Name PES_Flux_AnisotropyCorrection
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type logical
Apply anisotropy correction.
Name PES_Flux_ARPES_grid
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type logical
Use a curvilinear momentum space grid that compensates the transformation
used to obtain ARPES. With this choice ARPES data is laid out on a Cartesian
regular grid.
By default true when PES_Flux_Shape = pln and a KPointsPath
is specified.
Name PES_Flux_DeltaK
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type float
Default 0.02
Spacing of the the photoelectron momentum grid.
Name PES_Flux_EnergyGrid
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type block
The block PES_Flux_EnergyGrid specifies the energy grid
in momentum space.
Emin | Emax | DeltaE
Name PES_Flux_Face_Dens
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type block
Define the number of points density per unit of area (in au) on the
face of the ‘cub’ surface.
Name PES_Flux_GridTransformMatrix
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type block
Define an optional transformation matrix for the momentum grid.
M_11 | M_12 | M_13
M_21 | M_22 | M_23
M_31 | M_32 | M_33
Name PES_Flux_Kmax
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type float
Default 1.0
The maximum value of the photoelectron momentum.
For cartesian momentum grids one can specify a value different
for cartesian direction using a block input.
Name PES_Flux_Kmin
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type float
Default 0.0
The minimum value of the photoelectron momentum.
For cartesian momentum grids one can specify a value different
for cartesian direction using a block input.
Name PES_Flux_Lmax
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type integer
Default 80
Maximum order of the spherical harmonic to be integrated on an equidistant spherical
grid (to be changed to Gauss-Legendre quadrature).
Name PES_Flux_Lsize
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type block
For PES_Flux_Shape = cub sets the dimensions along each direction. The syntax is:
xsize | ysize | zsize
where xsize, ysize, and zsize are with respect to the origin. The surface can
be shifted with PES_Flux_Offset.
If PES_Flux_Shape = pln, specifies the position of two planes perpendicular to
the non-periodic dimension symmetrically placed at PES_Flux_Lsize distance from
the origin.
Name PES_Flux_Momenutum_Grid
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type integer
Decides how the grid in momentum space is generated.
- polar:
The grid is in polar coordinates with the zenith axis is along z.
The grid parameters are defined by PES_Flux_Kmax, PES_Flux_DeltaK,
PES_Flux_StepsThetaK, PES_Flux_StepsPhiK.
This is the default choice for PES_Flux_Shape = sph or cub.
- cartesian:
The grid is in cartesian coordinates with parameters defined by
PES_Flux_ARPES_grid, PES_Flux_EnergyGrid.
This is the default choice for PES_Flux_Shape = sph or cub.
Name PES_Flux_Offset
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type block
Shifts the surface for PES_Flux_Shape = cub. The syntax is:
xshift | yshift | zshift
Name PES_Flux_Parallelization
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type flag
The parallelization strategy to be used to calculate the PES spectrum
using the resources available in the domain parallelization pool.
This option is not available without domain parallelization.
Parallelization over k-points and states is always enabled when available.
- pf_none:
No parallelization.
- pf_time:
Parallelize time integration. This requires to store some quantities over a
number of time steps equal to the number of cores available.
- pf_momentum:
Parallelize over the final momentum grid. This strategy has a much lower
memory footprint than the one above (time) but seems to provide a smaller
- pf_surface:
Parallelize over surface points.
Option pf_time and pf_surface can be combined: pf_time + pf_surface.
Name PES_Flux_PhiK
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type block
Define the grid points on theta ($0 \le \theta \le 2\pi$) when
using a spherical grid in momentum.
The block defines the maximum and minimum values of theta and the number of
of points for the discretization.
theta_min | theta_max | npoints
By default theta_min=0, theta_max = pi, npoints = 90.
Name PES_Flux_Radius
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type float
The radius of the sphere, if PES_Flux_Shape == sph.
Name PES_Flux_RuntimeOutput
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type logical
Write output in ascii format at runtime.
Name PES_Flux_Shape
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type integer
The shape of the surface.
- cub:
Uses a parallelepiped as surface. All surface points are grid points.
Choose the location of the surface with variable PES_Flux_Lsize
(default for 1D and 2D).
- sph:
Constructs a sphere with radius PES_Flux_Radius. Points on the sphere
are interpolated by trilinear interpolation (default for 3D).
- pln:
This option is for periodic systems.
Constructs a plane perpendicular to the non-periodic dimension
at PES_Flux_Lsize.
Name PES_Flux_StepsPhiK
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type integer
Default 90
Number of steps in $\phi$ ($0 \le \phi \le 2 \pi$) for the spherical grid in k.
Name PES_Flux_StepsPhiR
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type integer
Default 2 PES_Flux_Lmax + 1
Number of steps in $\phi$ ($0 \le \phi \le 2 \pi$) for the spherical surface.
Name PES_Flux_StepsThetaK
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type integer
Default 45
Number of steps in $\theta$ ($0 \le \theta \le \pi$) for the spherical grid in k.
Name PES_Flux_StepsThetaR
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type integer
Default 2 PES_Flux_Lmax + 1
Number of steps in $\theta$ ($0 \le \theta \le \pi$) for the spherical surface.
Name PES_Flux_ThetaK
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type block
Define the grid points on theta ($0 \le \theta \le \pi$) when
using a spherical grid in momentum.
The block defines the maximum and minimum values of theta and the number of
of points for the discretization.
theta_min | theta_max | npoints
By default theta_min=0, theta_max = pi, npoints = 45.
Name PES_Flux_UseSymmetries
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type logical
Use surface and momentum grid symmetries to speed up calculation and
lower memory footprint.
By default available only when the surface shape matches the grid symmetry i.e.:
PES_Flux_Shape = m_cub or m_pln and PES_Flux_Momenutum_Grid = m_cartesian
PES_Flux_Shape = m_sph and PES_Flux_Momenutum_Grid = m_polar
Name PES_spm_DeltaOmega
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type float
The spacing in frequency domain for the photoelectron spectrum (if PES_spm_OmegaMax > 0).
The default is PES_spm_OmegaMax/500.
Name PES_spm_OmegaMax
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type float
Default 0.0
If PES_spm_OmegaMax > 0, the photoelectron spectrum is directly calculated during
time-propagation, evaluated by the PES_spm method. PES_spm_OmegaMax is then the maximum frequency
(approximate kinetic energy) and PES_spm_DeltaOmega the spacing in frequency domain of the spectrum.
Name PES_spm_points
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type block
List of points at which to calculate the photoelectron spectrum by the sample point
method. If no points are given, a spherical grid is generated automatically.
The exact syntax is:
x1 | y1 | z1
Name PES_spm_Radius
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type float
The radius of the sphere for the spherical grid (if no PES_spm_points
are given).
Name PES_spm_recipe
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type integer
Default phase
The type for calculating the photoelectron spectrum in the sample point method.
- raw:
Calculate the photoelectron spectrum according to A. Pohl, P.-G. Reinhard, and
E. Suraud, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5090 (2000).
- phase:
Calculate the photoelectron spectrum by including the Volkov phase (approximately), see
P. M. Dinh, P. Romaniello, P.-G. Reinhard, and E. Suraud, Phys. Rev. A. 87, 032514 (2013).
Name PES_spm_StepsPhiR
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type integer
Default 90
Number of steps in $\phi$ ($0 \le \phi \le 2 \pi$) for the spherical grid (if no
PES_spm_points are given).
Name PES_spm_StepsThetaR
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type integer
Default 45
Number of steps in $\theta$ ($0 \le \theta \le \pi$) for the spherical grid (if no
PES_spm_points are given).
Name PESMask2PEnlargeFactor
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type float
Default 1.0
Mask two points enlargement factor. Enlarges the mask box by adding two
points at the edges of the box in each direction (x,y,z) at a distance
L=Lb*PESMask2PEnlargeFactor where Lb is the box size.
This allows to run simulations with an additional void space at a price of
adding few points. The Fourier space associated with the new box is restricted
by the same factor.
Note: needs PESMaskPlaneWaveProjection = nfft_map or pnfft_map .
Name PESMaskEnlargeFactor
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type float
Default 1
Mask box enlargement level. Enlarges the mask bounding box by a PESMaskEnlargeFactor.
This helps to avoid wavefunction wrapping at the boundaries.
Name PESMaskFilterCutOff
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type float
Default -1
In calculation with PESMaskMode = fullmask_mode and NFFT, spurious frequencies
may lead to numerical instability of the algorithm. This option gives the possibility
to filter out the unwanted components by setting an energy cut-off.
If PESMaskFilterCutOff = -1 no filter is applied.
Name PESMaskIncludePsiA
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type logical
Default false
Add the contribution of $\Psi_A$ in the mask region to the photo-electron spectrum.
Literally adds the Fourier components of:
$\Theta(r-R1) \Psi_A(r)$
with $\Theta$ being the Heaviside step function.
With this option PES will contain all the contributions starting from the inner
radius $R1$. Use this option to improve convergence with respect to the box size
and total simulation time.
Note: Carefully choose $R1$ in order to avoid contributions from returning electrons.
Name PESMaskMode
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type integer
Default mask_mode
PES calculation mode.
- mask_mode:
Mask method.
- fullmask_mode:
Full mask method. This includes a back action of the momentum-space states on the
interaction region. This enables electrons to come back from the continuum.
- passive_mode:
Passive analysis of the wf. Simply analyze the plane-wave components of the
wavefunctions on the region r > R1. This mode employs a step masking function by default.
Name PESMaskPlaneWaveProjection
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type integer
Default fft_map
With the mask method, wavefunctions in the continuum are treated as plane waves.
This variable sets how to calculate the plane-wave projection in the buffer
region. We perform discrete Fourier transforms (DFT) in order to approximate
a continuous Fourier transform. The major drawback of this approach is the built-in
periodic boundary condition of DFT. Choosing an appropriate plane-wave projection
for a given simulation in addition to PESMaskEnlargeFactor and
PESMask2PEnlargeFactorwill help to converge the results.
NOTE: depending on the value of PESMaskMode PESMaskPlaneWaveProjection,
may affect not only performance but also the time evolution of the density.
- fft_out:
FFT filtered in order to keep only outgoing waves. 1D only.
- fft_map:
FFT transform.
- nfft_map:
Non-equispaced FFT map.
- pfft_map:
Use PFFT library.
- pnfft_map:
Use PNFFT library.
Name PESMaskShape
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type integer
Default m_sin2
The mask function shape.
- m_sin2:
sin2 mask.
- m_step:
- m_erf:
Name PESMaskSize
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type block
Set the size of the mask function.
Here you can set the inner (R1) and outer (R2) radius by setting
the block as follows:
R1 | R2 | "user-defined"
The optional 3rd column is a user-defined expression for the mask
function. For example, r creates a spherical mask (which is the
default for BoxShape = sphere). Note, values R2 larger than
the box size may lead in this case to unexpected reflection
Name PESMaskSpectEnergyMax
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type float
Default maxval(mask%Lk)
The maximum energy for the PES spectrum.
Name PESMaskSpectEnergyStep
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type float
The PES spectrum energy step.
Name PESMaskStartTime
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type float
Default -1.0
The time photoelectrons start to be recorded. In pump-probe simulations, this allows
getting rid of an unwanted ionization signal coming from the pump.
NOTE: This will enforce the mask boundary conditions for all times.
Name PhotoElectronSpectrum
Section Time-Dependent::PhotoElectronSpectrum
Type integer
Default none
This variable controls the method used for the calculation of
the photoelectron spectrum. You can specify more than one value
by giving them as a sum, for example:
PhotoElectronSpectrum = pes_spm + pes_mask
- none:
The photoelectron spectrum is not calculated. This is the default.
- pes_spm:
Store the wavefunctions at specific points in order to
calculate the photoelectron spectrum at a point far in the box as proposed in
A. Pohl, P.-G. Reinhard, and E. Suraud, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5090 (2000).
- pes_mask:
Calculate the photo-electron spectrum using the mask method.
U. De Giovannini, D. Varsano, M. A. L. Marques, H. Appel, E. K. U. Gross, and A. Rubio,
Phys. Rev. A 85, 062515 (2012).
- pes_flux:
Calculate the photo-electron spectrum using the t-surff technique, i.e.,
spectra are computed from the electron flux through a surface close to the absorbing
boundaries of the box. (Experimental.)
L. Tao and A. Scrinzi, New Journal of Physics 14, 013021 (2012).