At what level shall Octopus handle the optimized effective potential (OEP) equation.
Do not solve OEP equation.
Krieger-Li-Iafrate (KLI) approximation. For spinors, the iterative solution is controlled by the variables
in section Linear Response::Solver, and the default for LRMaximumIter is set to 50.
Ref: JB Krieger, Y Li, GJ Iafrate, Phys. Lett. A146, 256 (1990).
(Experimental) Full solution of OEP equation using the Sternheimer approach.
The linear solver will be controlled by the variables in section Linear Response::Solver,
and the iterations for OEP by Linear Response::SCF in LR calculations and variable
OEPMixing. Note that default for LRMaximumIter is set to 10.
Ref: S. Kuemmel and J. Perdew, Phys. Rev. Lett.90, 043004 (2003).