Section States
Type block
Default no
Before starting the td calculation, the initial states (that are
read from the restart/gs directory, which should have been
generated in a previous ground-state calculation) can be "transformed"
among themselves. The block TransformStates gives the transformation matrix
to be used. The number of rows and columns of the matrix should equal the number
of the states present in the time-dependent calculation (the independent
spin and k-point subspaces are all transformed equally); the number of
columns should be equal to the number of states present in the
restart/gs directory. This number may be different: for example,
one could have run previously in unocc mode in order to obtain unoccupied
Kohn-Sham states, and therefore restart/gs will contain more states.
These states can be used in the transformation.
Note that the code will not check the orthonormality of the new states!
Each line provides the coefficients of the new states, in terms of
the old ones. The coefficients are complex, but the imaginary part will be
ignored for real wavefunctions.
Note: This variable cannot be used when parallel in states.