v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t Type Reference

Detailed Description

Definition at line 211 of file v_ks.F90.

Public Attributes

integer, public theory_level = -1
logical, public frozen_hxc = .false.
 For RPA and SAE calculations. More...
integer, public xc_family = 0
 the XC stuff More...
integer, public xc_flags = 0
 the XC flags More...
integer, public xc_photon = 0
 selected QEDFT xc functional More...
type(xc_t), public xc
type(xc_photons_t), public xc_photons
type(xc_oep_t), public oep
type(xc_oep_photon_t), public oep_photon
type(xc_ks_inversion_t), public ks_inversion
type(xc_sic_t), public sic
type(xc_vdw_t), public vdw
type(grid_t), pointer, public gr
logical, public has_photons = .false.
real(real64), dimension(3, 3), public stress_xc_gga
 Beyond LDA contribution to the xc stress tensor. More...
type(photon_mode_t), pointer, public pt => null()
type(mf_t), public pt_mx

Private Attributes

logical calculate_current = .false.
logical include_td_field = .false.
logical xc_photon_include_hartree = .true.

Member Data Documentation

◆ theory_level

integer, public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::theory_level = -1

Definition at line 213 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ frozen_hxc

logical, public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::frozen_hxc = .false.

For RPA and SAE calculations.

Definition at line 215 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ xc_family

integer, public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::xc_family = 0

the XC stuff

Definition at line 217 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ xc_flags

integer, public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::xc_flags = 0

the XC flags

Definition at line 218 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ xc_photon

integer, public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::xc_photon = 0

selected QEDFT xc functional

Definition at line 219 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ xc

type(xc_t), public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::xc

Definition at line 220 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ xc_photons

type(xc_photons_t), public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::xc_photons

Definition at line 221 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ oep

type(xc_oep_t), public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::oep

Definition at line 222 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ oep_photon

type(xc_oep_photon_t), public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::oep_photon

Definition at line 223 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ ks_inversion

type(xc_ks_inversion_t), public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::ks_inversion

Definition at line 224 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ sic

type(xc_sic_t), public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::sic

Definition at line 225 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ vdw

type(xc_vdw_t), public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::vdw

Definition at line 226 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ gr

type(grid_t), pointer, public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::gr

Definition at line 227 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ calc

type(v_ks_calc_t) v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::calc

Definition at line 228 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ calculate_current

logical v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::calculate_current = .false.

Definition at line 229 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ current_calculator

type(current_t) v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::current_calculator

Definition at line 230 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ include_td_field

logical v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::include_td_field = .false.

Definition at line 231 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ has_photons

logical, public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::has_photons = .false.

Definition at line 232 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ xc_photon_include_hartree

logical v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::xc_photon_include_hartree = .true.

Definition at line 233 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ stress_xc_gga

real(real64), dimension(3, 3), public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::stress_xc_gga

Beyond LDA contribution to the xc stress tensor.

Definition at line 235 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ pt

type(photon_mode_t), pointer, public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::pt => null()

Definition at line 236 of file v_ks.F90.

◆ pt_mx

type(mf_t), public v_ks_oct_m::v_ks_t::pt_mx

Definition at line 237 of file v_ks.F90.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: