SCF in LR calculations
Name LRConvAbsDens
Section Linear Response::SCF in LR calculations
Type float
Default 1e-5
The tolerance in the absolute variation of the density response, to determine if
the SCF for linear response is converged.
$\varepsilon = \int {\rm d}^3r \left| \rho^{out}(\bf r) -\rho^{inp}(\bf r) \right|$.
A zero value means do not use this criterion.
Name LRConvRelDens
Section Linear Response::SCF in LR calculations
Type float
Default 0.0
The tolerance in the relative variation of the density response, to determine if
the SCF for linear response is converged.
$\varepsilon = \frac{1}{N_{\rm elec}}$ LRConvAbsDens.
A zero value means do not use this criterion.
Name LRMaximumIter
Section Linear Response::SCF in LR calculations
Type integer
Default 200
The maximum number of SCF iterations to calculate response.
Name LRTolAdaptiveFactor
Section Linear Response::SCF in LR calculations
Type float
Default 0.1
This factor controls how much the tolerance is decreased
during the self-consistency process. Smaller values mean that
tolerance is decreased faster.
Name LRTolIterWindow
Section Linear Response::SCF in LR calculations
Type float
Default 10
Number of iterations necessary to reach the final tolerance.
Name LRTolScheme
Section Linear Response::SCF in LR calculations
Type integer
Default tol_adaptive
The scheme used to adjust the tolerance of the solver during
the SCF iteration. For kdotp and magnetic em_resp modes, or
whenever HamiltonianVariation = V_ext_only, the
scheme is set to tol_fixed, and this variable is ignored.
- tol_fixed:
The solver tolerance is fixed for all the iterations; this
improves convergence but increases the computational cost
- tol_adaptive:
The tolerance is increased according to the level of
convergence of the SCF.
- tol_linear:
The tolerance decreases linearly for the first LRTolIterWindow iterations.
- tol_exp:
The tolerance decreases exponentially for the first LRTolIterWindow iterations.