%get_spin_index(ik)
1991 do ist = st%st_start, st_end_
1992 ww = st%kweights(ik)*st%occ(ist, ik)
1998 do st_dim = 1, st%d%dim
2003 do st_dim = 1, st%d%dim
2004 call zderivatives_grad(gr%der, wf_psi(:,st_dim), gwf_psi(:,:,st_dim), set_bc = .false.)
2008 if (
2009 do st_dim = 1, st%d%dim
2010 call zderivatives_lapl(gr%der, wf_psi(:,st_dim), lwf_psi(:,st_dim), ghost_update = .false., set_bc = .false.)
2015 wf_psi_conj(1:gr%np, 1:st%d%dim) = conjg(wf_psi(1:gr%np,1:st%d%dim))
2016 abs_wf_psi(1:gr%np, 1:st%d%dim) = real(wf_psi_conj(1:gr%np, 1:st%d%dim) * wf_psi(1:gr%np, 1:st%d%dim), real64)
2018 if (
2019 density_laplacian(1:gr%np, is) = density_laplacian(1:gr%np, is) + &
2020 ww *
m_two*real(wf_psi_conj(1:gr%np, 1) * lwf_psi(1:gr%np, 1), real64)
2021 if (st%d%ispin ==
2022 density_laplacian(1:gr%np, 2) = density_laplacian(1:gr%np, 2) + &
2023 ww *
m_two*real(wf_psi_conj(1:gr%np, 2) * lwf_psi(1:gr%np, 2), real64)
2026 c_tmp = ww*(lwf_psi(ii, 1) * wf_psi_conj(ii, 2) + wf_psi(ii, 1) * conjg(lwf_psi(ii, 2)))
2027 density_laplacian(ii, 3) = density_laplacian(ii, 3) + real(c_tmp, real64)
2028 density_laplacian(ii, 4) = density_laplacian(ii, 4) + aimag(c_tmp)
2033 if (
2034 tau(1:gr%np, is) = tau(1:gr%np, is) &
2035 + ww * sum(kpoint(1:gr%der%dim)**2) * abs_wf_psi(1:gr%np, 1)
2036 if (st%d%ispin ==
2037 tau(1:gr%np, 2) = tau(1:gr%np, 2) &
2038 + ww * sum(kpoint(1:gr%der%dim)**2) * abs_wf_psi(1:gr%np, 2)
2042 c_tmp = ww * sum(kpoint(1:gr%der%dim)**2) * wf_psi(ii, 1) * wf_psi_conj(ii, 2)
2043 tau(ii, 3) = tau(ii, 3) + real(c_tmp, real64)
2044 tau(ii, 4) = tau(ii, 4) + aimag(c_tmp)
2049 do i_dim = 1, gr%der%dim
2052 psi_gpsi(1:gr%np, 1:st%d%dim) = wf_psi_conj(1:gr%np, 1:st%d%dim) &
2053 * gwf_psi(1:gr%np,i_dim,1:st%d%dim)
2054 abs_gwf_psi(1:gr%np, 1:st%d%dim) = real(conjg(gwf_psi(1:gr%np, i_dim, 1:st%d%dim)) &
2055 * gwf_psi(1:gr%np, i_dim, 1:st%d%dim), real64)
2057 if (
2058 density_gradient(1:gr%np, i_dim, is) = density_gradient(1:gr%np, i_dim, is) &
2059 + ww *
m_two * real(psi_gpsi(1:gr%np, 1), real64)
2060 if (st%d%ispin ==
2061 density_gradient(1:gr%np, i_dim, 2) = density_gradient(1:gr%np, i_dim, 2) &
2062 + ww *
m_two*real(psi_gpsi(1:gr%np, 2), real64)
2065 c_tmp = ww * (gwf_psi(ii, i_dim, 1) * wf_psi_conj(ii, 2) + wf_psi(ii, 1) * conjg(gwf_psi(ii, i_dim, 2)))
2066 density_gradient(ii, i_dim, 3) = density_gradient(ii, i_dim, 3) + real(c_tmp, real64)
2067 density_gradient(ii, i_dim, 4) = density_gradient(ii, i_dim, 4) + aimag(c_tmp)
2072 if (
2073 call lalg_axpy(gr%np, ww*
m_two, abs_gwf_psi(:,1), density_laplacian(:,is))
2074 if (st%d%ispin ==
2075 call lalg_axpy(gr%np, ww*
m_two, abs_gwf_psi(:,2), density_laplacian(:,2))
2078 c_tmp =
m_two * ww * gwf_psi(ii, i_dim, 1) * conjg(gwf_psi(ii, i_dim, 2))
2079 density_laplacian(ii, 3) = density_laplacian(ii, 3) + real(c_tmp, real64)
2080 density_laplacian(ii, 4) = density_laplacian(ii, 4) + aimag(c_tmp)
2088 if (
2090 jp(1:gr%np, i_dim, is) = jp(1:gr%np, i_dim, is) + &
2091 ww*(aimag(psi_gpsi(1:gr%np, 1)) - abs_wf_psi(1:gr%np, 1)*kpoint(i_dim))
2092 if (st%d%ispin ==
2093 jp(1:gr%np, i_dim, 2) = jp(1:gr%np, i_dim, 2) + &
2094 ww*( aimag(psi_gpsi(1:gr%np, 2)) - abs_wf_psi(1:gr%np, 2)*kpoint(i_dim))
2097 c_tmp = -ww*
m_zi*(gwf_psi(ii, i_dim, 1)*wf_psi_conj(ii, 2) - wf_psi(ii, 1)*conjg(gwf_psi(ii, i_dim, 2)) &
2098 -
m_two *
m_zi*wf_psi(ii, 1)*wf_psi_conj(ii, 2)*kpoint(i_dim))
2099 jp(ii, i_dim, 3) = jp(ii, i_dim, 3) + real(c_tmp, real64)
2100 jp(ii, i_dim, 4) = jp(ii, i_dim, 4) + aimag(c_tmp)
2109 if (
2110 tau(1:gr%np, is) = tau(1:gr%np, is) + ww*(abs_gwf_psi(1:gr%np,1) &
2111 -
m_two*aimag(psi_gpsi(1:gr%np, 1))*kpoint(i_dim))
2112 if (st%d%ispin ==
2113 tau(1:gr%np, 2) = tau(1:gr%np, 2) + ww*(abs_gwf_psi(1:gr%np, 2) &
2114 -
m_two*aimag(psi_gpsi(1:gr%np, 2))*kpoint(i_dim))
2117 c_tmp = ww * ( gwf_psi(ii, i_dim, 1)*conjg(gwf_psi(ii, i_dim, 2)) &
2118 +
m_zi * (gwf_psi(ii,i_dim,1)*wf_psi_conj(ii, 2) &
2119 - wf_psi(ii, 1)*conjg(gwf_psi(ii,i_dim,2)))*kpoint(i_dim))
2120 tau(ii, 3) = tau(ii, 3) + real(c_tmp, real64)
2121 tau(ii, 4) = tau(ii, 4) + aimag(c_tmp)
2131 safe_deallocate_a(wf_psi_conj)
2132 safe_deallocate_a(abs_wf_psi)
2133 safe_deallocate_a(abs_gwf_psi)
2134 safe_deallocate_a(psi_gpsi)
2136 if (.not.
2137 if (.not.
2138 safe_deallocate_p(jp)
2140 if (.not.
2141 safe_deallocate_p(tau)
2145 if (st%parallel_in_states .or. st%d%kpt%parallel)
call reduce_all(st%st_kpt_mpi_grp)
2150 if (st%symmetrize_density)
2151 do is = 1, st%d%nspin
2152 if (
2156 if (
2160 if (
2164 if (
2171 if (
allocated(st%rho_core) .and. nlcc .and. (
present(density_laplacian) .or.
2173 wf_psi(ii, 1) = st%rho_core(ii)/st%d%spin_channels
2178 if (
2181 do is = 1, st%d%spin_channels
2182 density_gradient(1:gr%np, 1:gr%der%dim, is) = density_gradient(1:gr%np, 1:gr%der%dim, is) + &
2183 real(gwf_psi(1:gr%np, 1:gr%der%dim,1))
2188 if (
2191 do is = 1, st%d%spin_channels
2192 density_laplacian(1:gr%np, is) = density_laplacian(1:gr%np, is) + real(lwf_psi(1:gr%np, 1))
2199 if (
allocated(st%frozen_tau) .and. .not.
2202 if (
allocated(st%frozen_gdens) .and. .not.
2203 do is = 1, st%d%nspin
2204 call lalg_axpy(gr%np, gr%der%dim,
m_one, st%frozen_gdens(:,:,is), density_gradient(:,:,is))
2207 if (
allocated(st%frozen_tau) .and. .not.
2208 call lalg_axpy(gr%np, st%d%nspin,
m_one, st%frozen_ldens, density_laplacian)
2211 safe_deallocate_a(wf_psi)
2212 safe_deallocate_a(gwf_psi)
2213 safe_deallocate_a(lwf_psi)
2217 if (
2218 do is = 1, st%d%nspin
2219 assert(
2220 gi_kinetic_energy_density(1:gr%np, is) = tau(1:gr%np, is)
2223 assert(
2224 if (st%d%ispin /=
2225 do is = 1, st%d%nspin
2228 if (st%rho(ii, is) < 1.0e-7_real64) cycle
2229 gi_kinetic_energy_density(ii, is) = &
2230 gi_kinetic_energy_density(ii, is) - sum(jp(ii,1:gr%der%dim, is)**2)/st%rho(ii, is)
2236 gi_kinetic_energy_density(ii, 1) = gi_kinetic_energy_density(ii, 1) &
2237 - sum(jp(ii,1:gr%der%dim, 1)**2)/(safe_tol(st%rho(ii, 1),
2238 gi_kinetic_energy_density(ii, 2) = gi_kinetic_energy_density(ii, 2) &
2239 - sum(jp(ii,1:gr%der%dim, 2)**2)/(safe_tol(st%rho(ii, 2),
2240 gi_kinetic_energy_density(ii, 3) = &
2241 gi_kinetic_energy_density(ii, 3) - sum(jp(ii,1:gr%der%dim, 3)**2 + jp(ii,1:gr%der%dim, 4)**2) &
2242 /(safe_tol((st%rho(ii, 3)**2 + st%rho(ii, 4)**2),
m_epsilon))*st%rho(ii, 3)
2243 gi_kinetic_energy_density(ii, 4) = &
2244 gi_kinetic_energy_density(ii, 4) + sum(jp(ii,1:gr%der%dim, 3)**2 + jp(ii,1:gr%der%dim, 4)**2) &
2245 /(safe_tol((st%rho(ii, 3)**2 + st%rho(ii, 4)**2),
m_epsilon))*st%rho(ii, 4)
2251 if (.not.
2252 safe_deallocate_p(tau)
2254 if (.not.
2255 safe_deallocate_p(jp)
2270 if (
call comm_allreduce(grp, tau, dim = (/gr%np, st%d%nspin/))
2272 if (
call comm_allreduce(grp, density_laplacian, dim = (/gr%np, st%d%nspin/))
2274 do is = 1, st%d%nspin
2275 if (
call comm_allreduce(grp, jp(:, :, is), dim = (/gr%np, gr%der%dim/))
2277 if (
2278 call comm_allreduce(grp, density_gradient(:, :, is), dim = (/gr%np, gr%der%dim/))
2292 type(
intent(in) :: mesh
2293 complex(real64),
intent(in) :: f1(:, :)
2294 real(real64) :: spin(1:3)
2296 complex(real64) :: z
2300 z =
zmf_dotp(mesh, f1(:, 1) , f1(:, 2))
2302 spin(1) =
m_two*real(z, real64)
2303 spin(2) =
2315 integer,
intent(in) :: ist
2329 integer,
intent(in) :: ist
2330 integer,
intent(in) :: ik
2335 ik >= st%d%kpt%start .and. ik <= st%d%kpt%end
2345 class(
intent(in) :: mesh
2351 memory = memory + real64*real(mesh%np_part_global, real64) *st%d%dim*real(st%nst, real64) *st%d%kpt%nglobal
2361 logical,
intent(in) :: copy
2364 integer(int64) :: max_mem, mem
2376 if (accel_is_enabled())
2377 max_mem = accel_global_memory_size()
2379 if (st%cl_states_mem > m_one)
2380 max_mem = int(st%cl_states_mem, int64)*(1024_8)**2
2381 else if (st%cl_states_mem < 0.0_real64)
2382 max_mem = max_mem + int(st%cl_states_mem, int64)*(1024_8)**2
2384 max_mem = int(st%cl_states_mem*real(max_mem, real64) , int64)
2387 max_mem = huge(max_mem)
2391 qnloop:
do iqn = st%d%kpt%start, st%d%kpt%end
2392 do ib = st%group%block_start, st%group%block_end
2394 mem = mem + st%group%psib(ib, iqn)%pack_total_size()
2396 if (mem > max_mem)
2397 call messages_write(
'Not enough CL device memory to store all states simultaneously.', new_line = .
2398 call messages_write(
'Only ')
2399 call messages_write(ib - st%group%block_start)
2400 call messages_write(
' of ')
2401 call messages_write(st%group%block_end - st%group%block_start + 1)
2402 call messages_write(
' blocks will be stored in device memory.', new_line = .
2403 call messages_warning()
2407 call st%group%psib(ib, iqn)%do_pack(copy)
2419 logical,
intent(in) :: copy
2428 do iqn = st%d%kpt%start, st%d%kpt%end
2429 do ib = st%group%block_start, st%group%block_end
2430 if (st%group%psib(ib, iqn)%is_packed())
call st%group%psib(ib, iqn)%do_unpack(copy)
2443 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
2447 call messages_print_with_emphasis(msg=
"States", namespace=namespace)
2449 write(message(1),
'Total electronic charge = ', st%qtot
2450 write(message(2),
'Number of states = ', st%nst
2451 write(message(3),
'States block-size = ', st%block_size
2452 call messages_info(3, namespace=namespace)
2454 call messages_print_with_emphasis(namespace=namespace)
2469 do iqn = st%d%kpt%start, st%d%kpt%end
2470 do ib = st%group%block_start, st%group%block_end
2471 call batch_set_zero(st%group%psib(ib, iqn))
2481 integer pure function states_elec_block_min(st, ib) result(range)
2483 integer,
intent(in) :: ib
2485 range = st%group%block_range(ib, 1)
2491 integer pure function states_elec_block_max(st, ib) result(range)
2493 integer,
intent(in) :: ib
2495 range = st%group%block_range(ib, 2)
2501 integer pure function states_elec_block_size(st, ib) result(size)
2503 integer,
intent(in) :: ib
2505 size = st%group%block_size(ib)
2513 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
2514 integer,
intent(out) :: n_pairs
2515 integer,
intent(out) :: n_occ(:)
2516 integer,
intent(out) :: n_unocc(:)
2517 logical,
intent(out) :: is_included(:,:,:)
2519 logical,
intent(out) :: is_frac_occ
2521 integer :: ik, ist, ast, n_filled, n_partially_filled, n_half_filled
2522 character(len=80) :: nst_string, default, wfn_list
2523 real(real64) :: energy_window
2527 is_frac_occ = .false.
2529 call occupied_states(st, namespace, ik, n_filled, n_partially_filled, n_half_filled)
2530 if (n_partially_filled > 0 .or. n_half_filled > 0) is_frac_occ = .
2531 n_occ(ik) = n_filled + n_partially_filled + n_half_filled
2532 n_unocc(ik) = st%nst - n_filled
2545 call parse_variable(namespace,
'CasidaKSEnergyWindow', -m_one, energy_window, units_inp%energy)
2568 safe_allocate(is_included(maxval(n_occ), minval(n_occ) + 1:st%nst , st%nik))
2569 is_included(:,:,:) = .false.
2571 if (energy_window < m_zero)
2572 write(nst_string,
'(i6)') st%nst
2573 write(default,
"1-", trim(adjustl(nst_string))
2574 call parse_variable(namespace,
'CasidaKohnShamStates', default, wfn_list)
2576 write(message(1),
"Info: States that form the basis: ", trim(wfn_list)
2577 call messages_info(1, namespace=namespace)
2582 do ast = n_occ(ik) + 1, st%nst
2583 if (loct_isinstringlist(ast, wfn_list))
2584 do ist = 1, n_occ(ik)
2585 if (loct_isinstringlist(ist, wfn_list))
2586 n_pairs = n_pairs + 1
2587 is_included(ist, ast, ik) = .
2596 write(message(1),
"Info: including transitions with energy < ", &
2597 units_from_atomic(units_out%energy, energy_window), trim(units_abbrev(units_out%energy))
2598 call messages_info(1, namespace=namespace)
2603 do ast = n_occ(ik) + 1, st%nst
2604 do ist = 1, n_occ(ik)
2605 if (st%eigenval(ast, ik) - st%eigenval(ist, ik) < energy_window)
2606 n_pairs = n_pairs + 1
2607 is_included(ist, ast, ik) = .
2635 subroutine occupied_states(st, namespace, ik, n_filled, n_partially_filled, n_half_filled, &
2636 filled, partially_filled, half_filled)
2638 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
2639 integer,
intent(in) :: ik
2640 integer,
intent(out) :: n_filled, n_partially_filled, n_half_filled
2641 integer,
intent(out) :: filled(:), partially_filled(:), half_filled(:)
2647 if (
present(filled)) filled(:) = 0
2648 if (
present(partially_filled)) partially_filled(:) = 0
2649 if (
present(half_filled)) half_filled(:) = 0
2651 n_partially_filled = 0
2654 select case (st%d%ispin)
2657 if (abs(st%occ(ist, ik) - m_two) < m_min_occ)
2658 n_filled = n_filled + 1
2659 if (
present(filled)) filled(n_filled) = ist
2660 else if (abs(st%occ(ist, ik) - m_one) < m_min_occ)
2661 n_half_filled = n_half_filled + 1
2662 if (
present(half_filled)) half_filled(n_half_filled) = ist
2663 else if (st%occ(ist, ik) > m_min_occ)
2664 n_partially_filled = n_partially_filled + 1
2665 if (
present(partially_filled)) partially_filled(n_partially_filled) = ist
2666 else if (abs(st%occ(ist, ik)) > m_min_occ)
2667 write(message(1),*)
'Internal error in occupied_states: Illegal occupation value ', st%occ(ist, ik)
2668 call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
2671 case (spin_polarized, spinors)
2673 if (abs(st%occ(ist, ik)-m_one) < m_min_occ)
2674 n_filled = n_filled + 1
2675 if (
present(filled)) filled(n_filled) = ist
2676 else if (st%occ(ist, ik) > m_min_occ)
2677 n_partially_filled = n_partially_filled + 1
2678 if (
present(partially_filled)) partially_filled(n_partially_filled) = ist
2679 else if (abs(st%occ(ist, ik)) > m_min_occ)
2680 write(message(1),*)
'Internal error in occupied_states: Illegal occupation value ', st%occ(ist, ik)
2681 call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
2693 type(multicomm_t),
intent(in) :: mc
2696 call distributed_init(this%d%kpt, this%nik, mc%group_comm(p_strategy_kpoints),
2711 if (.not.
2712 safe_allocate(st%st_kpt_task(0:st%st_kpt_mpi_grp%size-1, 1:4))
2715 st%st_kpt_task(0:st%st_kpt_mpi_grp%size-1, :) = 0
2716 st%st_kpt_task(st%st_kpt_mpi_grp%rank, :) = [st%st_start, st%st_end, st%d%kpt%start, st%d%kpt%end]
2718 if (st%parallel_in_states .or. st%d%kpt%parallel)
2719 call comm_allreduce(st%st_kpt_mpi_grp, st%st_kpt_task)
2730 type(kpoints_t),
intent(in) :: kpoints
2731 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
2734 type(states_elec_dim_t),
pointer :: dd
2741 st%nik = kpoints_number(kpoints)
2743 if (dd%ispin == spin_polarized) st%nik = 2*st%nik
2745 safe_allocate(st%kweights(1:st%nik))
2748 ik = dd%get_kpoint_index(iq)
2749 st%kweights(iq) = kpoints%get_weight(ik)
2761 call io_mkdir(
'debug/', namespace)
2762 iunit = io_open(
'debug/kpoints', namespace, action =
2763 call kpoints%write_info(iunit=iunit, absolute_coordinates = .
2764 call io_close(iunit)
2778 class(mesh_t),
intent(in) :: gr
2779 real(real64) :: dipole(1:gr%box%dim)
2782 real(real64) :: e_dip(1:gr%box%dim, this%d%spin_channels)
2786 do ispin = 1, this%d%spin_channels
2787 call dmf_dipole(gr, this%rho(:, ispin), e_dip(:, ispin))
2790 dipole(:) = sum(e_dip(:, 1:this%d%spin_channels), 2)
2798#include "states_elec_inc.F90"
2801#include "complex.F90"
2802#include "states_elec_inc.F90"
initialize a batch with existing memory
constant times a vector plus a vector
Prints out to iunit a message in the form: ["InputVariable" = value] where "InputVariable" is given b...
pure logical function, public accel_is_enabled()
type(accel_t), public accel
This module implements batches of mesh functions.
This module implements common operations on batches of mesh functions.
This module provides the BLACS processor grid.
subroutine, public blacs_proc_grid_init(this, mpi_grp, procdim)
Initializes a blacs context from an MPI communicator with topological information.
subroutine, public blacs_proc_grid_end(this)
subroutine, public blacs_proc_grid_copy(cin, cout)
Module implementing boundary conditions in Octopus.
This module handles the calculation mode.
type(calc_mode_par_t), public calc_mode_par
Singleton instance of parallel calculation mode.
integer, parameter, public p_strategy_states
parallelization in states
This module calculates the derivatives (gradients, Laplacians, etc.) of a function.
subroutine, public zderivatives_grad(der, ff, op_ff, ghost_update, set_bc, to_cartesian)
apply the gradient to a mesh function
subroutine, public zderivatives_lapl(der, ff, op_ff, ghost_update, set_bc, factor)
apply the Laplacian to a mesh function
subroutine, public distributed_end(this)
subroutine, public distributed_nullify(this, total)
subroutine, public distributed_init(this, total, comm, tag, scalapack_compat)
Distribute N instances across M processes of communicator comm
subroutine, public distributed_copy(in, out)
@Brief Create a copy of a distributed instance
integer, parameter, public unpolarized
integer, parameter, public spinors
integer, parameter, public spin_polarized
real(real64), parameter, public m_two
real(real64), parameter, public m_zero
real(real64), parameter, public m_fourth
complex(real64), parameter, public m_zi
real(real64), parameter, public m_epsilon
type(conf_t), public conf
Global instance of Octopus configuration.
real(real64), parameter, public m_half
real(real64), parameter, public m_one
This module implements the underlying real-space grid.
subroutine, public dgrid_symmetrize_vector_field(gr, field, suppress_warning)
subroutine, public dgrid_symmetrize_scalar_field(gr, field, suppress_warning)
logical pure function, public kpoints_point_is_gamma(this, ik)
This module is intended to contain "only mathematical" functions and procedures.
integer pure function, public pad_pow2(size)
create array size, which is padded to powers of 2
This module defines functions over batches of mesh functions.
subroutine, public zmesh_batch_exchange_points(mesh, aa, forward_map, backward_map)
This functions exchanges points of a mesh according to a certain map. Two possible maps can be given....
subroutine, public dmesh_batch_exchange_points(mesh, aa, forward_map, backward_map)
This functions exchanges points of a mesh according to a certain map. Two possible maps can be given....
This module defines various routines, operating on mesh functions.
subroutine, public zmf_random(mesh, ff, pre_shift, post_shift, seed, normalized)
This subroutine fills a function with random values.
subroutine, public dmf_random(mesh, ff, pre_shift, post_shift, seed, normalized)
This subroutine fills a function with random values.
subroutine, public zmf_normalize(mesh, dim, psi, norm)
Normalize a mesh function psi.
This module defines the meshes, which are used in Octopus.
subroutine, public messages_not_implemented(feature, namespace)
subroutine, public messages_warning(no_lines, all_nodes, namespace)
subroutine, public messages_obsolete_variable(namespace, name, rep)
character(len=256), dimension(max_lines), public message
to be output by fatal, warning
subroutine, public messages_fatal(no_lines, only_root_writes, namespace)
subroutine, public messages_input_error(namespace, var, details, row, column)
subroutine, public messages_experimental(name, namespace)
subroutine, public messages_info(no_lines, iunit, debug_only, stress, all_nodes, namespace)
general module for modelmb particles
subroutine, public modelmb_particles_end(this)
subroutine, public modelmb_particles_init(this, namespace, space)
subroutine, public modelmb_particles_copy(modelmb_out, modelmb_in)
subroutine mpi_grp_copy(mpi_grp_out, mpi_grp_in)
type(mpi_comm), parameter, public mpi_comm_undefined
used to indicate a communicator has not been initialized
subroutine mpi_grp_init(grp, comm)
Initialize MPI group instance.
This module handles the communicators for the various parallelization strategies.
logical pure function, public multicomm_strategy_is_parallel(mc, level)
subroutine, public multicomm_all_pairs_copy(apout, apin)
logical pure function, public multicomm_have_slaves(this)
subroutine, public multicomm_create_all_pairs(mpi_grp, ap)
This routine uses the one-factorization (or near-one-factorization of a complete graph to construct a...
logical function, public parse_is_defined(namespace, name)
integer function, public parse_block(namespace, name, blk, check_varinfo_)
subroutine, public profiling_out(label)
Increment out counter and sum up difference between entry and exit time.
subroutine, public profiling_in(label, exclude)
Increment in counter and save entry time.
subroutine, public restart_read(restart, iunit, lines, nlines, ierr)
subroutine, public restart_close(restart, iunit)
Close a file previously opened with restart_open.
integer function, public restart_open(restart, filename, status, position, silent)
Open file "filename" found inside the current restart directory. Depending on the type of restart,...
subroutine, public smear_fill_occupations(this, eigenvalues, occupations, nik, nst)
subroutine, public smear_find_fermi_energy(this, namespace, eigenvalues, occupations, qtot, nik, nst, kweights)
subroutine, public smear_copy(to, from)
integer, parameter, public smear_fixed_occ
subroutine, public smear_init(this, namespace, ispin, fixed_occ, integral_occs, kpoints)
logical pure function, public smear_is_semiconducting(this)
subroutine, public states_set_complex(st)
pure logical function, public states_are_complex(st)
pure logical function, public states_are_real(st)
This module handles spin dimensions of the states and the k-point distribution.
subroutine, public states_elec_dim_copy(dout, din)
subroutine, public states_elec_dim_end(dim)
This module handles groups of electronic batches and their parallel distribution.
subroutine, public states_elec_group_copy(d, group_in, group_out, copy_data, special)
make a copy of a group
subroutine, public states_elec_group_end(this, d)
finalize the local blocks of wave functions and release local arrays
real(real64) function, public states_elec_wfns_memory(st, mesh)
return the memory usage of a states_elec_t object
integer pure function, public states_elec_block_max(st, ib)
return index of last state in block ib
subroutine zstates_elec_generate_random_vector(mesh, st, vector, normalized, reset_seed)
Generate a random vector.
subroutine, public states_elec_null(st)
subroutine, public states_elec_distribute_nodes(st, namespace, mc)
@Brief. Distribute states over the processes for states parallelization
subroutine, public states_elec_fermi(st, namespace, mesh, compute_spin)
calculate the Fermi level for the states in this object
logical function, public state_kpt_is_local(st, ist, ik)
check whether a given state (ist, ik) is on the local node
subroutine, public states_elec_calc_quantities(gr, st, kpoints, nlcc, kinetic_energy_density, paramagnetic_current, density_gradient, density_laplacian, gi_kinetic_energy_density, st_end)
calculated selected quantities
real(real64) function, dimension(1:gr%box%dim) states_elec_calculate_dipole(this, gr)
calculate the expectation value of the dipole moment of electrons
subroutine, public states_elec_densities_init(st, gr)
subroutine, public states_elec_end(st)
finalize the states_elec_t object
subroutine zstates_elec_get_state1(st, mesh, idim, ist, iqn, psi)
Write one component (dim) of a wave function into a state_elec_t object.
subroutine, public states_elec_deallocate_wfns(st)
Deallocates the KS wavefunctions defined within a states_elec_t structure.
subroutine, public states_elec_allocate_wfns(st, mesh, wfs_type, skip, packed)
Allocates the KS wavefunctions defined within a states_elec_t structure.
subroutine zstates_elec_get_points1(st, start_point, end_point, iqn, psi)
Returns the value of all the states for given k-point in the range of points [start_point:end_point].
subroutine states_elec_read_initial_occs(st, namespace, excess_charge, kpoints)
Reads from the input file the initial occupations, if the block "Occupations" is present....
subroutine, public states_elec_init(st, namespace, space, valence_charge, kpoints)
Initialize a new states_elec_t object.
subroutine zstates_elec_set_state1(st, mesh, idim, ist, iqn, psi)
get one dimension of local wave function for given k-point and states index from a states_elec_t obje...
real(real64) function, public states_elec_eigenvalues_sum(st, alt_eig)
function to calculate the eigenvalues sum using occupations as weights
integer, parameter, public par_independent
Method used to generate random states.
subroutine dstates_elec_generate_random_vector(mesh, st, vector, normalized, reset_seed)
Generate a random vector.
subroutine, public occupied_states(st, namespace, ik, n_filled, n_partially_filled, n_half_filled, filled, partially_filled, half_filled)
return information about occupied orbitals in many-body state
subroutine dstates_elec_get_state2(st, mesh, ist, iqn, psi)
Write a wave function into a state_elec_t object.
subroutine zstates_elec_set_state2(st, mesh, ist, iqn, psi)
get local wave function for given k-point and states index from a states_elec_t object
subroutine zstates_elec_get_state2(st, mesh, ist, iqn, psi)
Write a wave function into a state_elec_t object.
subroutine dstates_elec_get_points1(st, start_point, end_point, iqn, psi)
Returns the value of all the states for given k-point in the range of points [start_point:end_point].
integer pure function, public states_elec_block_size(st, ib)
return number of states in block ib
subroutine, public kpoints_distribute(this, mc)
distribute k-points over the nodes in the corresponding communicator
integer, parameter, public par_dependent
subroutine states_elec_pack(st, copy)
pack the batches in this states object
subroutine, public states_elec_choose_kpoints(st, kpoints, namespace)
double up k-points for SPIN_POLARIZED calculations
subroutine zstates_elec_get_state3(st, mesh, iqn, psi)
get local wave functions for given k-point from a states_elec_t object
logical function, public state_is_local(st, ist)
check whether a given state (ist) is on the local node
subroutine dstates_elec_set_state1(st, mesh, idim, ist, iqn, psi)
get one dimension of local wave function for given k-point and states index from a states_elec_t obje...
subroutine, public states_elec_exec_init(st, namespace, mc)
Further initializations.
subroutine dstates_elec_set_state4(st, mesh, psi)
set all local wave functions in a states_elec_t object
subroutine dstates_elec_set_state3(st, mesh, iqn, psi)
set local wave functions for given k-point in a states_elec_t object
subroutine states_elec_write_info(st, namespace)
write information about the states object
subroutine states_elec_init_block(st, mesh, verbose, skip, packed)
Initializes the data components in st that describe how the states are distributed in blocks:
real(real64) function, dimension(1:3) state_spin(mesh, f1)
calculate the spin vector for a spinor wave function f1
subroutine states_elec_kpoints_distribution(st)
Assign the start and end indices for states and kpoints, for "st_kpt_mpi_grp" communicator.
subroutine zstates_elec_get_state4(st, mesh, psi)
get all local wave functions from a states_elec_t object
subroutine, public states_elec_copy(stout, stin, exclude_wfns, exclude_eigenval, special)
make a (selective) copy of a states_elec_t object
subroutine, public states_elec_generate_random(st, mesh, kpoints, ist_start_, ist_end_, ikpt_start_, ikpt_end_, normalized)
randomize states
subroutine dstates_elec_get_state1(st, mesh, idim, ist, iqn, psi)
Write one component (dim) of a wave function into a state_elec_t object.
subroutine dstates_elec_set_state2(st, mesh, ist, iqn, psi)
get local wave function for given k-point and states index from a states_elec_t object
subroutine zstates_elec_set_state4(st, mesh, psi)
set all local wave functions in a states_elec_t object
subroutine states_elec_read_initial_spins(st, namespace)
Reads, if present, the "InitialSpins" block.
subroutine dstates_elec_get_state3(st, mesh, iqn, psi)
get local wave functions for given k-point from a states_elec_t object
subroutine dstates_elec_get_points2(st, start_point, end_point, psi)
Returns the value of all the states in the range of points [start_point:end_point].
integer pure function, public states_elec_block_min(st, ib)
return index of first state in block ib
subroutine states_elec_unpack(st, copy)
unpack the batches in this states object
subroutine, public states_elec_look(restart, nik, dim, nst, ierr)
Reads the 'states' file in the restart directory, and finds out the nik, dim, and nst contained in it...
subroutine dstates_elec_get_state4(st, mesh, psi)
get all local wave functions from a states_elec_t object
subroutine, public states_elec_count_pairs(st, namespace, n_pairs, n_occ, n_unocc, is_included, is_frac_occ)
number of occupied-unoccupied pairs for Casida
subroutine, public states_elec_allocate_current(st, space, mesh)
subroutine, public states_elec_set_zero(st)
expclicitely set all wave functions in the states to zero
subroutine zstates_elec_set_state3(st, mesh, iqn, psi)
set local wave functions for given k-point in a states_elec_t object
subroutine zstates_elec_get_points2(st, start_point, end_point, psi)
Returns the value of all the states in the range of points [start_point:end_point].
type(type_t), public type_float
type(type_t), public type_cmplx
brief This module defines the class unit_t which is used by the unit_systems_oct_m module.
This module defines the unit system, used for input and output.
type(unit_t), public unit_megabytes
For large amounts of data (natural code units are bytes)
subroutine, public zwfs_elec_init(this, dim, st_start, st_end, np, ik, special, packed)
initialize an empty wfs_elec_t object
subroutine, public dwfs_elec_init(this, dim, st_start, st_end, np, ik, special, packed)
initialize an empty wfs_elec_t object
subroutine reduce_all(grp)
subroutine print_kpoints_debug
Class defining batches of mesh functions.
Distribution of N instances over mpi_grpsize processes, for the local rank mpi_grprank....
Extension of space that contains the knowledge of the spin dimension.
Description of the grid, containing information on derivatives, stencil, and symmetries.
Describes mesh distribution to nodes.
This is defined even when running serial.
An all-pairs communication schedule for a given group.
Stores all communicators and groups.
abstract class for states
The states_elec_t class contains all electronic wave functions.