30 use,
intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
52 type(stencil_t),
intent(inout) :: this
53 integer,
intent(in) :: dim
54 class(coordinate_system_t),
intent(in) :: coord_system
56 real(real64) :: theta(dim), basis_vectors(dim, dim)
59 real(real64) :: norm, min_norm(dim)
61 real(real64),
parameter :: tol = 1e-14_real64
67 this%stargeneral%narms = 0
68 this%stargeneral%arms = 0
76 select type (coord_system)
78 basis_vectors = coord_system%basis%vectors
80 message(1) =
"Stencil stargeneral can currently only be used with affine coordinate systems."
86 theta(1) =
acos(dot_product(basis_vectors(:, 1), basis_vectors(:, 2)))
89 this%stargeneral%narms = this%stargeneral%narms + 1
91 this%stargeneral%arms(this%stargeneral%narms, 1:dim) = arm
93 this%stargeneral%narms = this%stargeneral%narms + 1
95 this%stargeneral%arms(this%stargeneral%narms, 1:dim) = arm
108 theta(1) =
acos(dot_product(basis_vectors(:, 1), basis_vectors(:, 2)))
109 if (abs(theta(1) -
m_half) > 1e-8_real64) this%stargeneral%narms = this%stargeneral%narms + 1
111 theta(2) =
acos(dot_product(basis_vectors(:, 2), basis_vectors(:, 3)))
112 if (abs(theta(2)-
m_half) > 1e-8_real64) this%stargeneral%narms = this%stargeneral%narms + 1
114 theta(3) =
acos(dot_product(basis_vectors(:, 3), basis_vectors(:, 1)))
115 if (abs(theta(3) -
m_half) > 1e-8_real64) this%stargeneral%narms = this%stargeneral%narms + 1
119 if (this%stargeneral%narms == 0)
131 if (ii == 0 .and. jj == 0) cycle
132 if (ii == 0 .and. kk == 0) cycle
133 if (kk == 0 .and. jj == 0) cycle
136 if (abs(theta(1) -
m_half) <= 1e-8_real64 .and. kk == 0) cycle
137 if (abs(theta(2) -
m_half) <= 1e-8_real64 .and. ii == 0) cycle
138 if (abs(theta(3) -
m_half) <= 1e-8_real64 .and. jj == 0) cycle
140 norm = sum((ii*basis_vectors(:, 1) + jj*basis_vectors(:, 2) + kk*basis_vectors(:, 3))**2)
142 if (min_norm(1) - norm > tol)
143 if (min_norm(2) - min_norm(1) > tol .and. this%stargeneral%narms >= 2)
144 if (min_norm(3) - min_norm(2) > tol .and. this%stargeneral%narms == 3)
145 this%stargeneral%arms(3, 1:3) = this%stargeneral%arms(2, 1:3)
146 min_norm(3) = min_norm(2)
148 this%stargeneral%arms(2, 1:3) = this%stargeneral%arms(1, 1:3)
149 min_norm(2) = min_norm(1)
152 this%stargeneral%arms(1, 1:3) = (/ii, jj, kk/)
157 if (this%stargeneral%arms(1, 1) == -ii &
158 .and. this%stargeneral%arms(1, 2) == -jj &
159 .and. this%stargeneral%arms(1, 3) == -kk) cycle
161 if (this%stargeneral%narms == 1) cycle
163 if (min_norm(2) - norm > tol)
164 if (min_norm(3) - min_norm(2) > tol .and. this%stargeneral%narms == 3)
165 this%stargeneral%arms(3, 1:3) = this%stargeneral%arms(2, 1:3)
166 min_norm(3) = min_norm(2)
169 this%stargeneral%arms(2, 1:3) = (/ii, jj, kk/)
173 if (this%stargeneral%narms == 2) cycle
176 if (this%stargeneral%arms(2, 1) == -ii &
177 .and. this%stargeneral%arms(2, 2) == -jj &
178 .and. this%stargeneral%arms(2, 3) == -kk) cycle
180 if (min_norm(3) - norm > tol)
182 this%stargeneral%arms(3, 1:3) = (/ii, jj, kk/)
195 integer,
intent(in) :: dim
196 integer,
intent(in) :: order
204 n = n + 2 * order * this%stargeneral%narms
215 integer,
intent(in) :: dir
216 integer,
intent(in) :: order
223 if (dir >= 1 .or. dir <= 3)
240 integer,
intent(in) :: dim
241 integer,
intent(in) :: order
244 logical :: got_center
258 this%points(i, n) = j
267 this%points(i, n) = j
273 do i = 1, this%stargeneral%narms
275 this%points(1:2, n) = this%stargeneral%arms(i, 1:2)*j
296 this%points(i, n) = j
302 do i = 1, this%stargeneral%narms
304 this%points(1:3, n) = this%stargeneral%arms(i, 1:3)*j
321 integer,
intent(in) :: dim
322 integer,
intent(in) :: order
323 integer,
intent(out) :: pol(:,:)
325 integer :: i, j, n, j1
326 logical :: zeros_treated(dim)
352 do i = 1, this%stargeneral%narms
354 if (sum(this%stargeneral%arms(i,1:dim)) == 0)
355 pol(1:2, n) = (/j,1/)
357 pol(1:2, n) = (/1,j/)
374 zeros_treated = .false.
375 do i = 1, this%stargeneral%narms
376 if (this%stargeneral%arms(i, 1) == 0)
379 pol(1:3, n) = (/0, 1, j1/)
381 zeros_treated(1) = .
382 else if (this%stargeneral%arms(i, 2) == 0)
385 pol(1:3, n) = (/j1, 0, 1/)
387 zeros_treated(2) = .
388 else if (this%stargeneral%arms(i, 3) == 0)
391 pol(1:3, n) = (/1, j1, 0/)
393 zeros_treated(3) = .
397 do i = 1, this%stargeneral%narms - count(zeros_treated)
398 if (.not. zeros_treated(1))
401 pol(1:3, n) = (/0, 1, j1/)
403 zeros_treated(1) = .
404 else if (.not. zeros_treated(2))
407 pol(1:3, n) = (/j1, 0, 1/)
409 zeros_treated(2) = .
410 else if (.not. zeros_treated(3))
413 pol(1:3, n) = (/1, j1, 0/)
415 zeros_treated(3) = .
double acos(double __x) __attribute__((__nothrow__
real(real64), parameter, public m_huge
real(real64), parameter, public m_pi
some mathematical constants
real(real64), parameter, public m_half
character(len=256), dimension(max_lines), public message
to be output by fatal, warning
subroutine, public messages_fatal(no_lines, only_root_writes, namespace)
This module defines stencils used in Octopus.
subroutine, public stencil_allocate(this, dim, size)
subroutine, public stencil_init_center(this)
This module defines routines, generating operators for a generalized star stencil.
subroutine, public stencil_stargeneral_get_arms(this, dim, coord_system)
Finds the direction of the arms of the star-general stencil as described in Natan et al....
subroutine, public stencil_stargeneral_pol_lapl(this, dim, order, pol)
integer function, public stencil_stargeneral_extent(dir, order)
Returns maximum extension of the stencil in spatial direction dir = 1, 2, 3 for a given discretizatio...
subroutine, public stencil_stargeneral_get_lapl(this, dim, order)
integer function, public stencil_stargeneral_size_lapl(this, dim, order)
The class representing the stencil, which is used for non-local mesh operations.