propagator_leapfrog_oct_m::propagator_leapfrog_t Interface Reference

Implements a propagator for the leap frog algorithm. More...

Detailed Description

Implements a propagator for the leap frog algorithm.

Definition at line 127 of file propagator_leapfrog.F90.

Inheritance diagram for propagator_leapfrog_oct_m::propagator_leapfrog_t:
Inheritance graph

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from propagator_oct_m::propagator_t
class(system_t), pointer, public system
 The system using this propagator. More...
real(real64), public dt
 Physical duration of one time step. More...
real(real64), public final_time = M_ZERO
 The final time of the simulation. More...
logical, public inside_scf = .false.
 Indicate whether the system is executing an SCF loop. More...
logical, public predictor_corrector = .false.
integer, public scf_count
 Counter for self-consistency iterations. More...
integer, public max_scf_count
 Maximum number of iterations for self-consistent propagators. More...
integer, public accumulated_loop_ticks
real(real64), public scf_tol
 Tolerance for self-consistent propagators. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from algorithm_oct_m::algorithm_t
type(algorithm_iterator_t), public iter
 Iterator for algorithmic operations. More...
type(algorithmic_operation_t), public start_operation
 algorithm specific initialization operation; More...
type(algorithmic_operation_t), public final_operation
 algorithm specific finalization operation More...
integer, public algo_steps
 Number of 'algorithmic steps' per algorithmic iteration. More...
type(iteration_counter_t), public iteration
 Keep track at which iteration this algorithm is. More...
real(real64), public elapsed_time = M_ZERO
 Elapsed wall clock time for printing info. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from linked_list_oct_m::linked_list_t
integer, public size = 0

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