14 use,
intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
38 integer,
intent(in) :: l, mr, nr
39 real(real64),
intent(inout) :: ylm(nr)
40 real(real64),
intent(inout) :: rr(nr), xx(3, nr)
46 real(real64) :: cost, phi
48 real(real64) :: bs2, bs3, bs6, bs12
54 if (l > 3 .or. l < -5) stop
'ylm_wannier l out of range '
56 if (mr < 1 .or. mr > 2*l + 1) stop
'ylm_wannier mr out of range'
58 if (mr < 1 .or. mr > abs(l) + 1) stop
'ylm_wannier mr out of range'
63 if (rr(ir) < 1e-12_real64)
72 cost = xx(3, ir) / rr(ir)
76 if (xx(1, ir) > 1e-12_real64)
77 phi =
atan(xx(2, ir) / xx(1, ir))
78 else if (xx(1,ir) < -1e-12_real64)
79 phi =
atan(xx(2, ir) / xx(1, ir)) +
88 if (mr == 1) ylm(ir) =
89 if (mr == 2) ylm(ir) =
px(cost, phi)
90 if (mr == 3) ylm(ir) =
py(cost, phi)
92 if (mr == 1) ylm(ir) =
93 if (mr == 2) ylm(ir) =
dxz(cost, phi)
94 if (mr == 3) ylm(ir) =
dyz(cost, phi)
95 if (mr == 4) ylm(ir) =
dx2my2(cost, phi)
96 if (mr == 5) ylm(ir) =
dxy(cost, phi)
98 if (mr == 1) ylm(ir) =
99 if (mr == 2) ylm(ir) =
fxz2(cost, phi)
100 if (mr == 3) ylm(ir) =
fyz2(cost, phi)
101 if (mr == 4) ylm(ir) =
fzx2my2(cost, phi)
102 if (mr == 5) ylm(ir) =
fxyz(cost, phi)
103 if (mr == 6) ylm(ir) =
fxx2m3y2(cost, phi)
104 if (mr == 7) ylm(ir) =
fy3x2my2(cost, phi)
106 if (mr == 1) ylm(ir) = bs2 * (
s() +
px(cost, phi))
107 if (mr == 2) ylm(ir) = bs2 * (
s() -
px(cost, phi))
109 if (mr == 1) ylm(ir) = bs3 *
s() - bs6 *
px(cost, phi) + bs2 *
py(cost, phi)
110 if (mr == 2) ylm(ir) = bs3 *
s() - bs6 *
px(cost, phi) - bs2 *
py(cost, phi)
111 if (mr == 3) ylm(ir) = bs3 *
s() +
m_two * bs6 *
px(cost, phi)
113 if (mr == 1) ylm(ir) =
s() +
px(cost, phi) +
py(cost, phi) +
114 if (mr == 2) ylm(ir) =
s() +
px(cost, phi) -
py(cost, phi) -
115 if (mr == 3) ylm(ir) =
s() -
px(cost, phi) +
py(cost, phi) -
116 if (mr == 4) ylm(ir) =
s() -
px(cost, phi) -
py(cost, phi) +
118 if (mr == 1) ylm(ir) = bs3 *
s() - bs6 *
px(cost, phi) + bs2 *
py(cost, phi)
119 if (mr == 2) ylm(ir) = bs3 *
s() - bs6 *
px(cost, phi) - bs2 *
py(cost, phi)
120 if (mr == 3) ylm(ir) = bs3 *
s() +
m_two * bs6 *
px(cost, phi)
121 if (mr == 4) ylm(ir) = bs2 *
pz(cost) + bs2 *
122 if (mr == 5) ylm(ir) =-bs2 *
pz(cost) + bs2 *
124 if (mr == 1) ylm(ir) = bs6 *
s() - bs2 *
px(cost, phi) -bs12 *
dz2(cost) +
m_half *
dx2my2(cost, phi)
125 if (mr == 2) ylm(ir) = bs6 *
s() + bs2 *
px(cost, phi) -bs12 *
dz2(cost) +
m_half *
dx2my2(cost, phi)
126 if (mr == 3) ylm(ir) = bs6 *
s() - bs2 *
py(cost, phi) -bs12 *
dz2(cost) -
m_half *
dx2my2(cost, phi)
127 if (mr == 4) ylm(ir) = bs6 *
s() + bs2 *
py(cost, phi) -bs12 *
dz2(cost) -
m_half *
dx2my2(cost, phi)
128 if (mr == 5) ylm(ir) = bs6 *
s() - bs2 *
pz(cost) +bs3 *
129 if (mr == 6) ylm(ir) = bs6 *
s() + bs2 *
pz(cost) +bs3 *
143 real(real64) ::
pz, cost
147 function px(cost, phi)
148 real(real64) ::
px, cost, phi, sint
153 function py(cost, phi)
154 real(real64) ::
py, cost, phi, sint
161 real(real64) ::
dz2, cost
165 function dxz(cost, phi)
166 real(real64) ::
dxz, cost, phi, sint
171 function dyz(cost, phi)
172 real(real64) ::
dyz, cost, phi, sint
177 function dx2my2(cost, phi)
178 real(real64) ::
dx2my2, cost, phi, sint
183 function dxy(cost, phi)
184 real(real64) ::
dxy, cost, phi, sint
191 real(real64) ::
fz3, cost
192 fz3 = 0.25_real64 *
sqrt(7.0_real64 /
m_pi) * (5.0_real64 * cost * cost -
m_three) * cost
195 function fxz2(cost, phi)
196 real(real64) ::
fxz2, cost, phi, sint
198 fxz2 = 0.25_real64 *
sqrt(10.5_real64 /
m_pi) * (5.0_real64 * cost * cost -
m_one) * sint *
201 function fyz2(cost, phi)
202 real(real64) ::
fyz2, cost, phi, sint
204 fyz2 = 0.25_real64 *
sqrt(10.5_real64 /
m_pi) * (5.0_real64 * cost * cost -
m_one) * sint *
208 real(real64) ::
fzx2my2, cost, phi, sint
213 function fxyz(cost, phi)
214 real(real64) ::
fxyz, cost, phi, sint
220 real(real64) ::
fxx2m3y2, cost, phi, sint
226 real(real64) ::
fy3x2my2, cost, phi, sint
double sin(double __x) __attribute__((__nothrow__
double atan(double __x) __attribute__((__nothrow__
double sqrt(double __x) __attribute__((__nothrow__
double cos(double __x) __attribute__((__nothrow__
real(real64), parameter, public m_two
real(real64), parameter, public m_zero
real(real64), parameter, public m_four
real(real64), parameter, public m_pi
some mathematical constants
real(real64), parameter, public m_half
real(real64), parameter, public m_one
real(real64), parameter, public m_three
real(real64) function fxx2m3y2(cost, phi)
real(real64) function fy3x2my2(cost, phi)
real(real64) function py(cost, phi)
real(real64) function fxz2(cost, phi)
real(real64) function fz3(cost)
real(real64) function dz2(cost)
real(real64) function dxz(cost, phi)
real(real64) function pz(cost)
real(real64) function fzx2my2(cost, phi)
real(real64) function dxy(cost, phi)
real(real64) function fxyz(cost, phi)
real(real64) function dyz(cost, phi)
real(real64) function dx2my2(cost, phi)
real(real64) function px(cost, phi)
subroutine, public ylm_wannier(ylm, l, mr, rr, xx, nr)
real(real64) function s()
real(real64) function fyz2(cost, phi)