Section Linear Response::Sternheimer
Type integer
Default hartree+fxc
The terms to be considered in the variation of the
Hamiltonian. The external potential (V_ext) is always considered. The default is to include
also the exchange-correlation and Hartree terms, which fully
takes into account local fields.
Just hartree gives you the random-phase approximation (RPA).
If you want to choose the exchange-correlation kernel, use the variable
XCKernel. For kdotp and magnetic em_resp modes,
or if TheoryLevel = independent_particles,
the value V_ext_only is used and this variable is ignored.
- V_ext_only:
Neither Hartree nor XC potentials included.
- hartree:
The variation of the Hartree potential only.
- fxc:
The exchange-correlation kernel (the variation of the
exchange-correlation potential) only.