Go to the documentation of this file.
1!! Copyright (C) 2021 S. Ohlmann
3!! This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4!! License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5!! file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
7#include "global.h"
9module heap_oct_m
10 use debug_oct_m
11 use global_oct_m
14 implicit none
15 private
16 public :: heap_t
18 ! A min-heap type for implementing a k-way merge
19 ! The min-heap is built on the first indices of the sorted arrays.
20 ! It allows to always extract the minimum element of the sorted arrays
21 ! and the heap structure is then maintained by swapping the indices and
22 ! the corresponding sizes.
23 ! To merge the sorted arrays, the minimum of the heap is extracted and
24 ! replaced by the next element of that array; then the min-heap property
25 ! is restored by down-sifting (minheapify).
26 ! The time complexity of this merge is O(n log k) where n is the full size
27 ! of the arrays and k is the number of arrays.
28 type :: heap_t
29 private
30 integer(int64), pointer :: a(:) => null()
31 integer :: length
32 integer, allocatable :: indices(:)
33 integer, allocatable :: sizes(:)
34 contains
35 procedure :: init => heap_init
36 procedure :: end => heap_end
37 procedure :: merge => heap_merge
38 end type heap_t
41 ! Initialize the heap
42 subroutine heap_init(heap, list, sizes)
43 class(heap_t), intent(inout) :: heap
44 integer(int64), target, intent(in) :: list(:)
45 integer, intent(in) :: sizes(:)
46 integer :: i, j
48 push_sub(heap_init)
49 ! we keep a pointer to access the data; we do not need to modify it
50 heap%a => list
52 ! get the number of arrays to merge
53 heap%length = ubound(sizes, dim=1)
54 ! ignore empty parts
55 do i = 1, ubound(sizes, dim=1)
56 if (sizes(i) == 0) then
57 heap%length = heap%length - 1
58 end if
59 end do
60 safe_allocate(heap%sizes(heap%length))
61 safe_allocate(heap%indices(heap%length))
62 ! get the sizes of the non-empty arrays
63 j = 1
64 do i = 1, ubound(sizes, dim=1)
65 if (sizes(i) == 0) cycle
66 heap%sizes(j) = sizes(i)
67 j = j + 1
68 end do
69 ! compute the starting indices
70 heap%indices(1) = 1
71 do i = 2, heap%length
72 heap%indices(i) = heap%indices(i-1) + heap%sizes(i-1)
73 end do
74 ! sanity check
75 if (sum(heap%sizes) /= ubound(list, dim=1)) then
76 message(1) = "Error! Mismatch in size of array when initializing heap!"
77 call messages_fatal(1)
78 end if
80 ! build the heap
81 call build_minheap(heap)
82 pop_sub(heap_init)
83 end subroutine
85 subroutine heap_end(heap)
86 class(heap_t), intent(inout) :: heap
88 push_sub(heap_end)
89 nullify(heap%a)
90 heap%length = 0
91 safe_deallocate_a(heap%sizes)
92 safe_deallocate_a(heap%indices)
93 pop_sub(heap_end)
94 end subroutine
96 subroutine heap_merge(heap, merged, index_map)
97 class(heap_t), intent(inout) :: heap
98 integer(int64), intent(inout) :: merged(:)
99 integer, optional, intent(inout) :: index_map(:)
101 integer :: i
103 push_sub(heap_merge)
105 ! make sure the heap was initialized
106 assert(associated(heap%a))
108 if (sum(heap%sizes) /= ubound(merged, dim=1)) then
109 message(1) = "Error! Mismatch in size of array when doing k-way merge!"
110 call messages_fatal(1)
111 end if
113 do i = 1, sum(heap%sizes)
114 ! extract the minimum element of the heap
115 merged(i) = heap%a(heap%indices(1))
116 if (present(index_map)) then
117 index_map(i) = heap%indices(1)
118 end if
119 ! replace by the next element of that array and reduce its size
120 heap%indices(1) = heap%indices(1) + 1
121 heap%sizes(1) = heap%sizes(1) - 1
122 if (heap%sizes(1) == 0) then
123 ! if this array is already empty, swap it with the last one and
124 ! reduce the size of the heap by one
125 call swap(heap, 1_4, heap%length)
126 heap%length = heap%length - 1
127 end if
128 ! down-sift (restore min-heap property)
129 call minheapify(heap, 1_4)
130 end do
131 pop_sub(heap_merge)
132 end subroutine
134 ! build the minheap by downsifting all parent nodes
135 subroutine build_minheap(heap)
136 class(heap_t), intent(inout) :: heap
138 integer :: i
140 ! this goes bottom up for all parent nodes
141 do i = heap%length/2, 1, -1
142 call minheapify(heap, i)
143 end do
144 end subroutine
146 ! downsifting from index i (restore minheap property)
147 recursive subroutine minheapify(heap, i)
148 class(heap_t), intent(inout) :: heap
149 integer, intent(in) :: i
151 integer :: left, right, smallest
153 left = 2*i
154 right = 2*i + 1
155 smallest = i
157 ! get the smallest value of both children (if they are still in the heap)
158 if (left <= heap%length) then
159 if (is_smaller(heap, left, smallest)) then
160 smallest = left
161 end if
162 end if
163 if (right <= heap%length) then
164 if (is_smaller(heap, right, smallest)) then
165 smallest = right
166 end if
167 end if
168 ! we only swap and downsift if one of the children is smaller
169 if (smallest /= i) then
170 call swap(heap, i, smallest)
171 call minheapify(heap, smallest)
172 end if
173 end subroutine
175 ! swap two of the sorted arrays in the heap
176 subroutine swap(heap, i, j)
177 class(heap_t), intent(inout) :: heap
178 integer, intent(in) :: i
179 integer, intent(in) :: j
181 ! swap index and associated size
182 call swap_int(heap%indices, i, j)
183 call swap_int(heap%sizes, i, j)
184 end subroutine
186 ! swap two integers
187 subroutine swap_int(a, i, j)
188 integer, intent(inout) :: a(:)
189 integer, intent(in) :: i
190 integer, intent(in) :: j
192 integer :: tmp
194 tmp = a(i)
195 a(i) = a(j)
196 a(j) = tmp
197 end subroutine
199 ! compare the current value of two arrays in the heap
200 logical function is_smaller(heap, i, j)
201 class(heap_t), intent(inout) :: heap
202 integer, intent(in) :: i
203 integer, intent(in) :: j
205 is_smaller = heap%a(heap%indices(i)) < heap%a(heap%indices(j))
206 end function
207end module heap_oct_m
subroutine heap_end(heap)
Definition: heap.F90:179
subroutine heap_init(heap, list, sizes)
Definition: heap.F90:136
logical function is_smaller(heap, i, j)
Definition: heap.F90:294
recursive subroutine minheapify(heap, i)
Definition: heap.F90:241
subroutine heap_merge(heap, merged, index_map)
Definition: heap.F90:190
subroutine swap(heap, i, j)
Definition: heap.F90:270
subroutine build_minheap(heap)
Definition: heap.F90:229
subroutine swap_int(a, i, j)
Definition: heap.F90:281
character(len=256), dimension(max_lines), public message
to be output by fatal, warning
Definition: messages.F90:160
subroutine, public messages_fatal(no_lines, only_root_writes, namespace)
Definition: messages.F90:414