Name PropagationSpectrumDampFactor
Section Utilities::oct-propagation_spectrum
Type float
Default -1.0
If PropagationSpectrumDampMode = exponential, gaussian, the damping parameter of the exponential
is fixed through this variable.
Default value ensure that the damping function adquires a 0.0001 value at the end of the propagation time.
Name PropagationSpectrumDampMode
Section Utilities::oct-propagation_spectrum
Type integer
Decides which damping/filtering is to be applied in order to
calculate spectra by calculating a Fourier transform. The
default is polynomial damping, except when SpectrumMethod = compressed_sensing.
In that case the default is none.
- none:
No filtering at all.
- exponential:
Exponential filtering, corresponding to a Lorentzian-shaped spectrum.
- polynomial:
Third-order polynomial damping.
- gaussian:
Gaussian damping.
Name PropagationSpectrumEndTime
Section Utilities::oct-propagation_spectrum
Type float
Default -1.0 au
Processing is done for the given function in a time-window that ends at the
value of this variable. If set to a negative value, the maximum value from
the corresponding multipole file will used.
Name PropagationSpectrumEnergyStep
Section Utilities::oct-propagation_spectrum
Type float
Default 0.01 eV
Sampling rate for the spectrum. If you supply a number equal or smaller than zero, then
the sampling rate will be 2π/T, where T is the total propagation time.
Name PropagationSpectrumMaxEnergy
Section Utilities::oct-propagation_spectrum
Type float
Default 20 eV
The Fourier transform is calculated for energies smaller than this value.
Name PropagationSpectrumMinEnergy
Section Utilities::oct-propagation_spectrum
Type float
Default 0
The Fourier transform is calculated for energies larger than this value.
Name PropagationSpectrumSigmaDiagonalization
Section Utilities::oct-propagation_spectrum
Type logical
Default .false.
If PropagationSpectrumSigmaDiagonalization = yes, the polarizability tensor is diagonalizied.
This variable is only used if the cross_section_tensor is computed.
Name PropagationSpectrumStartTime
Section Utilities::oct-propagation_spectrum
Type float
Default 0.0
Processing is done for the given function in a time-window that starts at the
value of this variable.
Name PropagationSpectrumSymmetrizeSigma
Section Utilities::oct-propagation_spectrum
Type logical
Default .false.
The polarizablity tensor has to be real and symmetric. Due to numerical accuracy,
that is not extricly conserved when computing it from different time-propations.
If PropagationSpectrumSymmetrizeSigma = yes, the polarizability tensor is
symmetrized before its diagonalizied.
This variable is only used if the cross_section_tensor is computed.
Name PropagationSpectrumTransform
Section Utilities::oct-propagation_spectrum
Type integer
Default sine
Decides which transform to perform, if SpectrumMethod = fourier.
- sine:
Sine transform: ∫dtsin(wt)f(t). Produces the imaginary part of the polarizability.
- cosine:
Cosine transform: ∫dtcos(wt)f(t). Produces the real part of the polarizability.
- laplace:
Real exponential transform: ∫dte−wtf(t). Produces the real part of the polarizability at imaginary frequencies, e.g. for Van der Waals C6 coefficients. This is the only allowed choice for complex scaling.
Name PropagationSpectrumType
Section Utilities::oct-propagation_spectrum
Type integer
Default AbsorptionSpectrum
Type of spectrum to calculate.
- AbsorptionSpectrum:
Photoabsorption spectrum.
- EnergyLossSpectrum:
Dynamic structure factor (also known as energy-loss function or spectrum).
- DipolePower:
Power spectrum of the dipole moment.
- RotatoryStrength:
Rotatory strength spectrum.
Name SpectrumMethod
Section Utilities::oct-propagation_spectrum
Type integer
Default fourier
Decides which method is used to obtain the spectrum.
- fourier:
The standard Fourier transform. Further specified by PropagationSpectrumTransform.
- compressed_sensing:
(Experimental) Uses the compressed sensing technique.
Name SpectrumSignalNoise
Section Utilities::oct-propagation_spectrum
Type float
Default 0.0
For compressed sensing, the signal to process, the
time-dependent dipole in this case, is assumed to have some
noise that is given by this dimensionless quantity.
Name TransientAbsorptionReference
Section Utilities::oct-propagation_spectrum
Type string
Default “."
In case of delayed kick, the calculation of the transient absorption requires
to substract a reference calculation, containing the gauge-field without the kick
This reference must be computed using GaugeFieldPropagate=yes and to have
TDOutput = gauge_field.
This variables defined the directory in which the reference gauge_field field is,
relative to the current folder