Doxygen documentation
Online doxygen documentatoin
The doxygen documentation for the main
branch of Octopus can be found here. It is automatically generated at a push to the main branch.
Currently, the links to the source code are broken and will most likely point to a wrong part of the file.
Running doxygen locally
To build the doxygen pages locally, go into the folder doc/doxygen/ inside the Octopus tree, and run the command
This might take a few minutes to complete. In case you need to rebuild the pages more often while writing new documentation, you might want to disable the creation of call graphs, by hanging the line
in the file Doxyfile .
Writing documentation
There are several ways how to include comments into the Fortran source, which are shown in the following code snippet:
module routines
!> @class DummyType
!! @brief Dummy class, demoing Doxygen documentation syntax.
!! ### Notes:
!! * Markdown syntax is completely valid
!! * Doxygen will infer public/private based on the declarations
!! * However, it will get this wrong if the default behaviour is changed, i.e. one declares the class
!! attributes private by default
type DummyType
!> A private attribute will not be parsed by doyxgen
integer, private :: a
!> @public An example of public data
real(dp), public :: b
integer, public :: c !< @public Another example of public data, with same-line doc
!> @private Attributes tagged as private will also not be shown in the documentation
integer :: d
integer :: e !< Assumed public
procedure :: start => dummy_start !< @copydoc routines::dummy_start
final :: end !< @copydoc routines::end
end type DummyType
!> @brief A dummy initialiser for the DummyType class.
!! @param[in] a Some integer
!! @param[in] b Some double
subroutine dummy_start(this, a, b)
class(DummyType), intent(inout) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: a
real(dp), intent(in) :: b
this%a = a
this%b = b
this%c = a * b
end subroutine dummy_start