Section System
Type block
An static external potential is a model potential added to the local potential of the Hamiltonian
The format of this block is the following: The first field defines the type of species (the valid options are detailed below).
Then a list of parameters follows. The parameters are specified by a first field with the parameter name and the field that follows with the value of the parameter. Some parameters are specific to a certain species while others are accepted by all species. These are mass, max_spacing, and min_radius.
These are examples of possible species:
potential_user_defined | potential_formula | "1/2*r^2"
- potential_from_file:
The potential is read from a file. Accepted file formats, detected by extension: obf, ncdf and csv.
- potential_user_defined:
Species with user-defined potential. The potential for the
species is defined by the formula given by the potential_formula
- potential_charge_density:
The potential for this species is created from the distribution
of charge given by the density_formula parameter.
- file:
The path for the file that describes the species.
- potential_formula:
Mathematical expression that defines the potential for species_user_defined. You can use
any of the x, y, z or r variables.
- density_formula:
Mathematical expression that defines the charge density for species_charge_density. You can use
any of the x, y, z or r variables.