Name TDEasyAxis
Section Time-Dependent::Response::Dipole
Type block
For magnon kicks only.
This variable defines the direction of the easy axis of the crystal.
The magnetization is kicked in the plane transverse to this vector
Name TDPolarization
Section Time-Dependent::Response::Dipole
Type block
The (real) polarization of the delta electric field. Normally
one needs three perpendicular polarization directions to calculate a
spectrum (unless symmetry is used).
The format of the block is:
pol1x | pol1y | pol1z
pol2x | pol2y | pol2z
pol3x | pol3y | pol3z
Octopus uses both this block and the variable TDPolarizationDirection to determine the polarization vector for the run. For example, if TDPolarizationDirection=2 the polarization (pol2x, pol2y, pol2z) would be used. These directions may not be in periodic directions.
The default value for TDPolarization is the three Cartesian unit vectors (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1).
Note that the directions do not necessarily need to be perpendicular when symmetries are used.
WARNING: If you want to obtain the cross-section tensor, the TDPolarization block must be exactly the same for the run in each direction. The direction must be selected by the TDPolarizationDirection variable.
Name TDPolarizationDirection
Section Time-Dependent::Response::Dipole
Type integer
When a delta potential is included in a time-dependent run, this
variable defines in which direction the field will be applied
by selecting one of the lines of TDPolarization. In a
typical run (without using symmetry), the TDPolarization block
would contain the three Cartesian unit vectors (the default
value), and one would make 3 runs varying
TDPolarization from 1 to 3.
If one is using symmetry, TDPolarization should run only from 1
to TDPolarizationEquivAxes.
Name TDPolarizationEquivAxes
Section Time-Dependent::Response::Dipole
Type integer
Default 0
Defines how many of the TDPolarization axes are equivalent. This information is stored in a file and then
used by oct-propagation_spectrum to rebuild the full polarizability tensor from just the
first TDPolarizationEquivAxes directions. This variable is also used by CalculationMode = vdw.
Name TDPolarizationWprime
Section Time-Dependent::Response::Dipole
Type block
This block is needed only when
TDPolarizationEquivAxes is set to 3. In such a case,
the three directions (pol1, pol2, and pol3) defined in
the TDPolarization block should be related by symmetry
operations. If A is the symmetry operation that takes you
from pol1 to pol2, then TDPolarizationWprime
should be set to the direction defined by A$^{-1}$pol3.
For more information see MJT Oliveira
et al., J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8,
3392 (2008).