34 use,
intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
76 logical :: adjoint = .false.
78 real(real64) :: current_time
79 logical :: apply_packed
83 type(nl_operator_t),
pointer :: operators(:)
86 type(derivatives_t),
private :: der
87 type(states_mxll_t),
pointer :: st
91 logical :: propagation_apply = .false.
93 integer,
pointer :: rs_state_fft_map(:,:,:)
94 integer,
pointer :: rs_state_fft_map_inv(:,:)
96 logical :: mx_ma_coupling = .false.
97 logical :: mx_ma_coupling_apply = .false.
98 integer :: mx_ma_trans_field_calc_method
99 logical :: mx_ma_trans_field_calc_corr = .false.
100 integer :: mx_ma_coupling_points_number
101 real(real64),
allocatable :: mx_ma_coupling_points(:,:)
102 integer,
allocatable :: mx_ma_coupling_points_map(:)
103 integer :: mx_ma_coupling_order
104 logical :: ma_mx_coupling = .false.
105 logical :: ma_mx_coupling_apply = .false.
107 logical :: bc_add_ab_region = .false.
108 logical :: bc_zero = .false.
109 logical :: bc_constant = .false.
110 logical :: bc_mirror_pec = .false.
111 logical :: bc_mirror_pmc = .false.
112 logical :: bc_periodic = .false.
113 logical :: bc_plane_waves = .false.
114 logical :: bc_medium = .false.
116 logical :: plane_waves = .false.
117 logical :: plane_waves_apply = .false.
118 logical :: spatial_constant = .false.
119 logical :: spatial_constant_apply = .false.
120 logical :: spatial_constant_propagate = .false.
122 logical :: calc_medium_box = .false.
123 type(single_medium_box_t),
allocatable :: medium_boxes(:)
124 logical :: medium_boxes_initialized = .false.
128 logical :: current_density_ext_flag = .false.
129 logical :: current_density_from_medium = .false.
131 type(energy_mxll_t) :: energy
133 logical :: cpml_hamiltonian = .false.
135 logical :: diamag_current = .false.
136 real(real64) :: c_factor
137 real(real64) :: current_factor
140 type(mesh_cube_parallel_map_t) :: mesh_cube_map
151 integer,
parameter :: &
161 type(hamiltonian_mxll_t),
intent(inout) :: hm
162 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
163 type(grid_t),
intent(inout) :: gr
164 type(states_mxll_t),
intent(inout) :: st
174 assert(
176 hm%operators(1:3) => gr%der%grad(1:3)
178 hm%rs_sign = st%rs_sign
180 hm%mx_ma_coupling_apply = .false.
181 hm%mx_ma_coupling = .false.
182 hm%ma_mx_coupling_apply = .false.
183 hm%ma_mx_coupling = .false.
200 call parse_variable(namespace,
'MaxwellHamiltonianOperator', faraday_ampere, hm%operator)
215 call parse_variable(namespace,
'ExternalCurrent', .false., hm%current_density_ext_flag)
217 hm%plane_waves_apply = .false.
218 hm%spatial_constant_apply = .false.
219 hm%spatial_constant_propagate = .
221 hm%propagation_apply = .false.
245 hm%rs_state_fft_map => st%rs_state_fft_map
246 hm%rs_state_fft_map_inv => st%rs_state_fft_map_inv
253 call hm%update_span(gr%spacing(1:gr%der%dim),
m_zero, namespace)
270 nullify(hm%operators)
274 if (
275 do il = 1,
292 if (any(hm%bc%bc_ab_type == option__maxwellabsorbingboundaries__cpml))
306 real(real64),
intent(in) :: delta(:)
307 real(real64),
intent(in) :: emin
311 real(real64) :: emax, fd_factor
312 real(real64),
parameter :: fd_factors(4) = [1.0_real64, 1.3723_real64, 1.5861_real64, 1.7307_real64]
319 if (hm%der%stencil_type ==
der_star .and. hm%der%order <= 4)
320 fd_factor = fd_factors(hm%der%order)
327 do i = 1,
328 emax = emax +
m_one / delta(i)**2
332 hm%spectral_middle_point =
333 hm%spectral_half_span = emax
345 if (.not. hm%adjoint)
371 real(real64),
intent(in) :: time
375 this%current_time =
376 if (
present(time)) this%current_time = time
386 time = this%current_time
394 class(mesh_t),
intent(in) :: mesh
396 apply = this%apply_packed
397 if (mesh%use_curvilinear) apply = .false.
404 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
405 type(derivatives_t),
intent(in) :: der
406 type(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: psib
407 type(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: hpsib
408 real(real64),
intent(in) :: time
409 integer,
intent(in) :: terms
410 logical,
intent(in) :: set_bc
412 type(batch_t) :: gradb(der%dim)
413 integer :: idir, ifield, field_dir, pml_dir, rs_sign
414 integer :: ip, ip_in, il
415 real(real64) :: pml_a, pml_b, pml_c
416 complex(real64) :: pml_g, grad
417 integer,
parameter :: field_dirs(3, 2) = reshape([2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2], [3, 2])
418 real(real64) :: cc, aux_ep(3), aux_mu(3), sigma_e, sigma_m, ff_real(3), ff_imag(3), coeff_real, coeff_imag
419 complex(real64) :: ff_plus(3), ff_minus(3), hpsi(6)
420 integer,
parameter :: sign_medium(6) = [1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1]
421 logical :: with_medium
425 call profiling_in(
426 assert(psib%status() == hpsib%status())
428 assert(psib%nst == hpsib%nst)
429 assert(hm%st%dim == 3)
430 p_c_ = p_c * hm%c_factor
433 assert(.not.
436 if (
437 if (abs(time - hm%current_time) > 1e-10_real64)
438 write(message(1),
'hamiltonian_apply_batch time assertion failed.'
439 write(message(2),
'time = ', time,
'; hm%current_time = ', hm%current_time
440 call messages_fatal(2, namespace=namespace)
446 call profiling_out(
451 call zderivatives_batch_grad(der, psib, gradb, set_bc=set_bc)
453 if (hm%cpml_hamiltonian)
457 call zderivatives_batch_curl_from_gradient(der, hpsib, gradb)
461 if (hm%bc_constant .and. .not. with_medium)
465 if (with_medium)
467 if ((hm%bc%bc_type(idir) == mxll_bc_medium))
472 if (hm%calc_medium_box)
473 do il = 1,
480 call gradb(idir)%end()
483 call profiling_out(
488 type(batch_t) :: gradb(:)
489 type(accel_kernel_t),
save :: ker_pml
492 call profiling_in(
494 if (with_medium)
500 call batch_scal(der%mesh%np, rs_sign * p_c_, gradb(idir))
503 do pml_dir = 1, hm%st%dim
504 if (hm%bc%bc_ab_type(pml_dir) == mxll_ab_cpml)
505 select case (gradb(pml_dir)%status())
506 case (batch_not_packed)
508 field_dir = field_dirs(pml_dir, ifield)
510 do ip_in = 1, hm%bc%pml%points_number
511 ip = hm%bc%pml%points_map(ip_in)
512 pml_c = hm%bc%pml%c(ip_in, pml_dir)
513 pml_a = hm%bc%pml%a(ip_in, pml_dir)
514 pml_b = hm%bc%pml%b(ip_in, pml_dir)
515 pml_g = hm%bc%pml%conv_plus(ip_in, pml_dir, field_dir)
516 grad = gradb(pml_dir)%zff_linear(ip, field_dir)
517 gradb(pml_dir)%zff_linear(ip, field_dir) = pml_c * ((m_one + pml_a)*grad/p_c_ &
518 + rs_sign * pml_b*pml_g)
519 if (with_medium)
520 pml_g = hm%bc%pml%conv_minus(ip_in, pml_dir, field_dir)
521 grad = gradb(pml_dir)%zff_linear(ip, field_dir+3)
522 gradb(pml_dir)%zff_linear(ip, field_dir+3) = pml_c * ((m_one + pml_a)*grad/p_c_ &
523 + rs_sign * pml_b*pml_g)
529 do ip_in = 1, hm%bc%pml%points_number
530 ip = hm%bc%pml%points_map(ip_in)
531 pml_c = hm%bc%pml%c(ip_in, pml_dir)
532 pml_a = hm%bc%pml%a(ip_in, pml_dir)
533 pml_b = hm%bc%pml%b(ip_in, pml_dir)
535 field_dir = field_dirs(pml_dir, ifield)
536 pml_g = hm%bc%pml%conv_plus(ip_in, pml_dir, field_dir)
537 grad = gradb(pml_dir)%zff_pack(field_dir, ip)
538 gradb(pml_dir)%zff_pack(field_dir, ip) = pml_c * ((m_one + pml_a)*grad/p_c_ &
539 + rs_sign * pml_b*pml_g)
540 if (with_medium)
541 pml_g = hm%bc%pml%conv_minus(ip_in, pml_dir, field_dir)
542 grad = gradb(pml_dir)%zff_pack(field_dir+3, ip)
543 gradb(pml_dir)%zff_pack(field_dir+3, ip) = pml_c * ((m_one + pml_a)*grad/p_c_ &
544 + rs_sign * pml_b*pml_g)
548 case (batch_device_packed)
549 call accel_kernel_start_call(ker_pml,
551 if (with_medium)
552 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 0, 1_int32)
554 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 0, 0_int32)
556 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 1, hm%bc%pml%points_number)
557 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 2, pml_dir-1)
558 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 3, p_c_)
559 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 4, rs_sign)
560 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 5, hm%bc%pml%buff_map)
561 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 6, gradb(pml_dir)%ff_device)
562 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 7,
log2(int(gradb(pml_dir)%pack_size(1), int32)))
563 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 8, hm%bc%pml%buff_a)
564 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 9, hm%bc%pml%buff_b)
565 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 10, hm%bc%pml%buff_c)
566 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 11, hm%bc%pml%buff_conv_plus)
567 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 12, hm%bc%pml%buff_conv_minus)
569 wgsize = accel_max_workgroup_size()
570 call accel_kernel_run(ker_pml, (/ accel_padded_size(hm%bc%pml%points_number) /), (/ wgsize /))
575 if (accel_is_enabled())
579 call profiling_out(
585 call profiling_in(
586 if (.not. hm%cpml_hamiltonian)
588 if (with_medium)
590 call batch_scal(der%mesh%np, sign_medium * p_c_, hpsib)
592 call batch_scal(der%mesh%np, hm%rs_sign * p_c_, hpsib)
596 if (with_medium)
598 call batch_scal(der%mesh%np, sign_medium * m_one, hpsib)
601 call profiling_out(
607 call profiling_in(
608 select case (hpsib%status())
609 case (batch_not_packed)
610 do field_dir = 1, hm%st%dim
611 do ip_in = 1, hm%bc%constant_points_number
612 ip = hm%bc%constant_points_map(ip_in)
613 hpsib%zff_linear(ip, field_dir) = hm%st%rs_state_const(field_dir)
617 do ip_in = 1, hm%bc%constant_points_number
618 ip = hm%bc%constant_points_map(ip_in)
619 do field_dir = 1, hm%st%dim
620 hpsib%zff_pack(field_dir, ip) = hm%st%rs_state_const(field_dir)
623 case (batch_device_packed)
624 call messages_not_implemented(
"Maxwell constant boundary on GPU", namespace=namespace)
626 call profiling_out(
631 type(single_medium_box_t),
intent(in) :: medium
636 call profiling_in(
637 assert(.not. medium%has_mapping)
640 do ip = 1, medium%points_number
641 cc = medium%c(ip)/p_c
642 if (abs(cc) <= m_epsilon) cycle
643 aux_ep(1:3) = medium%aux_ep(ip, 1:3)
644 aux_mu(1:3) = medium%aux_mu(ip, 1:3)
645 sigma_e = medium%sigma_e(ip)
646 sigma_m = medium%sigma_m(ip)
647 select case (hpsib%status())
648 case (batch_not_packed)
649 ff_plus(1:3) = psib%zff_linear(ip, 1:3)
650 ff_minus(1:3) = psib%zff_linear(ip, 4:6)
651 hpsi(1:6) = hpsib%zff_linear(ip, 1:6)
653 ff_plus(1:3) = psib%zff_pack(1:3, ip)
654 ff_minus(1:3) = psib%zff_pack(4:6, ip)
655 hpsi(1:6) = hpsib%zff_pack(1:6, ip)
656 case (batch_device_packed)
657 call messages_not_implemented(
"Maxwell Medium on GPU", namespace=namespace)
659 ff_real = real(ff_plus+ff_minus, real64)
660 ff_imag = aimag(ff_plus-ff_minus)
661 aux_ep = dcross_product(aux_ep, ff_real)
662 aux_mu = dcross_product(aux_mu, ff_imag)
664 coeff_real = - cc * aux_ep(ifield) + sigma_m * ff_imag(ifield)
665 coeff_imag = - cc * aux_mu(ifield) - sigma_e * ff_real(ifield)
666 hpsi(ifield) = cc * hpsi(ifield) + cmplx(coeff_real, coeff_imag, real64)
667 hpsi(ifield+3) = cc * hpsi(ifield+3) + cmplx(-coeff_real, coeff_imag, real64)
669 select case (hpsib%status())
670 case (batch_not_packed)
671 hpsib%zff_linear(ip, 1:6) = hpsi(1:6)
673 hpsib%zff_pack(1:6, ip) = hpsi(1:6)
676 call profiling_out(
685 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
686 class(mesh_t),
intent(in) :: mesh
687 type(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: psib
688 type(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: hpsib
689 integer,
intent(in) :: terms
690 logical,
intent(in) :: set_bc
692 type(batch_t) :: gradb(hm%der%dim)
696 call profiling_in(
698 call zderivatives_batch_grad(hm%der, psib, gradb, set_bc=set_bc)
700 if (any(hm%bc%bc_ab_type == option__maxwellabsorbingboundaries__cpml))
706 call zderivatives_batch_curl_from_gradient(hm%der, hpsib, gradb)
708 if (hm%calc_medium_box)
713 call batch_scal(mesh%np, p_c*hm%c_factor, hpsib)
716 do idir = 1, hm%der%dim
717 call gradb(idir)%end()
720 call profiling_out(
727 type(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: gradb(1:hm%st%dim)
729 integer :: idir, jdir, ip_in, ip, wgsize
730 type(accel_kernel_t),
save :: ker_pml
734 call profiling_in(
737 do jdir = 1, hm%st%dim
738 select case (gradb(1)%status())
739 case (batch_not_packed)
741 do idir = 1, hm%st%dim
742 if (idir == jdir) cycle
743 do ip_in = 1, hm%bc%pml%points_number
744 ip = hm%bc%pml%points_map(ip_in)
746 gradb(jdir)%zff_linear(ip, idir) = gradb(jdir)%zff_linear(ip, idir) * (m_one + hm%bc%pml%c(ip_in, jdir)) + &
747 hm%bc%pml%b(ip_in, jdir) * hm%bc%pml%conv_plus_old(ip_in, jdir, idir)
751 do ip_in = 1, hm%bc%pml%points_number
752 ip = hm%bc%pml%points_map(ip_in)
754 do idir = 1, hm%st%dim
755 if (idir == jdir) cycle
757 gradb(jdir)%zff_pack(idir, ip) = gradb(jdir)%zff_pack(idir, ip) * (m_one + hm%bc%pml%c(ip_in, jdir)) +&
758 hm%bc%pml%b(ip_in, jdir) * hm%bc%pml%conv_plus_old(ip_in, jdir, idir)
761 case (batch_device_packed)
762 call accel_kernel_start_call(ker_pml,
764 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 0, hm%bc%pml%points_number)
765 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 1, jdir-1)
766 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 2, hm%bc%pml%buff_map)
767 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 3, gradb(jdir)%ff_device)
768 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 4,
log2(int(gradb(jdir)%pack_size(1), int32)))
769 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 5, hm%bc%pml%buff_b)
770 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 6, hm%bc%pml%buff_c)
771 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml, 7, hm%bc%pml%buff_conv_plus_old)
773 wgsize = accel_max_workgroup_size()
774 call accel_kernel_run(ker_pml, (/ accel_padded_size(hm%bc%pml%points_number) /), (/ wgsize /))
777 call profiling_out(
784 type(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: rs_stateb
786 integer :: wgsize, idir, jdir, ip, ip_in
787 type(accel_kernel_t),
save :: ker_pml_update
788 type(batch_t) :: gradb(1:hm%st%dim)
791 call profiling_in(
793 call zderivatives_batch_grad(hm%der, rs_stateb, gradb)
795 do jdir = 1, hm%st%dim
796 call rs_stateb%check_compatibility_with(gradb(jdir))
797 select case (gradb(jdir)%status())
798 case (batch_not_packed)
800 do idir = 1, hm%st%dim
801 if (idir == jdir) cycle
802 do ip_in = 1, hm%bc%pml%points_number
803 ip = hm%bc%pml%points_map(ip_in)
804 hm%bc%pml%conv_plus(ip_in, jdir, idir) = hm%bc%pml%c(ip_in, jdir) * gradb(jdir)%zff_linear(ip, idir) +&
805 hm%bc%pml%b(ip_in, jdir) * hm%bc%pml%conv_plus_old(ip_in, jdir, idir)
809 do ip_in = 1, hm%bc%pml%points_number
810 ip = hm%bc%pml%points_map(ip_in)
812 do idir = 1, hm%st%dim
813 if (idir == jdir) cycle
814 hm%bc%pml%conv_plus(ip_in, jdir, idir) = hm%bc%pml%c(ip_in, jdir) * gradb(jdir)%zff_pack(idir, ip) +&
815 hm%bc%pml%b(ip_in, jdir) * hm%bc%pml%conv_plus_old(ip_in, jdir, idir)
818 case (batch_device_packed)
819 call accel_kernel_start_call(ker_pml_update,
821 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml_update, 0, hm%bc%pml%points_number)
822 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml_update, 1, jdir-1)
823 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml_update, 2, hm%bc%pml%buff_map)
824 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml_update, 3, gradb(jdir)%ff_device)
825 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml_update, 4,
log2(int(gradb(jdir)%pack_size(1), int32)))
826 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml_update, 5, hm%bc%pml%buff_b)
827 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml_update, 6, hm%bc%pml%buff_c)
828 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml_update, 7, hm%bc%pml%buff_conv_plus)
829 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml_update, 8, hm%bc%pml%buff_conv_plus_old)
831 wgsize = accel_max_workgroup_size()
832 call accel_kernel_run(ker_pml_update, (/ accel_padded_size(hm%bc%pml%points_number) /), (/ wgsize /))
834 call gradb(jdir)%end()
836 call profiling_out(
843 type(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: rs_stateb
845 integer :: wgsize, idir, jdir, ip, ip_in
846 type(accel_kernel_t),
save :: ker_pml_copy
849 call profiling_in(
851 select case (rs_stateb%status())
852 case (batch_packed, batch_not_packed)
853 do jdir = 1, hm%st%dim
855 do idir = 1, hm%st%dim
856 if (idir == jdir) cycle
857 do ip_in = 1, hm%bc%pml%points_number
858 ip = hm%bc%pml%points_map(ip_in)
859 hm%bc%pml%conv_plus_old(ip_in, jdir, idir) = hm%bc%pml%conv_plus(ip_in, jdir, idir)
863 case (batch_device_packed)
864 call accel_kernel_start_call(ker_pml_copy,
866 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml_copy, 0, hm%bc%pml%points_number*9)
867 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml_copy, 1, hm%bc%pml%buff_conv_plus)
868 call accel_set_kernel_arg(ker_pml_copy, 2, hm%bc%pml%buff_conv_plus_old)
870 wgsize = accel_max_workgroup_size()
871 call accel_kernel_run(ker_pml_copy, (/ accel_padded_size(hm%bc%pml%points_number*9) /), (/ wgsize /))
873 call profiling_out(
880 type(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: rs_stateb
883 logical :: need_to_pack
886 call profiling_in(
888 do il = 1,
889 assert(.not. hm%medium_boxes(il)%has_mapping)
890 need_to_pack = .false.
892 if(rs_stateb%status() == batch_device_packed)
893 call rs_stateb%do_unpack(force=.
894 need_to_pack = .
896 select case (rs_stateb%status())
897 case (batch_not_packed)
898 do ip = 1, hm%medium_boxes(il)%points_number
899 if (abs(hm%medium_boxes(il)%c(ip)) <= m_epsilon)
901 rs_stateb%zff_linear(ip, 1:3) = p_c*hm%c_factor*rs_stateb%zff_linear(ip, 1:3)
904 rs_stateb%zff_linear(ip, 1:3) = hm%medium_boxes(il)%c(ip)*(rs_stateb%zff_linear(ip, 1:3) + &
906 -dcross_product(hm%medium_boxes(il)%aux_ep(ip, 1:3)*m_two, &
907 real(rs_stateb%zff_linear(ip, 1:3), real64)), &
908 -dcross_product(hm%medium_boxes(il)%aux_mu(ip, 1:3)*m_two, &
909 aimag(rs_stateb%zff_linear(ip, 1:3))), real64)) + &
911 hm%medium_boxes(il)%sigma_m(ip)*aimag(rs_stateb%zff_linear(ip, 1:3)), &
912 -hm%medium_boxes(il)%sigma_e(ip)*
real(rs_stateb%zff_linear(ip, 1:3), real64), real64)
916 do ip = 1, hm%medium_boxes(il)%points_number
917 if (abs(hm%medium_boxes(il)%c(ip)) <= m_epsilon)
919 rs_stateb%zff_pack(1:3, ip) = p_c*hm%c_factor*rs_stateb%zff_pack(1:3, ip)
922 rs_stateb%zff_pack(1:3, ip) = hm%medium_boxes(il)%c(ip)*(rs_stateb%zff_pack(1:3, ip) + &
924 -dcross_product(hm%medium_boxes(il)%aux_ep(ip, 1:3)*m_two, &
925 real(rs_stateb%zff_pack(1:3, ip), real64)), &
926 -dcross_product(hm%medium_boxes(il)%aux_mu(ip, 1:3)*m_two, &
927 aimag(rs_stateb%zff_pack(1:3, ip))), real64)) + &
929 hm%medium_boxes(il)%sigma_m(ip)*aimag(rs_stateb%zff_pack(1:3, ip)), &
930 -hm%medium_boxes(il)%sigma_e(ip)*
real(rs_stateb%zff_pack(1:3, ip), real64), real64)
934 if(need_to_pack)
935 call rs_stateb%do_pack()
939 call profiling_out(
947 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
948 class(mesh_t),
intent(in) :: mesh
949 class(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: psib
950 class(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: hpsib
951 integer,
intent(in) :: terms
952 logical,
intent(in) :: set_bc
954 write(message(1),
'dhamiltonian_mxll_apply not implemented (states are complex).'
955 call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
963 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
964 class(mesh_t),
intent(in) :: mesh
965 class(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: psib
966 class(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: hpsib
967 integer,
intent(in) :: terms
968 logical,
intent(in) :: set_bc
970 complex(real64),
allocatable :: rs_aux_in(:,:), rs_aux_out(:,:)
976 call profiling_in(
978 on_gpu = psib%status() == batch_device_packed
981 safe_allocate(rs_aux_in(1:mesh%np_part, 1:hm%dim))
982 safe_allocate(rs_aux_out(1:mesh%np, 1:hm%dim))
983 call boundaries_set(hm%der%boundaries, mesh, psib)
985 call batch_get_state(psib, ii,mesh%np_part, rs_aux_in(:, ii))
990 call batch_set_state(hpsib, ii, mesh%np, rs_aux_out(:, ii))
992 safe_deallocate_a(rs_aux_in)
993 safe_deallocate_a(rs_aux_out)
999 call profiling_out(
1009 type(derivatives_t),
intent(in) :: der
1010 complex(real64),
intent(inout) :: psi(:,:)
1011 complex(real64),
intent(inout) :: oppsi(:,:)
1013 real(real64),
pointer :: mx_rho(:,:)
1014 complex(real64),
allocatable :: tmp(:,:)
1015 complex(real64),
pointer :: kappa_psi(:,:)
1016 integer :: np, np_part, ip, ip_in, rs_sign
1017 real(real64) :: P_c_
1021 call profiling_in(
1024 np_part = der%mesh%np_part
1025 rs_sign = hm%rs_sign
1026 p_c_ = p_c * hm%c_factor
1028 select case (hm%operator)
1034 call profiling_in(
1036 safe_allocate(tmp(1:np,1:2))
1039 if (hm%diamag_current)
1040 mx_rho => hm%st%grid_rho
1041 kappa_psi => hm%st%kappa_psi
1047 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,3), tmp(:,1), 2, set_bc = .false.)
1048 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,2), tmp(:,2), 3, set_bc = .false.)
1049 tmp = rs_sign * p_c_ * tmp
1052 oppsi(1:np,1) = ( tmp(1:np,1)-tmp(1:np,2))
1057 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,1), tmp(:,1), 3, set_bc = .false.)
1058 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,3), tmp(:,2), 1, set_bc = .false.)
1059 tmp = rs_sign * p_c_ * tmp
1062 oppsi(1:np,2) = ( tmp(1:np,1)-tmp(1:np,2))
1067 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,2), tmp(:,1), 1, set_bc = .false.)
1068 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,1), tmp(:,2), 2, set_bc = .false.)
1069 tmp = rs_sign * p_c_ * tmp
1072 oppsi(1:np,3) = ( tmp(1:np,1)-tmp(1:np,2))
1074 if (hm%bc_constant)
1075 do ip_in = 1, hm%bc%constant_points_number
1076 ip = hm%bc%constant_points_map(ip_in)
1077 oppsi(ip,:) = hm%st%rs_state_const(:)
1081 safe_deallocate_a(tmp)
1083 call profiling_out(
1088 call profiling_in(
1090 safe_allocate(tmp(1:np,1:4))
1096 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,3), tmp(:,1), 2, set_bc = .false.)
1097 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,2), tmp(:,3), 3, set_bc = .false.)
1098 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,6), tmp(:,2), 2, set_bc = .false.)
1099 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,5), tmp(:,4), 3, set_bc = .false.)
1103 oppsi(1:np,1) = (tmp(1:np,1)-tmp(1:np,3))
1104 oppsi(1:np,4) = -(tmp(1:np,2)-tmp(1:np,4))
1109 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,1), tmp(:,1), 3, set_bc = .false.)
1110 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,3), tmp(:,3), 1, set_bc = .false.)
1111 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,4), tmp(:,2), 3, set_bc = .false.)
1112 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,6), tmp(:,4), 1, set_bc = .false.)
1116 oppsi(1:np,2) = (tmp(1:np,1)-tmp(1:np,3))
1117 oppsi(1:np,5) = -(tmp(1:np,2)-tmp(1:np,4))
1122 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,2), tmp(:,1), 1, set_bc = .false.)
1123 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,1), tmp(:,3), 2, set_bc = .false.)
1124 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,5), tmp(:,2), 1, set_bc = .false.)
1125 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,4), tmp(:,4), 2, set_bc = .false.)
1129 oppsi(1:np,3) = (tmp(1:np,1)-tmp(1:np,3))
1130 oppsi(1:np,6) = -(tmp(1:np,2)-tmp(1:np,4))
1133 safe_deallocate_a(tmp)
1143 call profiling_out(
1147 call profiling_out(
1157 type(derivatives_t),
intent(in) :: der
1158 complex(real64),
intent(inout) :: psi(:,:)
1159 integer,
intent(in) :: dir1
1160 integer,
intent(in) :: dir2
1161 complex(real64),
intent(inout) :: tmp(:)
1166 call profiling_in(
1168 if ((hm%bc%bc_ab_type(dir1) == mxll_ab_cpml) .and. hm%cpml_hamiltonian)
1172 call profiling_out(
1181 type(derivatives_t),
intent(in) :: der
1182 complex(real64),
intent(inout) :: psi(:,:)
1183 integer,
intent(in) :: dir1
1184 integer,
intent(in) :: dir2
1185 complex(real64),
intent(inout) :: tmp(:,:)
1190 call profiling_in(
1192 if ((hm%bc%bc_ab_type(dir1) == mxll_ab_cpml) .and. hm%cpml_hamiltonian)
1196 call profiling_out(
1205 type(derivatives_t),
intent(in) :: der
1206 integer,
intent(in) :: pml_dir
1207 complex(real64),
intent(inout) :: psi(:,:)
1208 integer,
intent(in) :: field_dir
1209 complex(real64),
intent(inout) :: pml(:)
1211 integer :: ip, ip_in, rs_sign
1212 real(real64) :: pml_c
1213 complex(real64),
allocatable :: tmp_partial(:)
1214 complex(real64) :: pml_a, pml_b, pml_g
1218 if (hm%cpml_hamiltonian)
1220 rs_sign = hm%rs_sign
1222 safe_allocate(tmp_partial(1:der%mesh%np_part))
1224 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,field_dir), tmp_partial(:), pml_dir, set_bc = .false.)
1225 do ip_in = 1, hm%bc%pml%points_number
1226 ip = hm%bc%pml%points_map(ip_in)
1227 pml_c = hm%bc%pml%c(ip_in, pml_dir)
1228 pml_a = hm%bc%pml%a(ip_in, pml_dir)
1229 pml_b = hm%bc%pml%b(ip_in, pml_dir)
1230 pml_g = hm%bc%pml%conv_plus(ip_in, pml_dir, field_dir)
1231 pml(ip) = rs_sign * pml_c * ( tmp_partial(ip) &
1232 + real(pml_a, real64) * real(tmp_partial(ip), real64) &
1233 + m_zi * aimag(pml_a) * aimag(tmp_partial(ip)) &
1234 + real(pml_b, real64) * real(pml_g, real64) &
1235 + m_zi * aimag(pml_b) * aimag(pml_g))
1238 safe_deallocate_a(tmp_partial)
1250 type(derivatives_t),
intent(in) :: der
1251 integer,
intent(in) :: pml_dir
1252 complex(real64),
intent(inout) :: psi(:,:)
1253 integer,
intent(in) :: field_dir
1254 complex(real64),
intent(inout) :: pml(:,:)
1256 integer :: ip, ip_in, np
1257 real(real64) :: pml_c(3)
1258 complex(real64),
allocatable :: tmp_partial(:,:)
1259 complex(real64) :: pml_a(3), pml_b(3), pml_g_p(3), pml_g_m(3)
1263 if (hm%cpml_hamiltonian)
1266 safe_allocate(tmp_partial(1:np,1:2))
1268 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,field_dir ), tmp_partial(:,1), pml_dir, set_bc = .false.)
1269 call zderivatives_partial(der, psi(:,field_dir+3), tmp_partial(:,2), pml_dir, set_bc = .false.)
1270 do ip_in = 1, hm%bc%pml%points_number
1271 ip = hm%bc%pml%points_map(ip_in)
1272 pml_c(1:3) = hm%bc%pml%c(ip_in, 1:3)
1273 pml_a(1:3) = hm%bc%pml%a(ip_in, 1:3)
1274 pml_b(1:3) = hm%bc%pml%b(ip_in, 1:3)
1275 pml_g_p(1:3) = hm%bc%pml%conv_plus(ip_in, pml_dir, 1:3)
1276 pml_g_m(1:3) = hm%bc%pml%conv_minus(ip_in, pml_dir, 1:3)
1277 pml(ip, 1) = pml_c(pml_dir) * tmp_partial(ip, 1) &
1278 + pml_c(pml_dir) * real(pml_a(pml_dir), real64) * real(tmp_partial(ip, 1), real64) &
1279 + m_zi * pml_c(pml_dir) * aimag(pml_a(pml_dir)) * aimag(tmp_partial(ip, 1)) &
1280 + pml_c(pml_dir) * real(pml_b(pml_dir), real64) * real(pml_g_p(field_dir), real64) &
1281 + m_zi * pml_c(pml_dir) * aimag(pml_b(pml_dir)) * aimag(pml_g_p(field_dir))
1282 pml(ip, 2) = pml_c(pml_dir) * tmp_partial(ip, 2) &
1283 + pml_c(pml_dir) * real(pml_a(pml_dir), real64) * real(tmp_partial(ip, 2), real64) &
1284 + m_zi * pml_c(pml_dir) * aimag(pml_a(pml_dir)) * aimag(tmp_partial(ip, 2)) &
1285 + pml_c(pml_dir) * real(pml_b(pml_dir), real64) * real(pml_g_m(field_dir), real64) &
1286 + m_zi * pml_c(pml_dir) * aimag(pml_b(pml_dir)) * aimag(pml_g_m(field_dir))
1291 safe_deallocate_a(tmp_partial)
1301 complex(real64),
intent(in) :: psi(:,:)
1302 complex(real64),
intent(inout) :: oppsi(:,:)
1304 integer :: ip, ip_in, idim
1305 real(real64) :: cc, aux_ep(3), aux_mu(3), sigma_e, sigma_m
1306 complex(real64) :: ff_plus(3), ff_minus(3)
1311 if ((hm%bc%bc_type(idim) == mxll_bc_medium))
1312 do ip_in = 1, hm%bc%medium(idim)%points_number
1313 ip = hm%bc%medium(idim)%points_map(ip_in)
1314 cc = hm%bc%medium(idim)%c(ip_in)/p_c
1315 aux_ep(:) = hm%bc%medium(idim)%aux_ep(ip_in, :)
1316 aux_mu(:) = hm%bc%medium(idim)%aux_mu(ip_in, :)
1317 sigma_e = hm%bc%medium(idim)%sigma_e(ip_in)
1318 sigma_m = hm%bc%medium(idim)%sigma_m(ip_in)
1319 ff_plus(1) = psi(ip, 1)
1320 ff_plus(2) = psi(ip, 2)
1321 ff_plus(3) = psi(ip, 3)
1322 ff_minus(1) = psi(ip, 4)
1323 ff_minus(2) = psi(ip, 5)
1324 ff_minus(3) = psi(ip, 6)
1325 aux_ep = dcross_product(aux_ep,real(ff_plus+ff_minus, real64) )
1326 aux_mu = dcross_product(aux_mu,aimag(ff_plus-ff_minus))
1327 oppsi(ip, 1) = oppsi(ip, 1)*cc &
1328 - cc * aux_ep(1) - cc * m_zi * aux_mu(1) &
1329 - m_zi * sigma_e * real(ff_plus(1) + ff_minus(1), real64) &
1330 - m_zi * sigma_m * m_zi * aimag(ff_plus(1) - ff_minus(1))
1331 oppsi(ip, 4) = oppsi(ip, 4)*cc &
1332 + cc * aux_ep(1) - cc * m_zi * aux_mu(1) &
1333 - m_zi * sigma_e * real(ff_plus(1) + ff_minus(1), real64) &
1334 + m_zi * sigma_m * m_zi * aimag(ff_plus(1) - ff_minus(1))
1335 oppsi(ip, 2) = oppsi(ip, 2)*cc &
1336 - cc * aux_ep(2) - cc * m_zi * aux_mu(2) &
1337 - m_zi * sigma_e * real(ff_plus(2) + ff_minus(2), real64) &
1338 - m_zi * sigma_m * m_zi * aimag(ff_plus(2) - ff_minus(2))
1339 oppsi(ip, 5) = oppsi(ip, 5)*cc &
1340 + cc * aux_ep(2) - cc * m_zi * aux_mu(2) &
1341 - m_zi * sigma_e * real(ff_plus(2) + ff_minus(2), real64) &
1342 + m_zi * sigma_m * m_zi * aimag(ff_plus(2) - ff_minus(2))
1343 oppsi(ip, 3) = oppsi(ip, 3)*cc &
1344 - cc * aux_ep(3) - cc * m_zi * aux_mu(3) &
1345 - m_zi * sigma_e * real(ff_plus(3) + ff_minus(3), real64) &
1346 - m_zi * sigma_m * m_zi * aimag(ff_plus(3) - ff_minus(3))
1347 oppsi(ip, 6) = oppsi(ip, 6)*cc &
1348 + cc * aux_ep(3) - cc * m_zi * aux_mu(3) &
1349 - m_zi * sigma_e * real(ff_plus(3) + ff_minus(3), real64) &
1350 + m_zi * sigma_m * m_zi * aimag(ff_plus(3) - ff_minus(3))
1363 type(derivatives_t),
intent(in) :: der
1364 complex(real64),
intent(in) :: psi(:,:)
1365 complex(real64),
intent(inout) :: oppsi(:,:)
1368 real(real64) :: cc, aux_ep(3), aux_mu(3), sigma_e, sigma_m
1369 complex(real64) :: ff_plus(3), ff_minus(3)
1373 if (hm%calc_medium_box)
1374 do il = 1,
1375 assert(.not. hm%medium_boxes(il)%has_mapping)
1376 do ip = 1, hm%medium_boxes(il)%points_number
1377 cc = hm%medium_boxes(il)%c(ip)/p_c
1378 if (abs(cc) <= m_epsilon) cycle
1379 aux_ep(1:3) = hm%medium_boxes(il)%aux_ep(ip, 1:3)
1380 aux_mu(1:3) = hm%medium_boxes(il)%aux_mu(ip, 1:3)
1381 sigma_e = hm%medium_boxes(il)%sigma_e(ip)
1382 sigma_m = hm%medium_boxes(il)%sigma_m(ip)
1383 ff_plus(1) = psi(ip, 1)
1384 ff_plus(2) = psi(ip, 2)
1385 ff_plus(3) = psi(ip, 3)
1386 ff_minus(1) = psi(ip, 4)
1387 ff_minus(2) = psi(ip, 5)
1388 ff_minus(3) = psi(ip, 6)
1389 aux_ep = dcross_product(aux_ep, real(ff_plus+ff_minus, real64) )
1390 aux_mu = dcross_product(aux_mu, aimag(ff_plus-ff_minus))
1391 oppsi(ip, 1) = oppsi(ip,1)*cc &
1392 - cc * aux_ep(1) - cc * m_zi * aux_mu(1) &
1393 - m_zi * sigma_e * real(ff_plus(1) + ff_minus(1), real64) &
1394 - m_zi * sigma_m * m_zi * aimag(ff_plus(1) - ff_minus(1))
1395 oppsi(ip, 4) = oppsi(ip,4)*cc &
1396 + cc * aux_ep(1) - cc * m_zi * aux_mu(1) &
1397 - m_zi * sigma_e * real(ff_plus(1) + ff_minus(1), real64) &
1398 + m_zi * sigma_m * m_zi * aimag(ff_plus(1) - ff_minus(1))
1399 oppsi(ip, 2) = oppsi(ip,2)*cc &
1400 - cc * aux_ep(2) - cc * m_zi * aux_mu(2) &
1401 - m_zi * sigma_e * real(ff_plus(2) + ff_minus(2), real64) &
1402 - m_zi * sigma_m * m_zi * aimag(ff_plus(2) - ff_minus(2))
1403 oppsi(ip, 5) = oppsi(ip,5)*cc &
1404 + cc * aux_ep(2) - cc * m_zi * aux_mu(2) &
1405 - m_zi * sigma_e * real(ff_plus(2) + ff_minus(2), real64) &
1406 + m_zi * sigma_m * m_zi * aimag(ff_plus(2) - ff_minus(2))
1407 oppsi(ip, 3) = oppsi(ip,3)*cc &
1408 - cc * aux_ep(3) - cc * m_zi * aux_mu(3) &
1409 - m_zi * sigma_e * real(ff_plus(3) + ff_minus(3), real64) &
1410 - m_zi * sigma_m * m_zi * aimag(ff_plus(3) - ff_minus(3))
1411 oppsi(ip, 6) = oppsi(ip,6)*cc &
1412 + cc * aux_ep(3) - cc * m_zi * aux_mu(3) &
1413 - m_zi * sigma_e * real(ff_plus(3) + ff_minus(3), real64) &
1414 + m_zi * sigma_m * m_zi * aimag(ff_plus(3) - ff_minus(3))
1426 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
1427 class(mesh_t),
intent(in) :: mesh
1428 class(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: psib
1429 class(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: hpsib
1430 real(real64),
intent(in) :: vmagnus(:, :, :)
1432 call messages_not_implemented (
'dhamiltonian_mxll_magnus_apply', namespace=namespace)
1440 type(namespace_t),
intent(in) :: namespace
1441 class(mesh_t),
intent(in) :: mesh
1442 class(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: psib
1443 class(batch_t),
intent(inout) :: hpsib
1444 real(real64),
intent(in) :: vmagnus(:, :, :)
1446 call messages_not_implemented (
'zhamiltonian_mxll_magnus_apply', namespace=namespace)
subroutine apply_medium_box(medium)
subroutine apply_constant_boundary
subroutine apply_pml_boundary(gradb)
subroutine scale_after_curl
double log2(double __x) __attribute__((__nothrow__
double sqrt(double __x) __attribute__((__nothrow__
This module implements batches of mesh functions.
This module implements common operations on batches of mesh functions.
Module implementing boundary conditions in Octopus.
This module calculates the derivatives (gradients, Laplacians, etc.) of a function.
integer, parameter, public der_star
real(real64), parameter, public m_zero
real(real64), parameter, public m_pi
some mathematical constants
real(real64), parameter, public p_c
Electron gyromagnetic ratio, see Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 071801 (2023)
real(real64), parameter, public m_one
real(real64), parameter, public m_three
This module implements the underlying real-space grid.
This module defines an abstract class for Hamiltonians.
subroutine mxll_apply_pml_simple(hm, gradb)
subroutine, public hamiltonian_mxll_init(hm, namespace, gr, st)
Initializing the Maxwell Hamiltonian.
subroutine, public zhamiltonian_mxll_apply(hm, namespace, mesh, psib, hpsib, terms, set_bc)
Applying the Maxwell Hamiltonian on Maxwell states.
subroutine, public hamiltonian_mxll_apply_simple(hm, namespace, mesh, psib, hpsib, terms, set_bc)
subroutine, public mxll_update_pml_simple(hm, rs_stateb)
integer, parameter, public faraday_ampere
real(real64) function, public hamiltonian_mxll_get_time(this)
subroutine, public hamiltonian_mxll_end(hm)
subroutine maxwell_hamiltonian_apply_fd(hm, der, psi, oppsi)
Applying the Maxwell Hamiltonian on Maxwell states with finite difference.
subroutine maxwell_medium_boundaries_calculation(hm, psi, oppsi)
Maxwell Hamiltonian for medium boundaries.
subroutine maxwell_pml_calculation_via_riemann_silberstein_medium(hm, der, psi, pml_dir, field_dir, pml)
Maxwell Hamiltonian is updated for the PML calculation via Riemann-Silberstein vector with medium ins...
subroutine, public hamiltonian_mxll_span(hm, delta, emin, namespace)
integer, parameter, public faraday_ampere_medium
integer, parameter, public mxll_simple
subroutine, public dhamiltonian_mxll_apply(hm, namespace, mesh, psib, hpsib, terms, set_bc)
Apply hamiltonian to real states (not possible)
logical function, public hamiltonian_mxll_hermitian(hm)
subroutine maxwell_pml_calculation_via_riemann_silberstein(hm, der, psi, pml_dir, field_dir, pml)
Maxwell Hamiltonian is updated for the PML calculation via Riemann-Silberstein vector.
subroutine, public hamiltonian_mxll_update(this, time)
Maxwell Hamiltonian update (here only the time is updated, can maybe be added to another routine)
subroutine maxwell_pml_hamiltonian(hm, der, psi, dir1, dir2, tmp)
Maxwell Hamiltonian is updated for the PML calculation.
subroutine, public mxll_copy_pml_simple(hm, rs_stateb)
subroutine, public hamiltonian_mxll_apply_batch(hm, namespace, der, psib, hpsib, time, terms, set_bc)
subroutine, public hamiltonian_mxll_not_adjoint(hm)
subroutine, public hamiltonian_mxll_adjoint(hm)
subroutine, public zhamiltonian_mxll_magnus_apply(hm, namespace, mesh, psib, hpsib, vmagnus)
Maxwell hamiltonian Magnus (not implemented)
subroutine maxwell_pml_hamiltonian_medium(hm, der, psi, dir1, dir2, tmp)
Maxwell Hamiltonian is updated for the PML calculation.
logical pure function, public hamiltonian_mxll_apply_packed(this, mesh)
subroutine, public dhamiltonian_mxll_magnus_apply(hm, namespace, mesh, psib, hpsib, vmagnus)
Maxwell hamiltonian Magnus (not implemented)
subroutine mxll_linear_medium_terms_simple(hm, rs_stateb)
subroutine maxwell_medium_boxes_calculation(hm, der, psi, oppsi)
subroutine, public single_medium_box_end(medium_box)
Deallocation of medium_box components.
This module is intended to contain "only mathematical" functions and procedures.
subroutine, public bc_mxll_end(bc)
This module defines the meshes, which are used in Octopus.
subroutine, public messages_experimental(name, namespace)
This module defines non-local operators.
subroutine, public profiling_out(label)
Increment out counter and sum up difference between entry and exit time.
subroutine, public profiling_in(label, exclude)
Increment in counter and save entry time.
This module handles spin dimensions of the states and the k-point distribution.
The abstract Hamiltonian class defines a skeleton for specific implementations.