subroutine | xc_photons_oct_m::xc_photons_init (xc_photons, namespace, xc_photon, space, gr, st) |
| initialize the photon-exchange functional More...
subroutine | xc_photons_oct_m::xc_photons_end (this) |
subroutine | xc_photons_oct_m::xc_photons_v_ks (xc_photons, namespace, total_density, gr, space, psolver, ep, st) |
| evaluate the KS potential and energy for the given functional More...
subroutine | xc_photons_oct_m::photon_free_vpx_lda (namespace, xc_photons, total_density, gr, space, psolver) |
| compute the electron-photon exchange potential within the LDA More...
subroutine | laplacian_op (x, hx) |
| Computes Hx = (\Laplacian) x. More...
subroutine | get_px_source (px_source) |
subroutine | xc_photons_oct_m::photon_free_vpx_wfc (namespace, xc_photons, total_density, gr, space, st) |
| compute the electron-photon exchange potential based on wave functions More...
subroutine | xc_photons_oct_m::xc_photons_add_mean_field (xc_photons, gr, space, kpoints, st, time, dt) |
| accumulate the results of time integral the paramagnetic current. More...
logical pure function | xc_photons_oct_m::xc_photons_wants_to_renormalize_mass (xc_photons) |
| indicate whether the photon-exchange requires a renormalized electron mass More...
real(real64) pure function | xc_photons_oct_m::xc_photons_get_renormalized_emass (xc_photons) |
| return the renormalized electron mass for the electron-photon exhange More...
subroutine | xc_photons_oct_m::xc_photons_mf_dump (xc_photons, restart, ierr) |
| write restart information More...
subroutine | xc_photons_oct_m::xc_photons_mf_load (xc_photons, restart, space, ierr) |
| load restart information More...