Definition at line 190 of file xc_oep.F90.
integer, public | level |
| 0 = no oep, 1 = Slater, 2 = KLI, 4 = full OEP More...
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public | vxc |
real(real64), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public | uxc_bar |
real(real64), public | norm2ss |
integer, public | type = -1 |
real(real64) | mixing |
| how much of the function S(r) to add to vxc in every iteration More...
integer | mixing_scheme |
type(lr_t) | lr |
| to solve the equation H psi = b More...
type(linear_solver_t) | solver |
type(scf_tol_t) | scftol |
integer | eigen_n |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | eigen_type |
integer, dimension(:), allocatable | eigen_index |
real(real64) | socc |
real(real64) | sfact |
real(real64), dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable | dlxc |
complex(real64), dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable | zlxc |
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | vxc_old |
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable | ss_old |
integer | noccst |
type(scdm_t) | scdm |
logical | scdm_for_pzsic |
◆ level
integer, public xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::level |
0 = no oep, 1 = Slater, 2 = KLI, 4 = full OEP
Definition at line 191 of file xc_oep.F90.
◆ mixing
real(real64) xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::mixing |
private |
how much of the function S(r) to add to vxc in every iteration
Definition at line 192 of file xc_oep.F90.
◆ mixing_scheme
integer xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::mixing_scheme |
private |
◆ lr
to solve the equation H psi = b
Definition at line 194 of file xc_oep.F90.
◆ solver
◆ scftol
◆ eigen_n
integer xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::eigen_n |
private |
◆ eigen_type
integer, dimension(:), allocatable xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::eigen_type |
private |
◆ eigen_index
integer, dimension(:), allocatable xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::eigen_index |
private |
◆ socc
real(real64) xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::socc |
private |
◆ sfact
real(real64) xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::sfact |
private |
◆ vxc
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable, public xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::vxc |
◆ uxc_bar
real(real64), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::uxc_bar |
◆ dlxc
real(real64), dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::dlxc |
private |
◆ zlxc
complex(real64), dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::zlxc |
private |
◆ norm2ss
real(real64), public xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::norm2ss |
◆ vxc_old
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::vxc_old |
private |
◆ ss_old
real(real64), dimension(:,:), allocatable xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::ss_old |
private |
◆ noccst
integer xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::noccst |
private |
◆ scdm
◆ scdm_for_pzsic
logical xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::scdm_for_pzsic |
private |
◆ type
integer, public xc_oep_oct_m::xc_oep_t::type = -1 |
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