Section Calculation Modes::Optimal Control
Type integer
Default control_fourier_series_h
If OCTControlRepresentation = control_function_parametrized, one must
specify the kind of parameters that determine the control function.
If OCTControlRepresentation = control_function_real_time, then this variable
is ignored, and the control function is handled directly in real time.
- control_fourier_series_h:
The control function is expanded as a full Fourier series (although it must, of course, be a real function). Then, the total fluence is fixed, and a transformation to hyperspherical coordinates is done; the parameters to optimize are the hyperspherical angles.
- control_zero_fourier_series_h:
The control function is expanded as a Fourier series, but assuming (1) that the zero frequency component is zero, and (2) the control function, integrated in time, adds up to zero (this essentially means that the sum of all the cosine coefficients is zero). Then, the total fluence is fixed, and a transformation to hyperspherical coordinates is done; the parameters to optimize are the hyperspherical angles.
- control_fourier_series:
The control function is expanded as a full Fourier series (although it must, of course, be a real function). The control parameters are the coefficients of this basis-set expansion.
- control_zero_fourier_series:
The control function is expanded as a full Fourier series (although it must, of course, be a real function). The control parameters are the coefficients of this basis-set expansion. The difference with the option control_fourier_series is that (1) that the zero-frequency component is zero, and (2) the control function, integrated in time, adds up to zero (this essentially means that the sum of all the cosine coefficients is zero).
- control_rt: