Section Utilities::oct-photoelectron_spectrum
Type block
Default none
Specifies what to output extracting the photoelectron cross-section informations.
When we use polar coordinates the zenith axis is set by vec (default is the first
laser field polarization vector), theta is the inclination angle measured from
vec (from 0 to \pi), and phi is the azimuthal angle on a plane perpendicular to
vec (from 0 to 2\pi).
Each option must be in a separate row. Optionally individual output formats can be defined
for each row or they can be read separately from OutputFormat variable
in the input file.
Example (minimal):
Example (with OutputFormat):
arpes | vtk
velocity_map | ncdf
- energy_tot:
Output the energy-resolved photoelectron spectrum: E.
- energy_angle:
Output the energy and angle resolved spectrum: (theta, E)
The result is integrated over phi.
- velocity_map_cut:
Velocity map on a plane orthogonal to pvec: (px, py). The allowed cutting planes
(pvec) can only be parallel to the x,y,z=0 planes.
Space is oriented so that the z-axis is along vec. Supports the -I option.
- energy_xy:
Angle and energy-resolved spectrum on the inclination plane: (Ex, Ey).
The result is integrated over ph;
- energy_th_ph:
Ionization probability integrated on spherical cuts: (theta, phi).
- velocity_map:
Full momentum-resolved ionization probability: (px, py, pz).
The output format can be controlled with OutputHow and can be vtk, ncdf or ascii.
- arpes:
Full ARPES for semi-periodic systems (vtk).
- arpes_cut:
ARPES cut on a plane following a zero-weight path in reciprocal space.