Navigation : Manual Input Variables - Atomic Orbitals - Calculation Modes - ClassicalParticles - DFTBPlusInterface - Execution - Hamiltonian - Linear Response - Math - Maxwell - Mesh - Output - SCF - States - System - Time-Dependent - Utilities -- oct-casida_spectrum -- oct-center-geom -- oct-conductivity_spectrum -- oct-convert -- oct-local_multipoles --- LDBaderThreshold --- LDEnd --- LDFilename --- LDFolder --- LDIonicDipole --- LDIterateFolder --- LDMultipoleLmax --- LDOutput --- LDOutputFormat --- LDOverWrite --- LDRadiiFile --- LDRestart --- LDRestartFolder --- LDStart --- LDStep --- LDUpdate --- LDUseAtomicRadii --- LocalDomains -- oct-photoelectron_spectrum -- oct-propagation_spectrum -- oct-spin_susceptibility -- oct-tdtdm -- oct-unfold -- oct-vibrational_spectrum -- oct-wannier90 -- oct-xyz-anim -- Volume - Alphabetic Index Tutorials Developers Releases LDEnd A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X LDEnd Section Utilities::oct-local_multipoles Type integer Default 0 The last number of the filename or folder. Source information utils/local_multipoles.F90 : 290 call parse_variable(global_namespace, 'LDEnd', 0, l_end)