Navigation :
Input Variables
Octopus Basics
Optical Response
Model Systems
Periodic Systems
Maxwell Systems
-- Maxwell overview
-- Maxwell input file
-- Cosinoidal plane wave in vacuum
-- Interference of two cosinoidal plane waves
-- Cosinoidal plane wave hitting a linear medium box
-- Gaussian-shaped external current density
-- Creating geometries
-- Simulation box
Unsorted tutorials
Gaussian-shaped external current density
Gaussian-shaped external current density passed by a Gaussian temporal current pulse
No absorbing boundaries
click for complete input
# ----- Calculation mode and parallelization ------------------------------------------------------
CalculationMode = td
RestartWrite = no
ExperimentalFeatures = yes
'Maxwell' | maxwell
Maxwell.ParDomains = auto
Maxwell.ParStates = no
# ----- Maxwell box variables ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# free maxwell box limit of 10.0
lsize_mx = 10.0
dx_mx = 0.5
Maxwell.BoxShape = parallelepiped
lsize_mx | lsize_mx | lsize_mx
dx_mx | dx_mx | dx_mx
# ----- Maxwell calculation variables -------------------------------------------------------------
MaxwellHamiltonianOperator = faraday_ampere
zero | zero | zero
not_absorbing | not_absorbing | not_absorbing
# ----- Output variables --------------------------------------------------------------------------
OutputFormat = axis_x + axis_y + axis_z + plane_x + plane_y + plane_z
# ----- Maxwell output variables ------------------------------------------------------------------
MaxwellOutputInterval = 10
MaxwellTDOutput = maxwell_energy + maxwell_total_e_field
0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00
# ----- Time step variables -----------------------------------------------------------------------
TDSystemPropagator = exp_mid
timestep = 1 / ( sqrt(c^2/dx_mx^2 + c^2/dx_mx^2 + c^2/dx_mx^2) )
TDTimeStep = timestep
TDPropagationTime = 180 * timestep
# Maxwell field variables
# ----- External current ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExternalCurrent = yes
t1 = 4 * 5.0 / c
t2 = 6 * 5.0 / c
tw = 0.03
j = 1.0000
current_td_function | "0" | "0" | "j*exp(-x^2/2)*exp(-y^2/2)*exp(-z^2/2)" | 0 | "env_func_1"
current_td_function | "0" |" 0" | "j*exp(-x^2/2)*exp(-y^2/2)*exp(-z^2/2)" | 0 | "env_func_2"
"env_func_1" | tdf_gaussian | 1.0 | tw | t1
"env_func_2" | tdf_gaussian | -1.0 | tw | t2
Instead of an incoming external plane wave, Octopus can simulate also external current
densities placed inside the simulation box. In this example we place one shape of such
a current density in the simulation box
zero | zero | zero
not_absorbing | not_absorbing | not_absorbing
Since we start with no absorbing boundaries, we reset the box size to 10.0.
# ----- Maxwell box variables ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# free maxwell box limit of 10.0
lsize_mx = 10.0
dx_mx = 0.5
Maxwell.BoxShape = parallelepiped
lsize_mx | lsize_mx | lsize_mx
dx_mx | dx_mx | dx_mx
The external current density is switched on by the corresponding options and
two blocks define its spatial distribution and its temporal behavior. The
spatial distribution of our example external current is a Gaussian distribution
in 3D. The temporal pulse is one Gaussian along the y-axis and one along the
opposite direction but time shifted.
# ----- External current ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExternalCurrent = yes
t1 = 4 * 5.0 / c
t2 = 6 * 5.0 / c
tw = 0.03
j = 1.0000
current_td_function | "0" | "0" | "j*exp(-x^2/2)*exp(-y^2/2)*exp(-z^2/2)" | 0 | "env_func_1"
current_td_function | "0" |" 0" | "j*exp(-x^2/2)*exp(-y^2/2)*exp(-z^2/2)" | 0 | "env_func_2"
"env_func_1" | tdf_gaussian | 1.0 | tw | t1
"env_func_2" | tdf_gaussian | -1.0 | tw | t2
gnuplot script
set pm3d
set view map
set palette defined (-0.005 "blue", 0 "white", 0.005"red")
set term png size 1000,500
unset surface
unset key
set output 'plot1.png'
set xlabel 'x-direction'
set ylabel 'y-direction'
set cbrange [-0.005:0.005]
set multiplot
set origin 0.025,0
set size 0.45,0.9
set size square
set title 'Electric field E_z (t=0.252788 au)'
sp [-10:10][-10:10][-0.01:0.01] 'Maxwell/output_iter/td.0000120/e_field-z.z=0' u 1:2:3
set origin 0.525,0
set size 0.45,0.9
set size square
set title 'Electric field E_z (t=0.379182 au)'
sp [-10:10][-10:10][-0.01:0.01] 'Maxwell/output_iter/td.0000180/e_field-z.z=0' u 1:2:3
unset multiplot
Contour plot of the electric field in z-direction after 120 time steps for
t=0.24 and 180 time steps for t=0.36:
Mask absorbing boundaries
click for complete input
# ----- Calculation mode and parallelization ------------------------------------------------------
CalculationMode = td
RestartWrite = no
ExperimentalFeatures = yes
'Maxwell' | maxwell
Maxwell.ParDomains = auto
Maxwell.ParStates = no
# ----- Maxwell box variables ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# free maxwell box limit of 10.0 plus 5.0 for absorbing boundary conditions
lsize_mx = 15.0
dx_mx = 0.5
Maxwell.BoxShape = parallelepiped
lsize_mx | lsize_mx | lsize_mx
dx_mx | dx_mx | dx_mx
# ----- Maxwell calculation variables -------------------------------------------------------------
MaxwellHamiltonianOperator = faraday_ampere
zero | zero | zero
mask | mask | mask
MaxwellABWidth = 5.0
# ----- Output variables --------------------------------------------------------------------------
OutputFormat = axis_x + axis_y + axis_z + plane_x + plane_y + plane_z
# ----- Maxwell output variables ------------------------------------------------------------------
MaxwellOutputInterval = 10
MaxwellTDOutput = maxwell_energy + maxwell_total_e_field
0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00
# ----- Time step variables -----------------------------------------------------------------------
TDSystemPropagator = exp_mid
timestep = 1 / ( sqrt(c^2/dx_mx^2 + c^2/dx_mx^2 + c^2/dx_mx^2) )
TDTimeStep = timestep
TDPropagationTime = 180 * timestep
# Maxwell field variables
# ----- External current ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExternalCurrent = yes
t1 = 4 * 5.0 / c
t2 = 6 * 5.0 / c
tw = 0.03
j = 1.0000
current_td_function | "0" | "0" | "j*exp(-x^2/2)*exp(-y^2/2)*exp(-z^2/2)" | 0 | "env_func_1"
current_td_function | "0" |" 0" | "j*exp(-x^2/2)*exp(-y^2/2)*exp(-z^2/2)" | 0 | "env_func_2"
"env_func_1" | tdf_gaussian | 1.0 | tw | t1
"env_func_2" | tdf_gaussian | -1.0 | tw | t2
We can add now mask absorbing boundaries.
zero | zero | zero
mask | mask | mask
MaxwellABWidth = 5.0
Accordingly to the additional absorbing width, we have to update the simulation
box dimensions.
# ----- Maxwell box variables ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# free maxwell box limit of 10.0 plus 5.0 for absorbing boundary conditions
lsize_mx = 15.0
dx_mx = 0.5
Maxwell.BoxShape = parallelepiped
lsize_mx | lsize_mx | lsize_mx
dx_mx | dx_mx | dx_mx
Contour plot of the electric field in z-direction after 120 time steps for
t=0.24 and 180 time steps for t=0.36:
PML boundaries
click for complete input
# ----- Calculation mode and parallelization ------------------------------------------------------
CalculationMode = td
RestartWrite = no
ExperimentalFeatures = yes
'Maxwell' | maxwell
Maxwell.ParDomains = auto
Maxwell.ParStates = no
# ----- Maxwell box variables ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# free maxwell box limit of 10.0 plus 5.0 for absorbing boundary conditions
lsize_mx = 15.0
dx_mx = 0.5
Maxwell.BoxShape = parallelepiped
lsize_mx | lsize_mx | lsize_mx
dx_mx | dx_mx | dx_mx
# ----- Maxwell calculation variables -------------------------------------------------------------
MaxwellHamiltonianOperator = faraday_ampere
zero | zero | zero
cpml | cpml | cpml
MaxwellABWidth = 5.0
MaxwellABPMLPower = 2.0
MaxwellABPMLReflectionError = 1e-16
# ----- Output variables --------------------------------------------------------------------------
OutputFormat = axis_x + axis_y + axis_z + plane_x + plane_y + plane_z
# ----- Maxwell output variables ------------------------------------------------------------------
MaxwellOutputInterval = 10
MaxwellTDOutput = maxwell_energy + maxwell_total_e_field
0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00
# ----- Time step variables -----------------------------------------------------------------------
TDSystemPropagator = exp_mid
timestep = 1 / ( sqrt(c^2/dx_mx^2 + c^2/dx_mx^2 + c^2/dx_mx^2) )
TDTimeStep = timestep
TDPropagationTime = 180 * timestep
# Maxwell field variables
# ----- External current ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExternalCurrent = yes
t1 = 4 * 5.0 / c
t2 = 6 * 5.0 / c
tw = 0.03
j = 1.0000
current_td_function | "0" | "0" | "j*exp(-x^2/2)*exp(-y^2/2)*exp(-z^2/2)" | 0 | "env_func_1"
current_td_function | "0" |" 0" | "j*exp(-x^2/2)*exp(-y^2/2)*exp(-z^2/2)" | 0 | "env_func_2"
"env_func_1" | tdf_gaussian | 1.0 | tw | t1
"env_func_2" | tdf_gaussian | -1.0 | tw | t2
We can repeat the simulation using PML absorbing boundaries.
zero | zero | zero
cpml | cpml | cpml
MaxwellABWidth = 5.0
MaxwellABPMLPower = 2.0
MaxwellABPMLReflectionError = 1e-16
Contour plot of the electric field in z-direction after 120 time steps for
t=0.24 and 180 time steps for t=0.36:
Maxwell fields at the origin and Maxwell energy inside the free Maxwell
propagation region of the simulation box: