Name RDMBasis
Section SCF::RDMFT
Type logical
Default yes
If true, all the energy terms and corresponding derivatives involved in RDMFT will
not be calculated on the grid but on the basis of the initial orbitals
Name RDMConvEner
Section SCF::RDMFT
Type float
Default 1e-6 Ha
Convergence criterion for stopping the overall minimization of the energy with
respect to occupation numbers and the orbitals. The minimization of the
energy stops when the total energy difference between two subsequent
minimizations of the energy with respect to the occupation numbers and the
orbitals is smaller than this criterion. It is also used to exit the orbital minimization.
Name RDMHartreeFock
Section SCF::RDMFT
Type logical
Default no
If true, the code simulates a HF calculation, by omitting the occ.num. optimization
can be used for test reasons
Name RDMTolerance
Section SCF::RDMFT
Type float
Default 1e-7 Ha
Convergence criterion for stopping the occupation numbers minimization. Minimization is
stopped when all derivatives of the energy wrt. each occupation number
are smaller than this criterion. The bisection for finding the correct mu that is needed
for the occupation number minimization also stops according to this criterion.
Name RDMToleranceFO
Section SCF::RDMFT
Type float
Default 1e-4 Ha
Convergence criterion for stopping the diagonalization of the Fock matrix in the Piris method.
Orbital minimization is stopped when all off-diagonal ellements of the Fock matrix
are smaller than this criterion.