Navigation : Manual Input Variables - Atomic Orbitals - Calculation Modes - ClassicalParticles - DFTBPlusInterface - Execution -- Accel -- Debug --- Debug --- DebugTrapSignals --- ExperimentalFeatures --- ForceComplex --- MPIDebugHook --- ReportMemory -- IO -- Optimization -- Parallelization -- Symmetries -- Units -- FromScratch - Hamiltonian - Linear Response - Math - Maxwell - MaxwellStates - Mesh - Output - SCF - States - System - Time-Dependent - Utilities - Alphabetic Index Tutorials Developers Releases ReportMemory A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X ReportMemory Section Execution::Debug Type logical Default no If true, after each SCF iteration Octopus will print information about the memory the code is using. The quantity reported is an approximation to the size of the heap and generally it is a lower bound to the actual memory Octopus is using. Source information main/main.F90 : 68 call parse_variable(global_namespace, 'ReportMemory', .false., conf%report_memory) Featured in testfiles finite_systems_3d/10-fullerene.01-gs.inp