55 type(states_elec_t) :: psi
56 real(real64),
allocatable :: q(:, :)
57 real(real64),
allocatable :: p(:, :)
58 integer :: natoms, ndim
65 type(opt_control_state_t),
intent(inout) :: ocs
69 safe_deallocate_a(ocs%q)
70 safe_deallocate_a(ocs%p)
71 call ocs%psi%nullify()
78 type(opt_control_state_t),
intent(in) :: ocs
79 type(states_elec_t),
pointer :: opt_control_point_qs
81 push_sub(opt_control_point_qs)
83 opt_control_point_qs => ocs%psi
85 pop_sub(opt_control_point_qs)
89 type(opt_control_state_t),
intent(in) :: ocs
90 real(real64),
pointer :: opt_control_point_q(:, :)
92 push_sub(opt_control_point_q)
94 opt_control_point_q => ocs%q
96 pop_sub(opt_control_point_q)
100 type(opt_control_state_t),
intent(in) :: ocs
101 real(real64),
pointer :: opt_control_point_p(:, :)
103 push_sub(opt_control_point_p)
105 opt_control_point_p => ocs%p
107 pop_sub(opt_control_point_p)
111 type(states_elec_t),
intent(inout) :: qstate
112 type(opt_control_state_t),
intent(in) :: ocs
122 type(ions_t),
intent(inout) :: ions
123 type(opt_control_state_t),
intent(in) :: ocs
125 integer :: idim, iatom
129 do idim = 1, ions%space%dim
130 do iatom = 1, ions%natoms
131 ions%pos(idim, iatom) = ocs%q(iatom, idim)
132 ions%vel(idim, iatom) = ocs%p(iatom, idim) / ions%mass(iatom)
140 type(ions_t),
intent(inout) :: ions
141 type(opt_control_state_t),
intent(inout) :: ocs
143 integer :: idim, iatom
147 do idim = 1, ions%space%dim
148 do iatom = 1, ions%natoms
149 ocs%q(iatom, idim) = ions%pos(idim, iatom)
150 ocs%p(iatom, idim) = ions%vel(idim, iatom) * ions%mass(iatom)
160 type(
intent(in) :: ions
162 integer :: iatom, idim
168 safe_deallocate_a(ocs%q)
169 safe_deallocate_a(ocs%p)
171 ocs%ndim = ions%space%dim
172 ocs%natoms = ions%natoms
174 safe_allocate(ocs%q(1:ocs%natoms, 1:ocs%ndim))
175 safe_allocate(ocs%p(1:ocs%natoms, 1:ocs%ndim))
177 do idim = 1, ions%space%dim
178 do iatom = 1, ions%natoms
179 ocs%q(iatom, idim) = ions%pos(idim, iatom)
180 ocs%p(iatom, idim) = ions%mass(iatom) * ions%vel(idim, iatom)
194 safe_deallocate_a(ocs%q)
195 safe_deallocate_a(ocs%p)
208 ocsout%ndim = ocsin%ndim
209 ocsout%natoms = ocsin%natoms
210 safe_deallocate_a(ocsout%q)
211 safe_deallocate_a(ocsout%p)
212 if (
213 safe_allocate(ocsout%q(1:ocsout%natoms, 1:ocsout%ndim))
216 if (
217 safe_allocate(ocsout%p(1:ocsout%natoms, 1:ocsout%ndim))
This module holds the "opt_control_state_t" datatype, which contains a quantum-classical state.
real(real64) function, dimension(:, :), pointer, public opt_control_point_p(ocs)
subroutine, public opt_control_set_classical(ions, ocs)
real(real64) function, dimension(:, :), pointer, public opt_control_point_q(ocs)
type(states_elec_t) function, pointer, public opt_control_point_qs(ocs)
subroutine, public opt_control_state_end(ocs)
subroutine, public opt_control_state_null(ocs)
subroutine, public opt_control_state_copy(ocsout, ocsin)
subroutine, public opt_control_state_init(ocs, qstate, ions)
subroutine, public opt_control_get_classical(ions, ocs)
subroutine, public opt_control_get_qs(qstate, ocs)
subroutine, public states_elec_end(st)
finalize the states_elec_t object
subroutine, public states_elec_copy(stout, stin, exclude_wfns, exclude_eigenval, special)
make a (selective) copy of a states_elec_t object
This is the datatype that contains the objects that are propagated: in principle this could be both t...
The states_elec_t class contains all electronic wave functions.