- Getting started Learn how to run the code
- Optical spectra from time-propagation Absorption spectrum of a molecule from the explicit solution of the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equations: methane
- Basic input options Obtain the ground state of the nitrogen atom.
- Convergence of the optical spectra Convergence study of the spectrum with respect to the grid parameters.
- Optical spectra from Casida Calculate the absorption spectrum of methane using Casida's equations
- Total energy convergence Make sure that the results are converged
- Optical spectra from Sternheimer Calculate optical spectra in the frequency domain from linear response.
- Visualization Example: Benzene
- Triplet excitations Calculate triplet excitations for methane with time-propagation and Casida methods.
- Periodic systems How to perform some basic calculation using bulk silicon as an example.
- Periodic systems How to perform some basic calculation using bulk silicon as an example.
- Use of symmetries in optical spectra from time-propagation Reduce the number of time-propagations required to compute the absorption cross-section.
- Time-dependent propagation Time evolution of the density of the methane molecule.
- Wires and slabs Use the flexibility of the real-space grid to treat systems that are periodic in only one or two dimensions.
- Magnons This tutorial gives the basic idea of how it is possible to compute magnons and transverse spin susceptibilities from a real-time calculation using octopus.
- Geometry optimization Determining the geometry of methane.
- Large systems: the Fullerene molecule How to set up calculations for larger systems.
- Magnons This tutorial gives the basic idea of how it is possible to compute magnons and transverse spin susceptibilities from a real-time calculation using octopus.
- Sternheimer linear response More details on the Sternheimer approach.
- Vibrational modes Obtain vibrational modes by using Sternheimer linear response.
- Wires and slabs Use the flexibility of the real-space grid to treat systems that are periodic in only one or two dimensions.
- Periodic systems How to perform some basic calculation using bulk silicon as an example.