ensemble_oct_m::ensemble_t Interface Reference

the ensemble class More...

Detailed Description

the ensemble class

The ensemble class extends the multisystem_t and is aimed at multitrajectory simulations. For this, it contains many copies (replicas) of the same system.

Currently, the implementation enforces that systems contained in an ensemble need to be of the multisystem_basic_t type.

Definition at line 138 of file ensemble.F90.

Inheritance diagram for ensemble_oct_m::ensemble_t:
Inheritance graph

Private Member Functions

procedure create_interactions => ensemble_create_interactions
procedure add_partners_to_list => ensemble_add_partners_to_list
final ensemble_finalizer

Private Attributes

integer nreplica
 number of replicas in the ensemble More...
real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable weights
 weights for averaging over replicas (normalized to 1) More...
integer distribution_type
 type of distribution to define replicas More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from system_oct_m::system_t
type(iteration_counter_t), public iteration
class(algorithm_t), pointer, public algo => null()
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public supported_interactions
type(interaction_list_t), public interactions
 List with all the interactions of this system. More...
type(mpi_grp_t), public grp
 mpi group for this system More...
real(real64), public kinetic_energy
 Energy not from interactions, like the kinetic energy. More...
real(real64), public potential_energy
 Energy from the interactions with external systems. More...
real(real64), public internal_energy
 Energy from the interactions with itself and for containers the kinetic energy of its constituents. More...
real(real64), public total_energy
 Sum of internal, external, and self energy. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from interaction_partner_oct_m::interaction_partner_t
type(namespace_t), public namespace
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, public supported_interactions_as_partner
 list of interactions, which support this interaction_partner_t as partner More...
type(quantity_list_t), public quantities
 List of quantities known by the system. More...

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ create_interactions()

procedure ensemble_oct_m::ensemble_t::create_interactions

Definition at line 144 of file ensemble.F90.

◆ add_partners_to_list()

procedure ensemble_oct_m::ensemble_t::add_partners_to_list

Definition at line 145 of file ensemble.F90.

◆ ensemble_finalizer()

final ensemble_oct_m::ensemble_t::ensemble_finalizer

Definition at line 146 of file ensemble.F90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ nreplica

integer ensemble_oct_m::ensemble_t::nreplica

number of replicas in the ensemble

Definition at line 139 of file ensemble.F90.

◆ weights

real(real64), dimension(:), allocatable ensemble_oct_m::ensemble_t::weights

weights for averaging over replicas (normalized to 1)

Definition at line 140 of file ensemble.F90.

◆ distribution_type

integer ensemble_oct_m::ensemble_t::distribution_type

type of distribution to define replicas

Definition at line 141 of file ensemble.F90.

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