perturbation_kdotp.F90 File Reference

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module  perturbation_kdotp_oct_m

Data Types

interface  perturbation_kdotp_oct_m::perturbation_kdotp_t


class(perturbation_kdotp_t) function, pointer perturbation_kdotp_oct_m::perturbation_kdotp_constructor (namespace, ions)
 The factory routine (or constructor) allocates a pointer of the corresponding type and then calls the init routine which is a type-bound procedure of the corresponding type. With this design, also derived classes can use the init routine of the parent class. More...
subroutine perturbation_kdotp_oct_m::perturbation_kdotp_init (this, namespace, ions)
subroutine perturbation_kdotp_oct_m::perturbation_kdotp_finalize (this)
subroutine perturbation_kdotp_oct_m::perturbation_kdotp_copy (this, source)
subroutine perturbation_kdotp_oct_m::perturbation_kdotp_info (this)
subroutine perturbation_kdotp_oct_m::dperturbation_kdotp_apply (this, namespace, space, gr, hm, ik, f_in, f_out, set_bc)
 Returns f_out = H' f_in, where H' is perturbation Hamiltonian Note that e^ikr phase is applied to f_in, then is removed afterward. More...
subroutine perturbation_kdotp_oct_m::dperturbation_kdotp_apply_order_2 (this, namespace, space, gr, hm, ik, f_in, f_out)
 d^2/dki dkj (-(1/2) ki kj [ri,[rj,H]]) = for i = j : 1 - [ri,[rj,Vnl]] for i != j : -(1/2) [ri,[rj,Vnl]] Ref: Eq. 3 from M Cardona and FH Pollak, Phys. Rev. 142, 530-543 (1966) Except everything is times minus one, since our kdotp perturbation is d/d(ik) More...
subroutine perturbation_kdotp_oct_m::zperturbation_kdotp_apply (this, namespace, space, gr, hm, ik, f_in, f_out, set_bc)
 Returns f_out = H' f_in, where H' is perturbation Hamiltonian Note that e^ikr phase is applied to f_in, then is removed afterward. More...
subroutine perturbation_kdotp_oct_m::zperturbation_kdotp_apply_order_2 (this, namespace, space, gr, hm, ik, f_in, f_out)
 d^2/dki dkj (-(1/2) ki kj [ri,[rj,H]]) = for i = j : 1 - [ri,[rj,Vnl]] for i != j : -(1/2) [ri,[rj,Vnl]] Ref: Eq. 3 from M Cardona and FH Pollak, Phys. Rev. 142, 530-543 (1966) Except everything is times minus one, since our kdotp perturbation is d/d(ik) More...