td_calc_oct_m Module Reference


subroutine, public td_calc_tacc (namespace, space, gr, ions, ext_partners, st, hm, acc, time)
 Electronic acceleration (to calculate harmonic spectrum...) It is calculated as: More...
subroutine, public td_calc_tvel (gr, st, space, kpoints, vel)
 Electronic velocity (to calculate harmonic spectrum...) It is calculated as: More...
subroutine, public td_calc_ionch (mesh, st, ch, Nch)
 Multiple ionization probabilities calculated form the KS orbital densities C. Ullrich, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 501, 315 (2000). More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ td_calc_tacc()

subroutine, public td_calc_oct_m::td_calc_tacc ( type(namespace_t), intent(in)  namespace,
class(space_t), intent(in)  space,
type(grid_t), intent(in)  gr,
type(ions_t), intent(in)  ions,
type(partner_list_t), intent(in)  ext_partners,
type(states_elec_t), intent(in)  st,
type(hamiltonian_elec_t), intent(in)  hm,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(out)  acc,
real(real64), intent(in)  time 

Electronic acceleration (to calculate harmonic spectrum...) It is calculated as:

\[ d^2<x>/dt^2 = d<p>/dt + i<[H,[V_nl,x]]> = = i<[V_l,p]> + i<[V_nl,p]> - E(t)N + i<[H,[V_nl,x]]> \]

This subroutine only works if ions are not allowed to move

Definition at line 164 of file td_calc.F90.

◆ td_calc_tvel()

subroutine, public td_calc_oct_m::td_calc_tvel ( type(grid_t), intent(in)  gr,
type(states_elec_t), intent(in)  st,
type(space_t), intent(in)  space,
type(kpoints_t), intent(in)  kpoints,
real(real64), dimension(:), intent(out)  vel 

Electronic velocity (to calculate harmonic spectrum...) It is calculated as:

\[ d<x>/dt = <p> \]

Definition at line 286 of file td_calc.F90.

◆ td_calc_ionch()

subroutine, public td_calc_oct_m::td_calc_ionch ( type(mesh_t), intent(in)  mesh,
type(states_elec_t), intent(in)  st,
real(real64), dimension(0:nch), intent(out)  ch,
integer, intent(in)  Nch 

Multiple ionization probabilities calculated form the KS orbital densities C. Ullrich, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 501, 315 (2000).

Definition at line 318 of file td_calc.F90.