
Work in progress!

The Grid in Octopus


The fundamental element of Octopus is the real space grid, on which all quantities, such as wafe functions, densities and potentials are defined.

In general, a grid consists of

The mesh is based on an regular mesh in D dimensions, which can be distorted using so-called curvi-linear coordinates.

The underlying internal structure is a mesh of integer coordinates and the important mapping arrays which

The grid is constructed in several steps:

  1. Generation of a regular mesh filling a rectangular volume enclosing the simulation box.
  2. Selecting inner points, enlargment points and ghost points.
  3. re-ordering the points and regeneration of the mapping arrays.

The data structures:

The top level data structure, describing a grid is defined in grid/grid.F90:

  type grid_t
    ! Components are public by default
    type(simul_box_t)           :: sb
    type(mesh_t)                :: mesh
    type(derivatives_t)         :: der
    class(coordinate_system_t), pointer :: coord_system
    type(stencil_t)             :: stencil

    type(symmetries_t)          :: symm
  end type grid_t

The mesh descriptor is defined in grid/mesh.F90:

  type, extends(basis_set_abst_t) :: mesh_t
    ! Components are public by default
    type(simul_box_t),   pointer :: sb  !< simulation box
    class(coordinate_system_t), pointer :: coord_system
    type(index_t)                :: idx
    logical :: use_curvilinear

    FLOAT :: spacing(MAX_DIM)         !< the (constant) spacing between the points

    !> When running serially, the local number of points is
    !! equal to the global number of points.
    !! Otherwise, the next two are different on each node.
    integer  :: np               !< Local number of points in mesh
    integer  :: np_part          !< Local points plus ghost points plus boundary points.
    integer  :: np_global        !< Global number of points in mesh.
    integer  :: np_part_global   !< Global number of inner points and boundary points.
    !> will I run parallel in domains?
    !! yes or no??
    logical         :: parallel_in_domains
    type(mpi_grp_t) :: mpi_grp             !< the mpi group describing parallelization in domains
    type(pv_t)      :: vp                  !< describes parallel vectors defined on the mesh.
    type(partition_t) :: partition         !< describes how the inner points are assigned to the domains

    FLOAT,   allocatable :: x(:,:)            !< The (local) \b points
    FLOAT                :: volume_element    !< The global volume element.
    FLOAT                :: surface_element(MAX_DIM)
    FLOAT,   allocatable :: vol_pp(:)         !< Element of volume for curvilinear coordinates.

    type(mesh_cube_map_t) :: cube_map

    logical :: masked_periodic_boundaries
    character(len=256) :: periodic_boundary_mask

    procedure :: end => mesh_end
    procedure :: init => mesh_init
    procedure :: write_info => mesh_write_info
    procedure :: dmesh_allreduce_0, zmesh_allreduce_0, imesh_allreduce_0
    procedure :: dmesh_allreduce_1, zmesh_allreduce_1, imesh_allreduce_1
    procedure :: dmesh_allreduce_2, zmesh_allreduce_2, imesh_allreduce_2
    procedure :: dmesh_allreduce_3, zmesh_allreduce_3, imesh_allreduce_3
    procedure :: dmesh_allreduce_4, zmesh_allreduce_4, imesh_allreduce_4
    procedure :: dmesh_allreduce_5, zmesh_allreduce_5, imesh_allreduce_5
    generic :: allreduce => dmesh_allreduce_0, zmesh_allreduce_0, imesh_allreduce_0
    generic :: allreduce => dmesh_allreduce_1, zmesh_allreduce_1, imesh_allreduce_1
    generic :: allreduce => dmesh_allreduce_2, zmesh_allreduce_2, imesh_allreduce_2
    generic :: allreduce => dmesh_allreduce_3, zmesh_allreduce_3, imesh_allreduce_3
    generic :: allreduce => dmesh_allreduce_4, zmesh_allreduce_4, imesh_allreduce_4
    generic :: allreduce => dmesh_allreduce_5, zmesh_allreduce_5, imesh_allreduce_5
  end type mesh_t

which uses the structure index_t, containing the range and the mapping arrays:

  type index_t
    ! Components are public by default
    type(hypercube_t)    :: hypercube
    logical              :: is_hypercube     !< true if the box shape is an hypercube
    integer              :: dim              !< the dimension
    integer              :: nr(2, MAX_DIM)   !< dimensions of the box where the points are contained
    integer              :: ll(MAX_DIM)      !< literally nr(2,:) - nr(1,:) + 1 - 2*enlarge(:)
    integer, allocatable :: lxyz(:,:)        !< return x, y and z for each point
    integer, allocatable :: lxyz_inv(:,:,:)  !< return points # for each xyz
    integer              :: enlarge(MAX_DIM) !< number of points to add for boundary conditions
    integer(8)           :: checksum
  end type index_t

About lxyz and lxyz_inv maps:

The direct map:

lxyz(d, i) = R(d)i

where d denotes the dimension (i.e. x, y or z) and i is the index of the point.

The inverse map:

lxyz_inv( Rxi , Ryi , Rzi ) = i

The points defined by lxyz define a rectangular box of d dimensions. The real mesh vectors are related to Ri by multiplication with spacing and possibly distortion for curvilinear coordinates.

Note that this index array is the same in all parallel domains, and relates the integer coordinates to the global index of a given point.

  type mesh_cube_map_t
    ! Components are public by default
    integer              :: nmap      !< The number of maps
    integer, allocatable :: map(:, :)
    type(accel_mem_t)    :: map_buffer
  end type mesh_cube_map_t


Accessing functions

Function, e.g. the density are given by an array rho(i,spin), where i ranges over the mesh points associated with the given domain (see domain decomposition), representing

rho( ri, spin )

What is mesh_x_global(mesh, ip) ?

mesh_x_global(mesh, ip) returns a FLOAT vector, corresponding to the coordinates of point ip of the global mesh.


Integration is implemented as a straightforward summation:

 do ip = 1, mesh%np
      dd = dd + ff(ip)
 end do 


Taking derivatives is done by finite differences. The points involved in a derivative are defined by the stencil (see below).

Derivatives are discussed in a separate document

Note on packed states:

Note on curvilinear meshes:

The mesh::x(:,:) array always contains a regular mesh, which gets ‘distorded’ to a curvilinear mesh by additional function calls.

Domain decomposition


Setting up a grid

The setup procedure is called in system/system.F90:system_init() and consists of 3 steps which depend on other setup procedures taking place in between those steps. The sequence is:


  space_init(sys%space)                             ! define spatial dimensions
  geometry_init(sys%geo, sys%space)                 ! set up atomic positions

  grid_init_stage_0(sys%gr, sys%geo, sys%space)     ! set up simulation box from the geometry
  grid_init_stage_1(sys%gr, sys%geo)                ! 


  geometry_partition(sys%geo, sys%mc)
  kpoints_distribute(sys%st%d, sys%mc)
  states_distribute_nodes(sys%st, sys%mc)

  grid_init_stage_2(sys%gr, sys%mc, sys%geo)

In particular, we have:

  subroutine grid_init_stage_0(gr, geo, space)
    type(grid_t),          intent(inout) :: gr
    type(geometry_t),      intent(inout) :: geo
    type(space_t),         intent(in)    :: space

    call simul_box_init(gr%sb, geo, space)
  end subroutine grid_init_stage_0
  subroutine grid_init_stage_1(gr, geo)
    type(grid_t),      intent(inout) :: gr
    type(geometry_t),  intent(in)    :: geo

    ... [parse grid related input variables]

    ! initialize curvilinear coordinates
    call curvilinear_init(gr%cv, gr%sb, geo, grid_spacing)

    !> initialize derivatives (see Octopus_Derivatives.txt)
    !! this also defines the stencil and sets up the Laplacian and gradient
    call derivatives_init(gr%der, gr%sb, gr%cv%method /= CURV_METHOD_UNIFORM)

    call double_grid_init(gr%dgrid, gr%sb)

    enlarge = 0
    enlarge(1:gr%sb%dim) = 2
    enlarge = max(enlarge, double_grid_enlarge(gr%dgrid))
    enlarge = max(enlarge, gr%der%n_ghost)

    ! now we generate the mesh and the derivatives

    call mesh_init_stage_1(gr%mesh, gr%sb, gr%cv, grid_spacing, enlarge)

    ! the stencil used to generate the grid is a union of a cube (for
    ! multigrid) and the Laplacian.
    call stencil_cube_get_lapl(cube, gr%sb%dim, order = 2)
    call stencil_union(gr%sb%dim, cube, gr%der%lapl%stencil, gr%stencil)
    call stencil_end(cube)

    call mesh_init_stage_2(gr%mesh, gr%sb, geo, gr%cv, gr%stencil)

  end subroutine grid_init_stage_1
  subroutine grid_init_stage_2(gr, mc, geo)
    type(grid_t), target, intent(inout) :: gr
    type(multicomm_t),    intent(in)    :: mc
    type(geometry_t),     intent(in)    :: geo


    call mesh_init_stage_3(gr%mesh, gr%stencil, mc)

    call nl_operator_global_init()
    if(gr%have_fine_mesh) then
      message(1) = "Info: coarse mesh"
      call messages_info(1)
    end if
    call derivatives_build(gr%der, gr%mesh)

    ! initialize a finer mesh to hold the density, for this we use the
    ! multigrid routines
    if(gr%have_fine_mesh) then

      if(gr%mesh%parallel_in_domains) then
        message(1) = 'UseFineMesh does not work with domain parallelization.'
        call messages_fatal(1)
      end if

      call multigrid_mesh_double(geo, gr%cv, gr%mesh, gr%fine%mesh, gr%stencil)
      call derivatives_init(gr%fine%der, gr%mesh%sb, gr%cv%method /= CURV_METHOD_UNIFORM)
      call mesh_init_stage_3(gr%fine%mesh, gr%stencil, mc)
      call multigrid_get_transfer_tables(gr%fine%tt, gr%fine%mesh, gr%mesh)
      message(1) = "Info: fine mesh"
      call messages_info(1)
      call derivatives_build(gr%fine%der, gr%fine%mesh)

      gr%fine%der%coarser => gr%der
      gr%der%finer =>  gr%fine%der
      gr%fine%der%to_coarser => gr%fine%tt
      gr%der%to_finer => gr%fine%tt

      gr%fine%mesh => gr%mesh
      gr%fine%der => gr%der
    end if

    call mesh_check_symmetries(gr%mesh, gr%mesh%sb)

    ! multigrids are not initialized by default

    ! print info concerning the grid
    call grid_write_info(gr, geo, stdout)

  end subroutine grid_init_stage_2

Mesh initialization:

  subroutine mesh_init_stage_1(mesh, sb, cv, spacing, enlarge)
    type(mesh_t),                intent(inout) :: mesh
    type(simul_box_t),   target, intent(in)    :: sb
    type(curvilinear_t), target, intent(in)    :: cv
    FLOAT,                       intent(in)    :: spacing(1:MAX_DIM)
    integer,                     intent(in)    :: enlarge(MAX_DIM)

    integer :: idir, jj, delta
    FLOAT   :: x(MAX_DIM), chi(MAX_DIM), spacing_new(-1:1)
    logical :: out

    call profiling_in(mesh_init_prof, "MESH_INIT")

    mesh%sb => sb          ! keep an internal pointer
    mesh%spacing = spacing ! this number can change in the following
    mesh%use_curvilinear = cv%method /= CURV_METHOD_UNIFORM
    mesh%cv => cv

    ! multiresolution requires the curvilinear coordinates machinery
    mesh%use_curvilinear = mesh%use_curvilinear .or. sb%mr_flag

    mesh%idx%dim = sb%dim
    mesh%idx%is_hypercube = sb%box_shape == HYPERCUBE
    mesh%idx%enlarge = enlarge

    if(sb%mr_flag) mesh%idx%enlarge = mesh%idx%enlarge*(2**sb%hr_area%num_radii)

    ! adjust nr: determine the number of points inside a parallelepiped, containing the simulation box.

    mesh%idx%nr = 0

    do idir = 1, sb%dim            ! loop over dimensions
      chi = M_ZERO
      ! the upper border
      jj = 0
      out = .false.
      do while(.not.out)
        jj = jj + 1
	chi(idir) = real(jj, REAL_PRECISION)*mesh%spacing(idir)
	if ( mesh%use_curvilinear ) then
	  call curvilinear_chi2x(sb, cv, chi(1:sb%dim), x(1:sb%dim))
	  out = (x(idir) > nearest(sb%lsize(idir), M_ONE))
	  out = (chi(idir) > nearest(sb%lsize(idir), M_ONE))
	end if
      end do
      mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) = jj - 1
    end do

    ! define lower bounds by mirroring:

    ! we have a symmetric mesh (for now)
    mesh%idx%nr(1,:) = -mesh%idx%nr(2,:)

    ! we have to adjust a couple of things for the periodic directions
    do idir = 1, sb%periodic_dim

      if(mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) == 0) then
        ! this happens if Spacing > box size
	mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) =  1
	mesh%idx%nr(1, idir) = -1
      end if

      ! We have to adjust the spacing to be commensurate with the box,
      ! for this we scan the possible values of the grid size around the
      ! one we selected. We choose the size that has the spacing closest
      ! to the requested one.
      do delta = -1, 1
        spacing_new(delta) = CNST(2.0)*sb%lsize(idir)/real(2*mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) + 1 - delta) 
	spacing_new(delta) = abs(spacing_new(delta) - spacing(idir))
      end do

      delta = minloc(spacing_new, dim = 1) - 2

      ASSERT(delta >= -1) 
      ASSERT(delta <=  1) 

      mesh%spacing(idir) = CNST(2.0)*sb%lsize(idir)/real(2*mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) + 1 - delta)

      ! we need to adjust the grid by adding or removing one point
      if(delta == -1) then
        mesh%idx%nr(1, idir) = mesh%idx%nr(1, idir) - 1
      else if (delta == 1) then
        mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) = mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) - 1
      end if

    end do ! idir

    if( any(abs(mesh%spacing(1:sb%periodic_dim) - spacing(1:sb%periodic_dim)) > CNST(1e-6)) ) then
      call messages_write('The spacing has been modified to make it commensurate with the periodicity of the system.')
      call messages_warning()
    end if

    do idir = sb%periodic_dim + 1, sb%dim
      if(mesh%idx%nr(2, idir) == 0) then
        write(message(1),'(a,i2)') 'Spacing > box size in direction ', idir
        call messages_fatal(1)
      end if
    end do

    mesh%idx%ll(1:MAX_DIM) = mesh%idx%nr(2, 1:MAX_DIM) - mesh%idx%nr(1, 1:MAX_DIM) + 1

    call profiling_out(mesh_init_prof)

  end subroutine mesh_init_stage_1
! ---------------------------------------------------------
!> This subroutine checks if every grid point belongs to the internal
!! mesh, based on the global lxyz_inv matrix. Afterwards, it counts
!! how many points has the mesh and the enlargement.

subroutine mesh_init_stage_2(mesh, sb, geo, cv, stencil)
  type(mesh_t),        intent(inout) :: mesh
  type(simul_box_t),   intent(in)    :: sb
  type(geometry_t),    intent(in)    :: geo
  type(curvilinear_t), intent(in)    :: cv
  type(stencil_t),     intent(in)    :: stencil

  ! enlarge mesh for boundary points
  mesh%idx%nr(1, 1:MAX_DIM) = mesh%idx%nr(1, 1:MAX_DIM) - mesh%idx%enlarge(1:MAX_DIM)
  mesh%idx%nr(2, 1:MAX_DIM) = mesh%idx%nr(2, 1:MAX_DIM) + mesh%idx%enlarge(1:MAX_DIM)
  if(mesh%idx%is_hypercube) then
    call hypercube_init(mesh%idx%hypercube, sb%dim, mesh%idx%nr, mesh%idx%enlarge(1))
    mesh%np_part_global = hypercube_number_total_points(mesh%idx%hypercube)
    mesh%np_global      = hypercube_number_inner_points(mesh%idx%hypercube)
    call profiling_out(mesh_init_prof)
  end if

  nr = mesh%idx%nr

  ! allocate the xyz arrays
  SAFE_ALLOCATE(mesh%idx%lxyz_inv(nr(1, 1):nr(2, 1), nr(1, 2):nr(2, 2), nr(1, 3):nr(2, 3)))

  mesh%idx%lxyz_inv(:,:,:) = 0

  res = 1
  SAFE_ALLOCATE(xx(1:MAX_DIM, mesh%idx%nr(1,1):mesh%idx%nr(2,1)))
  chi = M_ZERO

  start_z = mesh%idx%nr(1, 3)
  end_z = mesh%idx%nr(2, 3)

  ! We label the points inside the mesh

  do iz = start_z, end_z
    chi(3) = real(iz, REAL_PRECISION) * mesh%spacing(3)
    do iy = mesh%idx%nr(1,2), mesh%idx%nr(2,2)
      chi(2) = real(iy, REAL_PRECISION) * mesh%spacing(2)
      do ix = mesh%idx%nr(1,1), mesh%idx%nr(2,1)
        chi(1) = real(ix, REAL_PRECISION) * mesh%spacing(1)
        call curvilinear_chi2x(sb, cv, chi(:), xx(:, ix))   ! apply curvilinear distortion
      end do

      ! current mesh points in real cartesian coordinates are xx(1:dim, nr(1,1):nr(2,1))
      ! check whether xx is inside the simulation box (processing by lines for efficiency)

      call simul_box_in_box_vec(sb, geo, mesh%idx%nr(2,1) - mesh%idx%nr(1,1) + 1, xx, in_box)

      do ix = mesh%idx%nr(1,1), mesh%idx%nr(2,1)
        ! With multiresolution, only inner (not enlargement) points are marked now
        if(sb%mr_flag) then
	else ! the usual way: mark both inner and enlargement points
          if (in_box(ix)) then

	    ! the point xx(ix) itself is inside the box: mark as INNER_POINT

            mesh%idx%lxyz_inv(ix, iy, iz) = ibset(mesh%idx%lxyz_inv(ix, iy, iz), INNER_POINT)

	    ! check whether the 'stencil surrounding' of xx(ix) is inside enlarged the 'lxyz box'
	    ! if so, mark that those surrounding points as ENLARGEMENT_POINT.

            do is = 1, stencil%size
              if(stencil%center == is) cycle
              ii = ix + stencil%points(1, is)
              jj = iy + stencil%points(2, is)
              kk = iz + stencil%points(3, is)
              if(any((/ii, jj, kk/) < mesh%idx%nr(1, 1:3)) .or. any((/ii, jj, kk/) >  mesh%idx%nr(2, 1:3))) cycle
              mesh%idx%lxyz_inv(ii, jj, kk) = ibset(mesh%idx%lxyz_inv(ii, jj, kk), ENLARGEMENT_POINT)
            end do
          end if ! in_box(ix)
        end if ! multi_resolution
      end do ! ix
    end do ! iy
  end do ! iz
  call profiling_out(prof)


  ! count the points
  il = 0
  ik = 0
  do iz = mesh%idx%nr(1,3), mesh%idx%nr(2,3)
    do iy = mesh%idx%nr(1,2), mesh%idx%nr(2,2)
      do ix = mesh%idx%nr(1,1), mesh%idx%nr(2,1)
        if(btest(mesh%idx%lxyz_inv(ix, iy, iz), INNER_POINT)) ik = ik + 1
        if(mesh%idx%lxyz_inv(ix, iy, iz) /= 0) il = il + 1
      end do
    end do
  end do
  mesh%np_part_global = il ! inner and enlargement points
  mesh%np_global      = ik ! inner points only

  ASSERT(mesh%np_global > 0)
  ASSERT(mesh%np_part_global > 0)

  ... [multiresolution code removed for simplicity]

end subroutine mesh_init_stage_2
! ---------------------------------------------------------
!> When running parallel in domains, stencil and np_stencil
!! are needed to compute the ghost points.
!! mpi_grp is the communicator group that will be used for
!! this mesh.
! ---------------------------------------------------------

subroutine mesh_init_stage_3(mesh, stencil, mc, parent)
  type(mesh_t),              intent(inout) :: mesh      !< current mesh to be completed
  type(stencil_t),           intent(in)    :: stencil   !< combined stencil for mesh generation
  type(multicomm_t),         intent(in)    :: mc        !< information about parallelism
  type(mesh_t),    optional, intent(in)    :: parent    !< ???

  call mpi_grp_init(mpi_grp, mc%group_comm(P_STRATEGY_DOMAINS))
  ! check if we are running in parallel in domains
  mesh%parallel_in_domains = (mpi_grp%size > 1)

  if(.not. mesh%parallel_in_domains) then
    ! When running parallel, x is computed later.
    SAFE_ALLOCATE(mesh%x(1:mesh%np_part_global, 1:MAX_DIM))  ! note, this only contains inner and enlargement points.
  end if
  if(.not. mesh%idx%is_hypercube) then
    call create_x_lxyz()                                             ! general case, e.g. for minimal simulation box.
    	 							     ! NOTE: This re-defines mesh_t:idx !!!
  else if(.not. mesh%parallel_in_domains) then
    do ip = 1, mesh%np_part_global
      mesh%x(ip, 1:MAX_DIM) = mesh_x_global(mesh, ip, force=.true.)
    end do
  end if

  mesh%mpi_grp = mpi_grp 
  if(mesh%parallel_in_domains) then

    call do_partition() ! this function is defined inside mesh_init_stage_3 and can access all variables.


    ! When running serially those two are the same.
    mesh%np      = mesh%np_global
    mesh%np_part = mesh%np_part_global

    ! These must be initialized for vec_gather, vec_scatter to work
    ! as copy operations when running without domain parallelization.
    mesh%vp%np_global = mesh%np_global
    mesh%vp%npart = 1
    mesh%vp%xlocal = 1
  end if

  call mesh_cube_map_init(mesh%cube_map, mesh%idx, mesh%np_global)

  call mesh_get_vol_pp(mesh%sb)

  call profiling_out(mesh_init_prof)

end subroutine mesh_init_stage_3

This uses (for non-hypercubic meshes):

  subroutine create_x_lxyz()
    integer :: il, iin, ien, ix, iy, iz, point(1:3)
    integer(8) :: ihilbert
    integer :: ixb, iyb, izb, bsize(1:3)
    type(block_t) :: blk
    integer :: idir, nn, order, size, bits
    FLOAT :: chi(1:MAX_DIM), xx(1:MAX_DIM)


  end subroutine create_x_lxyz

which ‘serializes’ the mesh by a choice of space-filling curve methods.