Name XCDensityCorrection
Section Hamiltonian::XC::DensityCorrection
Type integer
Default none
This variable controls the long-range correction of the XC
potential using the XC density representation.
- none:
No correction is applied.
- long_range_x:
The correction is applied to the exchange potential.
Name XCDensityCorrectionCutoff
Section Hamiltonian::XC::DensityCorrection
Type float
Default 0.0
The value of the cutoff applied to the XC density.
Name XCDensityCorrectionMinimum
Section Hamiltonian::XC::DensityCorrection
Type logical
Default true
When enabled, the cutoff optimization will
return the first minimum of the qxc function if it does
not find a value of -1 (details).
This is required for atoms or small
molecules, but may cause numerical problems.
Name XCDensityCorrectionNormalize
Section Hamiltonian::XC::DensityCorrection
Type logical
Default true
When enabled, the correction will be
normalized to reproduce the exact boundary conditions of
the XC potential.
Name XCDensityCorrectionOptimize
Section Hamiltonian::XC::DensityCorrection
Type logical
Default true
When enabled, the density cutoff will be
optimized to replicate the boundary conditions of the exact
XC potential. If the variable is set to no, the value of
the cutoff must be given by the XCDensityCorrectionCutoff